forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"I can live with that." He laughed softly and gazed up at Jay, gently cupping his cheek. "I've always been yours my love, just as you've always been mine." He kissed Jay's lips, his jaw, his neck then returned back to his lips. "We'll make up for those years lost." He promised


"Oh I know we will. But you may not be conscious to see the end of it if I have my way." He licked his lips with a sly smile. "But please, keep tempting me. See where it gets you."


Raz shook his head "if that's so, know that I have no expectation of getting up early tomorrow, or even not all." He warned with a grin, glancing up at the Knicks from the door. "I do believe that's our dinner."


"Well then, we should get that." Jay went over and answered the door, grabbing their food and thanking the deliverer before shutting the door and coming back over with the tray. "Dinner is served, my prince."


Raz pulled over the small dining room table and chairs they had at the hotel to their balcony so that they could enjoy the sunset while having dinner. "This looks amazing! I can't wait to dig in." He found a few glasses in the small kitchen area as well as some utensils and napkins, handing a few off to Jay and settling down in the chair


Jay helped set the table and put the food down, taking a sip from his water as he handed over the rose to his husband. "Did this come with a bottle opener? I haven't handled alcohol bottles in a long time."


"oh shoot, I don't think so…" Raz glanced around on the tray of good before standing up and rumaging around the small kitchen. "Uhm, there is a corkscrew." He said, holding up the object and waving it around. "This'll work if we don't break the bottle first."


"I can work a corkscrew. No one else in my family was ever strong enough to do it so now I'm an expert despite never really drinking myself. It's an unfortunate conundrum."


"oh that's just torture," Raz laughed and handed over the bottle and corkscrew. "Don't worry, you won't even notice I'm drinking at all." He pressed a kiss to his husband's cheek and stepped back a bit, just in case the cork flew somewhere


Jay rolled his eyes with a smile, working the corkscrew with practiced ease, popping the cork out after a minute. "Tada. Easy. Well, easy now. But regardless, it's done."


"thank you my love, now let's eat before this gets cold." He exclaimed bringing the bottle over to the table and settling down in his seat. He glanced out onto the horizon, catching the last few rays of sunlight. He smiled softly and started eating, humming softly in surprise at how good the food was


Raz nodded enthusiastically and took another bite of delicious food. He half expected the food to be mediocre at best since they were at a hotel but he was pleasently surprised that it was delicious and far better than any food he had eaten at any other hotel


"I told you, I got what you deserved and no less than that. Do you really think I would've taken you somewhere if the food was bad?" He chuckled and took a sip of his coconut water.


"no, but I also didn't expect everything to be adsolutly perfect." Raz replied with a small smile "I honestly still can't believe we're here, in this beautiful place, together and married."


"Well you better believe it because it's true." Jay cleaned his plate, licking the remaining spices off his lips before sitting back. "Ah, that was good."


Raz finished a few minutes later, munching on the side of the bread that had came with the meal as he looked over the meaning again. "It really was, I can't wait to try the rest of the meals on here! Ooh and we still have the chocolate, don't we?"


Raz chuckled lightly and gently held Jay's wrist so that he was steady as he took a bite of the strawberry. "You're a tease, you know that right darling?" He took another strawberry from the box. "These are took good to share." He ate the other strawberry, only leaving the stem


"I'm sorry my love, but chocolate is a lethal vice." He nudged the box towards Jay and offered a smile. "You poor creature, you know nothing is more important to me than you, not even chocolate."


"Well I appreciate the sentiment." He took one of the strawberries, biting into it with a smile. "Hmm, not bad. Not as good as my German ones but it's definitely up there. But then again, German chocolate is hard to top."


"hard to please, aren't you my love." Raz purred, standing and pressing a kiss to Jay's brow before finding pyjamas in the luggage bags, a loose fitting shirt and fluffy shorts. "I'll be back in a few minutes." He said, closing the door behind him and starting a shower


Jay dropped back onto the bed, willing himself to change into his usually fluffy sleep pants without a shirt. He sighed in contentment, smiling at the ceiling.


Raz took around half an hour to shower, reveling in the warm water. He eventually stepped out of the shower, a towel on his head to dry his hair as he pulled on the shirt and pants. E came back out to the living room a few moments later and flopped down next to Jay, resting his head against his chest.