Logan smiled and nodded "this'll take less then five minutes, don't worry." He promised, clicking a few buttons on his camera to fix a few of the settings. Raz nadded, gently squeezing Jay's hand and glancing up at him with a smile
Logan smiled and nodded "this'll take less then five minutes, don't worry." He promised, clicking a few buttons on his camera to fix a few of the settings. Raz nadded, gently squeezing Jay's hand and glancing up at him with a smile
Jay wrapped his arm around Raz's waist and kissed his forehead. "Okay, so long as it's quick. I can do a lot of things but rewind time is not one of them."
Raz rested his head against Jay's chest and chuckled lightly "I wouldn't be surprised if you could my love." He said.
Logan snapped a few pictures, promising to send them all of the ones he had taken once they were developed. "Alright, there should be enough, now go. Don't be late, And have fun!"
"We will, don't worry about that." Jay laughed as he pulled Raz outside where a car was already waiting for them. "Luggage is already packed, we've just got to get going."
Raz was surprised to hear that everything has been packed and ready to go for their mystery trip. "And when did you have time to do this my dear?" He asked with a grin, climbing into the passenger seat
"That's for me to know and you to figure out, my prince." He winked and flashed an innocent smile as he opened the car door for his husband. "After you~"
"alright, keep your secrets love." He chuckled and pressed a kiss to Jay's lips before relaxing into the passenger seat, excited to find out where they'd be going
Jay brought them to the airport and pulled them through security without a word, too worried that he'd slip about where they were going. When he finally settled into his seat on the plane, he relaxed. "Finally on our way."
Raz followed Jay through the the air port, trying to sneak a peak at the tickets or scan through the flight list to see if he could figure out where they were going but Jay moved to quickly from desk to gate to plane for Raz to ever find out.
Raz settled beside Jay once on the plane with a smile "hmm, yes to place I still have no idea about." He mused with a laugh, glancing our the window as they took off
"Well now that we're on our way, I can tell you…for a special price." He winked at him with a smirk, already knowing where he was going with this.
Raz arched an eyebrow and rested his head against his hand. "Already puting a price on our marriage, my king?" He purred gazing up at Jay for a moment. "Fine, you can have my plane snacks and choose the movie."
"All I was going to ask for was a kiss but you know what, I'll take that." He laughed, kissing Raz's forehead and sitting back in his seat. "We're going to the Bahamas. Somewhere nice and warm where the days are always long."
Raz laughed and pressed a kiss to Jay's cheek. "Wait the Bahamas?! Really?" He narrowed his eyes skeptically but couldn't help a smile from spreading on his features. He bounced in his seat excitedly "mom's gonna be heartbroken when she hears we went to the Bahamas without her."
"Yes yes, I'm sure she will. We can take her the next time we go but for now, it's just you and me." He chuckled with a roll of his eyes. "I let you handle the wedding, now it's my turn to spoil you on our honeymoon, of course I'm serious."
"you've spoiled me for years just being with me for so long." Raz said, resting his head against Jay's shoulder. He took a leading breath and nuzzled against him. "How did you plan all of this hm? This must have taken quite a bit of time. Should I be worried how good you are at doing things behind my back?" He teased
"When's the last time I did something behind your back that wasn't for your benefit? I only hide good things from you, my dear." He laughed, hugging Raz close. "Seriously, think about it. It didn't take long for me to reveal my biggest secret to you."
"that is true. I am grateful all your surprises have been pleasent, thank you." He murmured, nuzzling into the curve of his neck and closing his eyes. "I love you Jay," he murmured "more than I could ever show."
"I love you too Raz. More than I could ever tell you." He kept Raz close, enjoying his touch and scent as the plane ride went on.
"have you ever been to the Bahamas?" He asked softly, picking his head and noticing that most of the plane darkened to let people sleep, save for the few who were watching their movies. Raz curled up against Jay's side and ran a gentle hand through his husband's hair
"Surprisingly enough, no. But I know plenty of people who have and they swear by it for a perfect vacation spot. And coming from people who travel for their job, that's really saying something."
"I have no doubt it's perfect." Raz replied, burying his face in Jay's shoulder to hide a yawn. "Especially if I'm with you." He pressed a kiss to Jay's neck, trying to fight off sleep
"Tired my prince? Get some sleep, I'll wake you when we get there." He cuddled Raz as close as he could, just happy to be here with him.
"thank you my king," he murmured, about to gently complain about the suits becoming crumpled and ruined but Jays warmth and comfort immediately dispelled any further comment. He curled up in the seat comfortably, almost immediately dosing off into a light sleep
Jay watched over him as he slept, protecting his husband from whatever could come to harm him. It was a promise he had made years ago and it still rang true, although the context was one of love rather than obligation.
Raz rested against Jay, only shifting every so often to nuzzle Jay or to get more comfortable. He didn't stir until a plane attendant came by and woke them or told them they'd be landing soon and to start clearing their area of food or drinks
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