forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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He hummed softly and nodded, finding the menu and sitting on The edge of the bed. He resting his chin in his hands and read off the menu. "Ooh the waffles sounds really good! There's a full steak for breakfast, some pancakes, and some soup." He said, showing Jay


Raz nodded and found the phone "hi, yes it's me again. We'll take an order of waffles with whip cream, syrup, and strawberries. And another order with chocolate, and bluderries. Yes same room, thank you so much!" He hung up and flopped back into the bed


"was last night not enough?" He teased, spreading his arms. "Alright, come on my love, there's no such thing as too much cuddling."


Jay settled comfortably into Raz's arms, humming in contentment. "No, it'll never be enough. And now that we're married it's just going to be even worse."


"I wouldn't consider that a bad thing. I'd be more than happy to cuddle with you for hours on end." He smiled softly and undid Jay's now messy braid, detangling anything and massaging his scalp. He brushed his hand along one of the neared bite marks, smirking to himself in satisfaction before going back to playing with Jay's hair


Jay sighed in contentment as his scalp was massaged. "That feels so much better. I knew you'd like having something to pull at but you pull rough." He laughed, leaning back into Raz's touch.


Raz shook his head with a laugh and pressed a kiss to Jay's brow "I hadn't realized, sorry love." He glanced out at the bacony and smiled softly relaxing into the comfort of the bed. "I wonder how Lo and Jackson are doing? Probably tired from the wedding yesterday." It still felt like a complete dream that Jay and Raz had gotten married only a mere 12 hours ago.


"They're probably still in bed. Probably left to go get coffee, came back, and went right back into bed just like we did. Can't say I blame them, they did a lot yesterday."


"they really did, they do deserve a nice long break." He agreed with a small smile. "We'll have to set up an amazing wedding for them as a thank you." He said, gently shaking out ajay's now detangled hair. "There, nice ans wavy."


"That we will, won't we." He blew a piece of hair out of his face and looked up at Raz. "Thank you my beloved. Maybe one day I'll convince you to grow your hair out so I can do the same for you."


"not a chance my king, I tried once to grow my hair out and," he shook his head at the memory. "Let's just say it did not look good." He laughed softly "besides, I like the fluff I have." He ran a hand through his own hair, now more fluffy that he had showered the night before.


"thank you my love." He pressed a kiss to Jay's lips and smiled adoringly. "So generous, my king." He chuckled lightly. He pulled the sheets over them again, settling into the comfort of the bed and Jay's warmth.


"Do you want to answer the door when breakfast gets here or should I. Because I don't want to get up but I also don't want you to leave me."


"sure, it'll probably be less akward for the poor staff member if somone with clothes on answers the door, no one needs to see all this." He hugged Jay and pressed a kiss to to his shoulder "you're mine and only mine, no else gets to see your beautiful self."


"Hey, maybe they need it. I am devilishly handsome for a reason." He laughed. "But I suppose you're right. No need to traumatize the staff."


"that or give them a reason to keep finding excuses to keep coming back." He laughed softly, gently cupping Jay's cheek. "Beautiful creature," he murmured softly, pressing a kiss to his brow before gently nudging Jay off of him


Jay begrudgingly let Raz get up, though he never took his eyes off of his husband. It was his honeymoon, he had an excuse for never wanting to stop staring at him.


Raz grabbed Jay's suit jacket from where it had been folded with the rest of their wedding clothes to cover his own bruised neck, Jay's shirt too oversized on Raz to really cover anything above the shoulders. "Love, I'm not prey." He teased, winking as he passed the bed to the door.


"Oh? Is that the stance you're taking? I don't know, I think the lovedrunk you from last night would disagree with you." Jay shot him an innocent smile with a chuckle.


Raz rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out before opening the door and greeting the hotel staff, thanking them for the breakfast and tipping them before closing the door.
"I'd be inclined to agree with past me if it weren't for the promise of a delicious breakfast." Raz replied sweetly, setting the suit jacket aside and heading to the balcony with the food "you coming or are you going to stay there?"


He groaned dramatically but got out of bed, throwing on his pajama pants from last night so he was at least slightly clothed and stepped out onto the balcony.


Raz chuckled lightly "I never knew you'd be so upset when offered waffles, my love." Raz mused with a smile, finding his own plate of warm waffles as well as the sides of chocolate and bluderries in their separate containers