"It's not the waffles, it's the getting out of bed." He chuckled, tossing his hair out of his face. "How's your head doing? You did drink a bit last night and I forgot to ask."
"It's not the waffles, it's the getting out of bed." He chuckled, tossing his hair out of his face. "How's your head doing? You did drink a bit last night and I forgot to ask."
"hm? Oh it's alright. I have a slight hangover but it's not as bad as I thought it'd be." He replied with a reassuring smile. "How are the waffles?" He asked, nodding his head to Jay's plate
Jay dug into his waffles and nodded. "They're good. Nice and fluffy and warm. Could use a bit more syrup but that might just be my sweet tooth kicking in."
Raz nodded with a small laugh "we can always order more next time." He replied, trying to sneakily take a small bite of waffled from Jay's plate to try.
"Sweetheart, if you want some of my waffles, you can just ask. You don't need to steal it from me." He chuckled, never taking his eyes away from the scenery next to them.
"well I didn't want to distract you." He followed Jay's gaze to the beach and horizon. "How Long do think it'd take authorities to find us if we decided to overstay?"
"Not long enough. Besides, even if they didn't find us, Logan and Jackson absolutely would. They'd raise hell if we didn't return so let's not do that."
"ah shoot, you're right. I forgot we had helicopter friends at home." He sighed whistfully, "ah well, maybe we can plan a trip back for all of us and stay a bit longer." He suggested with a small smile, popping in a blueberry
"Maybe we can. Now that those two are finally bonded, we don't have to worry about losing Logan from our group if something goes wrong."
Raz nodded "I don't think we would have lost Logan even if he Didn't bond with Jackson, he loves him and us far too much to ever leave." he smiled softly as he gazed out onto he horizon
"I was thinking tragic accident so three of us are in hell and one of us isn't but yeah, let's think optimistic and living." Jay chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "That's me being used to dealing in death, not life."
"I really hope none of us die in a tragic accident. But I guess you are right, it is more reassuring knowing all of us, once we die eventually, will all end up right where we started, together." He said, reaching across the table and gently taking Jay's hand.
Jay's posture relaxed, giving Raz a grateful smile. "That's true. Besides, going through hell alone is pretty taxing. It's why I'm so glad I had Jackson with me."
Raz gently ran his thumb along the back of Jay's hand. "It might be harder to move away from them than I thought." Raz mused softly "I'm glad we'll all end up together at the end and begining of our lives."
"Yep! You're officially stuck with the two of us for the rest of eternity. No turning back now, you started this."
He chuckled lightly "I'm absolutely fine with being glued at the hip with my favorite people for the rest of my life and the beginning of my new one." He reassured, gently squeezing Jay's hand before standing to clear the table
Jay helped him with the empty dishes, taking a few minutes to watch Raz with a lovestruck grin.
Raz glanced up, feeling Jay's gaze on him. "Is something wrong? Did I get chocolate on your shirt?" He glanced down at himself, trying to see if there was a stain somewhere. "I don't see anything." He glanced back up at Jay and saw him smiling. He chuckled lightly and gently pressed a hand to his cheek "and to what do I owe this loving gaze for, hm?"
"For being beautiful. For being my husband. For being you." Jay leaned into Raz's touch, never taking his eyes away.
Raz smiled softly and rested on Jay's lap. "Always yours, my love." He murmured softly, pressing kiss to his lips. When he broke away, he too held his husband's gaze "I would argue you're the beautiful one here darling. But I'd rather not start off our marriage with arguing." He nudged Jay's head affectionately, whispering and 'i love you' before standing and taking the plates to the sink
"Are you going to wash the plates? With what? Hand soap? Raz, honey, they have dishwashers for that."
"I know that, I was just going to rinse off the crumbs and stuff. Less work for them to do later." He reasoned, setting the rinsed plates and utensils aside so the staff could come back later
"You're too sweet for your own good, you really are."
"ah be glad that you let me sleep in love, otherwise this would be a very different situation." He smirked and brought the plateS, utensils, and tray near the door.
"Well I was barely awake myself, what kind of person would I be if I woke you up when I wasn't getting up anytime soon?"
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