forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Jay sighed heavily. "History is told by the winners. You never hear about the Revolution from the British or World War II from the Japanese. It's the same thing. Demon human relationships end with the demon eventually taking the human's soul. But most of the time, it's completely consensual. And history has not told it that way. And so the belief is perpetuated that demons can't love and only get with humans to steal their souls."


Raz tilted his head as Jay explained, toying with his hand slightly. "But if it's just a misconception of history, how come Marcus had to bring it up? And on all the days he had to show up, it had to be today?" He asked in a hushed whisper, growing slightly desperate


"He says it because, like I said, finding love after death is extremely rare. So rare that people think it's impossible. He brings it up because that's what he thinks and, like always, he just wants to ruin our relationship so I'll go back to being focused on my work. To be honest, I thought it was impossible too. But then I found you."


"must be only rare for him to find love, seeing that two demons employed by him have done so pretty easily." Raz muttered, relaxing slightly at Jay's words and resting his head again Jay's chest. "I suppose we'll be seeing more of him now that we're married?"


"My king, if you're going to deal with Marcus, so will I." Raz instead, gently.cupping his husband's cheek. "I'm going to worry every single time he shows up, especially if he's here for you or jackson."


"Well, for now we don't have to deal with him. Come on, we have a party to finish and then a plane to catch. You told your mother you'd give her a dance, didn't you? My own mom and sister will probably want one too."


"ah yes I did." He took a deep breath and glanced over his shoulder, making sure Marcus had left. "If your siblings and Mom want danced then we should definately head back inside, they're probably already lining up." He laughed and gently tugged Jay towards the doors.


"That they probably are." He chuckled, guiding Raz back inside where he was immediately tugged away by his sister. "Come on! I haven't seen you all day and I want a dance!" "Cherry, I'm coming, you don't need to pull!"


Raz laughed as Jay was pulled away by his sister, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before heading off to find d his mom.
He eventually found her near the buffet table and gently tapped her on the shoulder. "I do believe I promised you a dance?"
Jessie smiled and took her son's hand. "I was just looking for you, where'd you dissapear off to? Excited to be alone with your husband?" She teased, setting g down her food as she was swept off to the dance floor with Raz.
Raz laughed and blushed "i'll have more time later for all that, later. But no, we had an unwanted guest drop by."
His mother's brow creased in worry, her eyes flashing with fear. "It wasn't-"
"No, no, it wasn't dad. Someone else Jay knew. But it's okay, they're gone now."


"So, where did you run off to? Find a nice broom closet for the two of you?" She teased, wiggling her eyebrows. "Cherry, shush. That wasn't it. Someone…less than pleasant showed up." She tilted her head in confusion. "Was it…?" "No, no, it wasn't Nick. It doesn't matter, he's gone so everything's fine."


"well then, if this guest of yours is gone then we have nothing to worry about, right?" Jessie smiled encouragingly. Raz nodded and grinned back.
"So any inkling on where you're going for this honeymoon of yours?"
"No, Jay won't tell me. He only said it was warm and that we'd need our passports." He replied with a laugh.
"Ooh out if the country and warm? Huh, that's very exciting." She winked
"it is but honestly I'm probably more excited for the plane ride. Gives us a chance to rest."


"Well, alright then. As long as it wasn't him." Cherry dropped her head onto her brother's shoulder. "So, where are you taking him?" "Well, don't tell him I told you but we're going to the Bahamas. Warm and pleasant and gives us a chance to relax." "Ooo, fancy."


"you better take pictures, I wanna see the beaches and the waters and everything."
Raz laughed and nodded "I promise.ise, we'll take pleanty of pictures for you." He said, hugging his mother closebefore glancing over at Claire, who was running towards them "I wanna dance too!" She pouted, laughing as Raz scooped Claire up and spun her around


Jay felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see his mom standing there. "So you dance with your sister before me? How is that fair?" He couldn't help but laugh. "Sorry Mom, she found me first." "Ah well, I suppose that explains it. But can I have mine now? Age over beauty, after all." Cherry rolled her eyes and stepped away from her brother. "I'm really happy for you, I am." She bounded away and his mother took her place. "I agree with your sister. I'm happy for you. I'm glad you've found someone that can treat you right."


Raz danced with Claire and Jessie in a small circle for while, laughing and swinging Claire up into the air every now and then. Eventually Raz's brother joined. "Never took you as a dancer Grey," Raz teased, waving as Claire practically dragged Jessie away to the sweets table.
"Leaned something new everyday." Greyson retorted, pulling his younger brother into another dance. "I'm proud of you Raz. Despite everything that's happened between us, I'm genuinely happy you found someone worth your love."


"Aww, Mom, stop. You're too much. Besides, I'm just as happy about it. I don't know what I'd do without Raz, he's my everything." "Well that's even better. I could never imagine anyone looking as happy as your father and I did when we were married. Clearly I was wrong." Jay twirled his mother with a chuckle. "Mom, you're laying it on too thick."


"thank you grey, really. You have no idea how much that means to me." Raz tried, truly glad that his brother had made it to the wedding.
"If you or Jay need anything, our doors are always open. And of course that's extended to Logan and Jackson as well, just as long as they don't eat us out of our house."
Raz laughed "no.promises on the food, Em cooks wonderfully. You know we can't resist her cooking. Speaking of, where is your wife? Don't tell me to left her all alone just to come dance with me."


"Well, I don't think I am. Besides, after everything you've been through, you deserve to be happy with someone." "Thanks Mom." "No need to thank me. Now you have a plane to catch, don't you?" "Ah! Right! We have to go!"


"no, no, of course not, she found a few friends."
Raz blinked at him and shook his head. "Go to your wife, she shouldn't be alone. And tell her I said hi!" He called as Grey reluctantly walked off. "I love you!" He called over his shoulder.
"Yeah yeah, love you more big brother!" Raz called back, laughing softly and nodding his head to the song, watching as his brother brought over a woman in a beautiful blue gown, laughing and making each other blush.


Jay came up from behind him and wrapped his arms around his husband's waist, kissing his cheek. "I hate to cut the party short I really do my dearest but we have a plane to catch and I really don't want to be late."


Raz nodded excitedly as he glanced up at his husband. "We'll have to tell Lo and Jackson before we go though, don't know how much they'd appreciate it if we just bailed without saying bye first." He chuckled lightly, resting his hands over Jay's and gently tracing the wedding ring.


"Well, come on then." He grabbed Raz's hand and pulled him along the walls of the room as he looked for their friends before eventually finding Jackson and tapping him on the shoulder. "Oh hey! What's the happy couple got for me?" "Yeah, we've gotta go, we have a plane to catch." "Aww, already?"


Raz followed close Jay as they looked for Jackson and Logan.
"What's this I hear about leaving early, and without a final photo of the happy couple? I think not" Logan walked over from a group of people he had been talking to. He had brought his professional camera and had insisted on being the photographer for the wedding, knowing it'd be much cheaper than hiring someone else.


Jay laughed, squeezing Raz's hand as he stepped back. "Alright, alright, just a few. We really have to get going, we've already stayed here too long."