forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Raz nodded with a yawn before stretching and helping Jay clear their little area. He glanced out the window, seeing an expanse of lush green forests. He gently tugged a Jay's sleeve as the beaches came into view, a sudden while contrast to the greenery then the turquoise blue of the water


"no, just surprised that we're actually here." He turned to his husband and pulled him into a kiss. "Thank you my king, not only for the honeymoon but for all the years we've had together and the many more we'll have." He murmured softly.


"To hell and back, my beloved." He whispered before standing, grabbing their luggage and pulling him off the plane. He sighed in relief as they stepped into the airport, listening to the sounds of the tropical paradise around them. "Right, here is our refuge for the next week. Hope you don't mind."


Raz beamed up at Jay. "Always." He followed close to Jay as they made their way out of the airport. "A week in literal paradise with the love of my life?" He sighed dramatically "I guess I can deal with it for a week." He chuckled lightly, not sure where to look first, at the boardwalks lining the white beaches, or to the trees bordering the outer edges of the roads leading deeper to the town


"Well, let's go get checked in and then we can explore the beaches." He guided Raz to the hotel they were staying at, checking into the honeymoon suite. It was a beautiful room with a large luxurious bed and an open window leading to a balcony outside. Jay dropped their bags by the chest of drawers and smiled. "Well, here we are."


Raz stood in the middle of the room for a moment, taking in the gorgeous room. He broke out of his amazement and jumped into the bed, curling up in the silky smooth sheets and fluffy pillows. "You've out done yourself my king."


"like doesn't even begin to describe it," he replied, sitting up and wrapping his arms around his husband's waist. " I love it here and I love you." He pressed a kiss to the corner of Jay's mouth.


Raz nodded and bounced off the bed. He found his suit case and pulled out a few items of clothes, a simple blue button down shirt and some beach shorts. He disappeared into the bathroom to change, coming out a few moments taking layer in changed clothes and a near pile of folded wedding clothes


Jay was already changed by the time he came back, sticking to his red theme although a bit lighter than his wedding clothes. "Like I said, blue really is your color."


Raz glanced down at himself "thank you." He found flip flops in anotjer suitcase and gently took Jay's hand in his "and you look very handsome in red." He kissed his cheek and pulled him.out the door


Raz nodded in agreement, "it really is," he walked off a few yards, looking out on the horizon then at the waters as they lazily lapped at the shores. Raz scooted forwards a bit so that the water washed over his feet but never farther above the ankles. He shivered in delight at the cool water and closed his eyes letting the sun warm him


Jay quickly followed him, slipping his hands into Raz's and lacing their fingers together. He stared out at the horizon, watching the waves come in.


Raz pressed a kiss to the back of Jay's hand and rested his head back against his chest. He glanced up at his husband with a smile and reached up on his toes to press a kiss to his chin.


Jay broke out of his daze at that, looking down at Raz and kissing his forehead. "You've been very affectionate today. Not that I'm complaining but it's certainly different."


"Am not allowed to be affection towards my husband? Especially right after our wedding and on our honeymoon?" He asked innocently with a tilt of his head.


(Idea, someone starts to flirt with Jay and Raz gets defensive. We've seen Jay defensive but I don't think we've ever seen Raz)
"I never said that. I was just pointing it out." He laughed, nudging his husband lightly. "Besides, there will be plenty of affection tonight. Wedding nights are special for a reason~"


(oh? Yes! Not sure how outwardly defensive Raz would be in the moment but we can definately do something like that^)

"Ah that they are my love," he replied, glad that he was facing the water as his cheeks warmed. "Don't worry, I'd never stop loving you my king, ever." He reaausred. "In the meantime we go exploring the town or boardwalks."


"I say the boardwalks. We could get Logan and Jackson some souvenirs. Maybe it'll convince Jackson to hurry it the hell up with proposing." He laughed, pulling Raz towards the boardwalks with a him.


Raz nodded "we just have to convince one of them to actually go through with the proposal, it can't be so hard." He shook his head with a laugh and gazed out onto the peeks if beaches they could see through the trees and building


"Well, regardless, someone has to do it." He chuckled and pulled him into a small shop to look around. The woman at the register looked up and smiled. "Good afternoon gentlemen, is there anything I can help you find?" "Oh no, we're just looking." Her smile widened when Jay spoke to her, her posture shifting to be a bit, well, flirtier. "Well, I'm here if you need anything." Her voice held a little extra sugar coating to it although if Jay noticed, he didn't say anything about it.