forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Raz had begun to expect that he really wasn't going to find a single thing wrong with this place. He happily ate the food, occassionally looking up at the restaurant around them and taking in the place. He hadn't ever imagined himself on a honeymoon this beautiful, much less with someone he adored so dearly. He of course had wanted to settle with so.o e but deep down he figured it was going to be a quiet, mostly peaceful marriage. There wasn't anything wrong with that but with Jay, Raz knew he'd never have question if he made the right choice, or if he truly wanted this life. He'd always be happy and proud to call himself Jay's husband, even if Raz wondered if Jay could have done better.


Jay never could have imagined himself settling down and getting married. Especially not to someone who had his entire heart in their hands. After his last relationship had gotten him killed, he'd been wary. But here he was. On his honeymoon with his husband that he loved more than life itself. It still surprised him to this day that he'd gotten this far, that someone as perfect as Raz loved him. And while he was sure he was never going to question his choice ever, he couldn't help but wonder who Raz would've gone with if they had never met, who would be in his place right now.


Raz looked up his husband, a soft smile falling into his lips. Despite what Jay had told him, he knew that the man sitting across from his was anything but a demon. In a way, Jay had saved him. Even if they had their bumps in the road, he wouldn't give any of it up, even the parts with Markus. It he knew that's he'd end up here with the the one he loved the most then he'd gladly go through all that against to end up here with Jay.


Jay glanced up from his food with a slight smile. "There's that beautiful smile I love so much."
Jay absolutely adored every part of the man in front of him. After everything they'd been through, after all the distance and the strain on their relationship, they came out stronger on the other side. And he knew that he'd go through all of it again and more if it meant ending up back here in this moment with the man he loved.


Raz huffed a laugh and set his napkin in the his empty plate. "Sorry, I didn't realize I was staring. Just got lost in thought." Raz said, finding the dessert menu and scanning through it while Jay finished his meal


Raz shrugged and set the menu between them so they both could see. "Just how we got here and our future and how'd I'd go through everything we've been through again to be here with you." He chuckled lightly and scanned the options


Raz laughed softly and nodded "it's a lot to take in especially now that we're married. But I'm glad we finally got to this point together." He sighed softly and gently squeezed his husband's hand


"It really feels weird to say that we're married. I don't know, maybe that's just because I never saw myself getting married." He shrugged with a soft smile.


"neither did I. Not this early at least, and definytely not this happily." Raz smiled back before turning to approaching waiter and ordering the dessert.


Raz shrugged "I don't know. Probably just a life that I'd be content with. Someone who was okay with marrying me. If I didn't getarried I'd probably live with Logan." He flicked his gaze up to Jays "I don't think I could be happier with anyone else. It's hard to imagine being in a relationship where my husband isn't you."


Raz shook his head and kissed Jay's hand "i would love to be stuck with you for eternity my love. I could think of no better way than to spend my eternity than with you."


Raz chuckled lightly "mhm, like a few contracts here and there." He teased, setting aside the menu. "Ah yes then there's the matter of our friends who'd be absolutely devastated if we split." He added on


"Oh yes, them too. I think Logan would actually have a heart attack if something happened to us. Jackson would just try to slap some sense into me. Literally."


Ra et out a laugh and nodded "yeah, probably." He sighed softly "but that won't happen, I don't plan on letting you go any time soon. though It'd be very interesting to see their reactions." He mused


"probably, I dont't hink Logan would ever forgibee if I did that, no matter how much coffee I gave him." Raz laughed and glanced up, nodding in thanks to the waiter as he brought over the deserts.


"I'd love to see them kick me out if my own house." Raz challenged with a smirk, taking a preice of the dessert. He had ordered a lava cake with maple ice cream and homade buscuitws, something that had reminded him of his mother's cooking


"they probably would actually." Raz chuckled lightly and shook his head "our dear friends, what wodld we do without them." He nodded in agreement as he ate