forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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He nodded slowly a small smile spreading on his features. "That makes sense." He thought for a moment, foot tapping on the ground "where would be a good place to purpose? The parks are really pretty in the summer and late spring. Oooh or the ice skating rinks in winter."


"There's this really pretty flower garden in one of the nearby parks that Jackson just adores. He'll probably do it there." He chuckled, imagining the proposal in the park.


"aw that's gonna be so cute!" Raz squeaked, "we have to record everything ." He said, plopping his head against Jay's. "So do I eat to know where we're going for the honeymoon now?"


Raz pouted and moved over so that he sat on Jay's lap, his arms resting lightly on his chest. "There's nothing I can do to convince you to tell me?" He murmured, lips brushing against Jay's neck


"My darling, why do you want to know so bad? You're going to be there soon enough. Just wait a little longer, you'll live." He chuckled, rolling his eyes.


He shrugged and rested his head again Jay's shoulder, toying with a stray strand of his hair. "It's not I don't trust love, i trust you with my life. I just don't like not being prepared. I feel hopeless and it makes me sick going into a situation without a plan." He sighed softly and pressed a kiss below Jay's ear.


"Well, fine. I'll give you a couple hints. It's somewhere warm and you'll need your passport. But that's all you're getting." Jay stroked his hair, hoping that would be enough to calm him.


Raz pulled back to look at his beloved and tilted his head "we're going out of the country?" He smiled softly and leaned into his husband's hand. "I can't wait." He said with a smile, pressing a kiss to Jay's nose


"Well, you're going to have to because the party ain't over yet and Jackson would kill me if we left our own wedding reception early." He laughed, kissing Raz's forehead.


"no, after all the work him and Logan out into setting this up, it'd break their hearts if we left." He sighed softly and stood from Jay's lap. "Shall we join our guests?" He asked, nodding at the throng of people who were now on the dance floor. The lights had dinner and somehow Lazer lights had illuminated the place.


"Yeah, we should. They're probably looking for us out there." He laughed, taking Raz's hand. "Come on, my prince. Let's enjoy our day."
(The last time I wrote a wedding, I had the bride get kidnapped and tortured so I have low expectations)


(I mean, we can do the kidnapping part…Marcus is a character we haven't seen in a while)
Raz followed Jay back out onto the floor, a bounce in his step as the music around them grew louder.
Logan eventually found them and started dancing with them, having changed from formal Wear to a lcy crop top that hugged his skin and white skinny jeans.


(No, no, wholesome wedding. This is the third wedding I'm writing and the second that is public. Wholesome wedding. Though I may have Marcus show up anyways)
Jackson had stuck to Logan's side the whole time and that was true now too as the four started to dance together. A feeling of pride swelled in Jay's chest. This was his life, this was his forever. And nothing could take that away.


(alright we'll keep it wholesome :D can't wait to have knock of Brenden Urie back )
Logan tried his best to teach Raz different dance move but all resulted in laughing fits where they'd all just agreed that none of them could actually dance all that well. Despite the embarrassing failed dancing, Raz couldn't have asked for a better wedding or wedding after-party, surrounded by the people he loved the most and having an amazing time


(Pfft, I forgot that's how I described him XD)
Well, it was perfect. Until Jay's sister came up and tapped him on the shoulder, saying that someone was looking for him. Jay excused himself to go see who it was out in the reception hall only to be surprised by a very unwelcome face. "Marcus. What the hell are you doing here." "I came to congratulate you, obviously." "Well, you have. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a wedding to get back to." "Now hold on. Let's talk."


Raz gently squeezed Jay's hand as he left their little group to greet this visitor his sister had mentioned. He assumed it was a distant relative or friend that didn't want to distract from the party or something, though Raz still found it odd that they hadn't come in.


"There's nothing for us to talk about. I'm on break, it's my wedding, and you weren't invited. End of story." "Jay, don't act irrationally now." "Oh I am perfectly rational. Now leave." "I'm just trying to be friendly." "You tried to steal my husband from me!" "Oh, did I? Sorry, I must've forgotten. I don't have a tendency to get hung up on my contracts." Jay could feel his eye twitching. "Don't you dare talk about Raz like that. He's more than a contract, he's the love of my life." "He's human, Jay. It doesn't matter what you think he is, when he comes down to us, to me, you'll see what he's really like."


Raz glanced over at the door Jay had dissapeared to, slight worry nagging at him. He had been out there for a bit now, surely if this was a guest they would have been Invited in. Raz decided on letting Jay and guest talk for a few more moments before he'd go find them. Staying with Logan, Jackson, and Jay's sister for now


Jay wasn't one to be short tempered. He prided himself on staying calm in stressful situations. But the urge to punch Marcus's lights out was enough to make his fingers twitch.
"Leave, Marcus. I don't want you here and my husband surely doesn't want you here." "Now why is that?" Marcus feigned hurt at Jay's statement. "Because you tried to tear us apart and ruin our lives! Thanks to you, I lost seven years off our relationship!" "So sorry about that, I thought you'd come to your senses and realize that demons can't love. Never have, never will. You're no different."


Raz pulled away from the group and walk off towards the door he had seen Jay dissapear through. He poked his head through the door and silently fly closed it behind him before walking down the hall. He froze in place when he saw Marcus. He had told himself that the next time he'd see the demon he'd be ready, prepared for anything he threw at them. But seeing him at their wedding was something he wasn't ready for. "What are you doing here?" He hated that his voice was barely a whisper.


The two turned at the sound of Raz's voice. "Raz, honey, go back inside. I can handle this." Jay's voice was soft, gentle. He knew how Raz felt about Marcus and didn't want him to have to face him head on.
"No no, stay. I'm sure you'd love to hear how your husband doesn't actually care about you." Marcus laughed, shaking his head. Jay nearly punched him. "Don't listen to him, he's just trying to mess with your head. Go back and enjoy the party, I'll be inside soon."


Raz looked between the two and shook his head slightly. "UUnless this an emergency and you need Jy for something, you're not welcome here Marcus. I'm staying until you leave." He slowly walked to Jay's side, gently taking his hand. "Say what you want about us, call it naive, blind, oblivious, I don't care. I'd rather be all those things and still love Jay than ever believe a word you say."


Marcus raised his hands in defense with an easy smile. "Alright Romeo, Juliet. But Jay, you know I'm right. You know how demon and human relationships work out." "Leave. Now. You're upsetting my husband. Who I love." Marcus rolled his eyes with a chuckle before turning to go. "Fine, fine, I can see when I'm not welcome."


Raz watched silently as Marcus turned to leave, trying his best to calm his nerves. Why would he come now if all times to say something like that to them? Raz shook his head and turned to his husband, "what does he mean about demon and human relationships not working out?"