forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"Raz, it's okay to be jealous. It's okay to be possessive, to want to protect what's yours." He gently pulled Raz's face out of the sheets to look at him. "You're not being selfish, it's not stupid or something to push aside. You're not in this alone anymore. It's our life now. Your problems are mine and my problems are yours. We work on them together. It might take a while and I'm willing to wait but you'll get used to it, I'm sure."


Raz sighed softly, pressing into Jay's touch and kissing his palm. "You're right, you're right, you're always right." He peeked up at him and offered a small smile "thank you, for your patience and understanding, my king." He gently laced their hands together and scooted closer to Jay. "And for the record, none of this was a mistake. I'd do this all again in a heartbeat. The only thing I regret is not finding you sooner."


"And my only regret is not taking you with me when I left." He kissed Raz's forehead with a smile. "Now then, didn't we say we were getting dinner?"


He trilled softly at the kiss, pressing as close as he could to Jay's form. "The distance only made me love you more."
He reluctantly sat up and ran a hand through his hair "we did, wanna see the buffet downstairs or have it brought to us so we can eat up here?" He asked, glancing over his shoder at Jay.


"I say have it brought to us. I'm taking this week as an excuse to never have you leave my arms. I'll order room service and then we can cuddle." Jay moved over to the bedside table, pulling out the menu and waving Raz over so he could see it too.


"that sounds like absolute heaven," he replied bouncing over and settling beside Jay, looking over his shoulder at the dinner menu. He looked over the menu, toying with Jay's hair as he tried to decide what to eat. "Maybe the grilled fish and Rice? That sounds pretty good."


"It does. And I'm thinking the chocolate strawberries for dessert. I got a box when I was in Germany and it is probably the closest I will ever get to heaven." He licked his lips, near salivating at just the memory of the perfect box of desserts.


"definately the chocolate strawberries. Maybe two for midnight snacks. We're gonna have to get one for Logan before we leave. He'd have our heads if we told him we had chocolate and didn't bring him any." He laughed softly and dialed the number on his phone "oh, what about drinks?" He asked quickly


"I'll enjoy the alcohol for the both of us then." He said with a nod as someone picked up the other end "hi, I'll take two orders of the grilled tilapia with wild rice, hold the paprika on one of them. And two orders the chocolate strawberries. Yes, please for room service. Oh and a coconut water and bottle of rose for drinks." He gave the person their room number and thanked them thoroughly before hanging up "alright dinner will be served in an hour-ish." He declared


"Rose? Really? Never took you for a wine drinker. You and my brother would get along splendidly. Damn stuck up prude is always gushing about the wine he brings to family occasions, always has. If he wasn't my brother, I would've punched him by now."


Raz shrugged sheepishly "I don't drink a lot but it's a special occasion so I thought it fitting." He grinned and tilted his head "do you hate it because he's annoying about it or because you can't enjoy it?" He teased, braiding Jay's hair now that it was long enough. "If he's stuck up then I'd doubt we'd get along."


"Both. Definitely both. Demons can't process alcohol as well as humans can so while I technically can drink, it can only be a little or I'll be in the hospital." He chuckled, leaning back so that Raz could reach him better. "Besides, I thought you'd want to be sober for the first night I get to really have you~" He purred with a smirk, letting himself slip a little bit into old habits.


Raz chuckled lightly, a light blush rising on his cheeks but he did nothing to hide it as he found a hairtie and brush in one of the luggage bags. "I will, my heart. Don't you worry." He replied, unbraiding Jay's hair and combing it, trying to get out the tangled bits before rebranding his hair.


Jay simply smiled, relaxing into Raz's touch. "What is with you and playing with my hair recently? Is this your silent way of telling me I need to get a haircut because I already knew that." He raised an eyebrow at Raz even though he couldn't see him.


"no! No please don't cut it, I like it long." Raz pouted, pressing a kiss to Jay's cheek. "But I swear you get a mullet I will leave you." He threatened teasingly, tying off Jay's braid and smiling "there. Now I am satisfied with your hair situation."


"Well, if you say so, I guess I can keep it." He hummed, feeling his new hairstyle. "And I wouldn't be caught dead in a mullet, I'm not some Southern redneck, I'm a gay New Jerseyian. Pretty much the exact opposite."


"Eh I don't know, love," he drawled, standing from the bed to but the brush away "Logan's from the south, he's told me people have very short tempers, but I've heard that from New Jerseyians too, maybe you're not all that different." He smirked teasingly pressing a kiss to Jay's brow and gently pulling him to the window, having not yet seen the view from their balcony


Jay rolled his eyes with a grin, letting Raz pull him onto the balcony. He watched the waves come in, the water reflecting the light from the sunset perfectly. "It's beautiful out here, isn't it?"


Raz nodded speechlessly, gazing out onto the beach and sunset, finding it much larger than he had initially though from all the way up on the balcony. He closed his eyes and breathed in the salty sweet air. "You couldn't have picked a better place." He murmured softly


"I mean, I was also considering just locking us in our room for a week but I figured you'd like to travel and not be in New York." He gave Raz's hand a soft squeeze.


"I would have been happy to be anywhere with you, my king. Whether it's our room, New York, or here." He pressed a kiss to Jay's hand and leaned back against his husband's chest "but I do like it here. It's a very nice change from the loud streets of New York."


"Yes, here is very nice. Besides, we're not alone when we're at home. Here, we are. And you're really starting to look too good for me to handle it." He drew Raz closer, pressing their foreheads together. "I've been waiting for this day for 8 years. And now everything I've ever wanted is so close I can almost taste it. So it's safe to say I'm starting to lose my patience."


Razielle wrapped his arms around Jay's waist, a serene smile falling into his lips. He pressed a kiss to his lips "will this satisfy you for now?" He nudged their heads together pressed another kiss to his lips. "If you can ymwait 8 years, you can wait a bit longer."


He sighed dramatically, kissing his husband softly. "I suppose it'll do for now. But once dinner is over, I can't guarantee that I'll have the willpower left to hold myself back."