forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

people_alt 79 followers


"hm, that is true." Raz went back out onto the balcony to retrieve his art supplies and notebook before flopping down onto the bed


Raz blushed at the mention of framing his drawings. "Uhm, if you want." He squeaked, ducking his head in embarrassment as he continued ending in the colors of the beach scene


Raz swatted at him playfully, laughing along with Jay. "Thank you love, I'm glad you like it." He shook his head and patted the spot beside him "we can frame it if I do that mess up."


Raz smiled softly and leaned into Jay as he continued to work on the piece, occasionally taking the time brush through Jay's hair as he paused to look up at the bacony and his drawing
"Can we go out later? Maybe pick up another one of those chocolate strawberries on the way?" He asked softly. "I still kinda feel guilty for yesterday, kinda wanted to drop by and say sorry."


Raz shrugged "hm, maybe but I didn't need to be that mean. She was just admiring you. There's nothing wrong with that either." He sighed softly and shook his head "just a nagginfeeling I had, it'll probably go away soon."


"Hey, the only one I want to get admired by is you." He kissed Raz's cheek softly. "So I appreciate you saying something so I didn't have to."


Raz nudged Jay's head affectionately and sighed "I mean I can't blame her for trying to flirt, you are extremely attractive." He smirked and pressed a kiss to his jawline, "I just wanted to drop by to make sure I didn't break her self esteem or anything."


"I don't think I did, it's all kinda in a haze if red so I don't really know. Plus she kinda started it so I'm sure I'm justifying some insult." He shrugged helplessly, "I just want to make sure I didn't hurt her. She seemed really nice up until she made a move towards you."


Raz sighed softly and nodded slowly "alright, you're right. Guess it's just something I'll have to shake off." He offered a small smile "you aren't gazed by stuff like that? Where people try and flirt with you? I mean I guess it kinda da comes with the job but still, you don't find it hard not to ignoring sometimes?"


"then we'll call that a learning experience." Raz reasoned, setting aside his drawing for now and curling up against Jay.


"too late, I'm kinda already psyched out." He huffed a small sigh "you're much better at hiding it than I am." He chuckled lightly resting against Jay, lightly tracing the now fading bruises on his neck


"hm very true." Raz nodded and pressed a kiss to Jay's skin. "All I've had is a coffee addict, and God knows that hyper marshmallow knowns nothing about control." He laughed and glanced over at the open balcony


"a delight? Darling, i looking like a poor cat who's been thrown into a pool." He chuckled lightly and sat up "but sure, we definately can go for a swim, the water is gorgeous."


"when was the last time you went swimming?" Raz asked, bouncing off the bed to find clothes to change into