forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"Have a nice shower, my prince?" He combed his fingers through Raz's wet hair. "If I'd known you were taking one, I would've gone in to join you."


Raz trilled softly and leaned into Jay's touch. "It was very nice." He replied, gazing up at his husband. "You're really persistent aren't you my king?" He laughed softly and pressed a kiss to his lips


(mind if we skip this bit?)
"I know my love, but your wait is over." He murmured against his lips, letting Jay tug him close. He lightly resting hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat and breathing, similar to his own


(Not at all! If you're not comfortable with writing it, we can skip!)
Jay relaxed into his touch, feeling his cheeks warm knowing that he was finally, finally, going to be able to give Raz the treatment he deserved.


(yes please, and thank you!)
Raz laughed softly and pressed a gentle hand to Jay's cheek "you would have thought, for all the talk you've been doing about this, you wouldn't be blushing right now." He smiled softly pressing kisses to Jay's neck and jaw


"Oh shut up." Jay laughed, pulling Raz into a rough kiss. This was going to be a long night.

When Jay woke up the next morning to the sun streaming through the balcony window, he almost forgot where he was. Well, for someone tangled in his own sheets to he point where he didn't know which way was up, half conscious and in another country, you really couldn't blame him but still. He yawned and looked down, smiling at his beloved husband on his chest, kissing the top of his head.


Raz whined softly, pressing closer to Jay as he shifted on the bed. He yanked the sheets around himself, covering his exposed body. "If you think I'm getting up anytime time soon, you are hilariously wrong." He murmured, a soft groan escaping him as he moved slightly, his body still sore.


"No, no, I know you're not. I'm honestly surprised you can even speak after the beating you put on your voice last night." Jay snuggled Raz close, peppering his face with kisses. "I love you. You know that, don't you?"


"hm, no thanks to you might I add." He murmured, blushing slightly. He laughed softly and returned the kisses. "Yes my king, I know." He replied, pressing his face against the crook of Jay's neck. "I love you too."


Raz nodded, hiding a yawn before settling comfortably in Jay's arms, his head resting against his shoulder. He curled up close to his husband, sheilded away from the world, content with just being warm and comfortable for now


Jay was more than happy to lay there and protect his husband from anything that was outside of their bed right now. He fought back a yawn himself, still feeling a bit drowsy.


"sleep my love, it's still too early to be awake anyways." Raz murmured, lightly tracing patterns along Jay's skin. He pressed a kiss to his chest before closing his eyes and dozing off again, unable to stay awake much longer


Raz slept for a few more hours that morning, only stirring enough to press closer to Jay or to hide from the rising sun that came through the balcony. He eventually awoke, breathing in a deep sigh and opened his eyes, a smile spreading as he watched his husband sleep.


Jay was still passed out next to him, completely unaware of the changing world around him. Although if Raz didn't wake him soon, the now starting to sting bite marks on his neck and shoulders certainly would.


Raz gently brushed aside hair from Jay's brow and pressed a kiss to his nose "my love, do you plan on sleeping in all day? I'm not going to argue with that but we do need to eat something."


"gorgeous creature, what am I going to do with you?" He teased, pressing a kiss to his lip before scooting out of bed. He found there clothes strewn on the floor and pulled on his fluffy shorts and Jay's shirt. He went over to the luggage bag just to see what had been packed inside and organize a bit when he found a familiar notebook. He smiled softly and flipped through the pages, looking over his old drawings. He landed on one of his favorite drawings, one of Jay, almost all done in line art while the rest was his eyes were in colored pencil, reflecting his ever changing eye color. He smiled softly and went into the bag again, finding a small pencil case with various colored pencils and drawing markers. He glanced over at Jay and smiled "you know me too well." He laughed softly and pulled over a chair out onto the balcony. He curled up and gazed out onto the beach, peaceful and warm in the morning light and started to sketch out the scene on his notebook


It took a few more minutes until Jay joined him on the balcony, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and resting his chin on Raz's head. "Whatcha doin'?"


He hummed softly and showed Jay what he had began to color in, using a more abstract take the scene than a literal one. "Though it better than just a picture." He explained, reaching up and gently brushing his hand along his cheek. "Sleep well?"


"Yes yes, very well. Did you?" He glanced between the image and the actual beach, humming in approval. "It's a very nice picture but I think I like it better when recreated by you."


He nodded "one of the best nights I've ever had." He smirked and continued with his drawing, adding in a few more details before setting it aside for later. "Thank you, my king, and thank for packing this." Raz stood and pressed a kiss to Jay's cheek. "Ready for breakfast?"


"Hey, at least you can't say I don't know how to pack for you." He laughed, standing back and heading inside. "Let's get some breakfast, I'm starving."