forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Jay took his hand and led him into the room, waving to their guests as they applauded their entrance. "For a small crowd, the acoustics of this room really make them sound a lot bigger."


Raz waved and smiled at their guests. "It is a music Hall after all." He took a look around the hall and smiled, the ornate ceilings gilded in God's and silvers shined in the evening light streaming in through the windows.


Raz nodded and followed Jay a table they had set up previously. He settled beside Jay, resting his head against his husband's shoulder watching as the guests all started receiving their food. Raz glanced up as a woman approached them and nearly jumped out of seat, wrapping her in his arms.
"I can't believe you made it!"
Raz' mother laughed softly and shook her head "and miss my son's wedding? Are you kidding me?" She shook her head and pressed a kiss to his head "never."


Jay sat back and watched. Raz looked so happy with his mother, although that was to be expected. He scanned the room, looking over the other guests with a quiet satisfaction.


"so are you going to introduce me to your stunning husband or am I going to have to continue wondering who my son in law is for the rest of my life?" She drawled
Raz laughed softly and nodded, looping arms with her and leading her over to the table. "Mom, this is the love of my life, Jay. Jay this is the only woman I have ever loved, my mom Jessie." He introduced


He stood and walked around the table to greet her properly. "It's a pleasure, ma'am. I'd say Mom but my own mother is sitting right over there and she'd probably slap me." He laughed, smiling brightly at her.


Jessie shook her head with laughed "no need for that sweetheart. Jessie will do just fine." She replied, glancing the two and sighing whistfully. "Well, I won't take up anymore more of your time for now, Razzy I expect a dance soon." She called as she walked off towards her table.


"Speaking of which," Jay pulled Raz out to the dance floor, extending his hand with a bow and flashing a winning smile. "May I have this first dance, my prince?"


"how could I say no?" Raz laughed lightly and gently took Jay's hand in his own. "Smooth aren't youy king?" He murmured, wrapping his arms around Jay's neck and watching as the room darkened, the whine if a violin filling the music hall, a deep romantic song, accompanied by a cello.


Jay simply chuckled with a wink. "I don't know what you're talking about." He led Raz into the dance, sweeping him around the floor with a bit of proud showing off but hey, it was his wedding day so he deserved to show off a little.


"Oh You know exactly what I'm talking about?" He purred, gazing up at his beloved as they danced around the floor. "I didn't know you danced so well," he mused, his smile never faltering.


"well I'm glad at least one of us decided to learn how to properly dance before the wedding." He laughed, fairly certain he would have stumbled a good amount by now if it weren't for Jay holding him securely.


"it does indeed," Raz agreed, smiling softly as the song came to a slow end. He pressed a kiss to Jay's cheek.
"I never knew how well my little brother could dance." Raz glanced up as his brother approached, a young girl clinging tightly to his hand.
"and I never knew my older brother would actually show up to my wedding." Raz jabbed, arching an eyebrow with a small smile


Jay chuckled at the interaction, it felt like one he'd have with his own siblings. "Raz, who's this handsome gentleman?" He nudged his husband lightly.


Raz sighed softly "Jay this is my annoying older brother Greyson."
Greyson smiled and nodded to Jay. "A pleasure to finally know who my little brother has been sleeping with all these years."
Raz hugged grey while also wackig him upside the head. He took a step back and crouched down. "Oh don't tell me you forgot who your favorite uncle is." He cooed, gently hugging the little girl who had been holding Greyson's hand. Raz scooped her up and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "And this little princess is Greyson's devil spawn, Claire."


Jay laughed and shook his head watching Raz with his family. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both. Though I can't say I have many expectations seeing as Raz isn't really one to talk about his family."


"ah, I believe that has more to do with me than him." Greyson said sheepishly.
Raz sighed softly and hugged his brother again. "This is a good start." He said with a smile. "Now enough if this sappy stuff, there's still a party to be had!"


"That there is! And I swear to God if Jackson half asses this, I will choke him." Jay huffed as he took Raz's hand and pulled him over to their table.


Raz pressed a kiss to Claire's head before handing her back to Greyson. " I'll see you later Grey!" He called as Jay dragged him away. "My love, you promised no violence today or during the honeymoon." He reminded, gently squeezing his hand and pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.


"Yes it is." Raz replied, settling beside Jay and gazing around the room as more guests mingled about, some dancing some talking, all seemingly happy. "So what's our plan to get Logan and Jackson to propose to each other hm?" He whispered to Jay, watching as the two danced in the middle of the floor


"Give it time, darling. First I have to convince Jackson to make the ring. Once he has it, he'll finally be willing to work up the nerve to do it since he hates to leave a project unused."