"it's what I'm trying not to do." He replied, pressing a kiss to hand. "Neither can I my king." He agreed,, brushing away some of his own tears that had managed to escape before glancing over as the wedding officiator can up to the dias.
"it's what I'm trying not to do." He replied, pressing a kiss to hand. "Neither can I my king." He agreed,, brushing away some of his own tears that had managed to escape before glancing over as the wedding officiator can up to the dias.
(I will fully admit, I have no idea how weddings work)
Jay took a deep breath and looked up at the officiator, almost nervous but trying to be confident. This was the love of his life, he had no reason to be.
(neither do I…just gonna wing it and skip formalities woo!)
Raz looked back up at Jay as the officiator started going through the typical speech. Raz didn't really hear the speech, instead lost in the eyes of his fiance as well as thoughts on their life after the wedding. He could look forward to a forever with Jay, not just a lifetime, but many more after that. He was brought out of his thoughts when the officiator lightly cleared his throws and mothered 'vows' to him. Raz nodded and pulled a sheet of paper from his best pocket. It wasn't anything long but he figured that it summed up everything pretty well.
He took a deep breath "from the moment I met you at that bar, when went to the library, when went to your apartment, and then every place in between, I knew each time, I was falling deeper and deeper in love with you. My heart was yours even before our first official date. After everything we've been through, all the roadbumps and times we thought we'd never see each other again, I'd do it all over again just to come back here for you." He glanced up at him and smiled knowingly "I'd go through Heaven and Hell for you, my love."
Jay chuckled under his breath, blinking back tears and steadying his breathing. He closed his eyes for a moment, remembering what he wanted to say before he opened them again.
"The last time I trusted someone with my heart, it didn't exactly end well." Jackson snorted softly behind him, rolling his eyes. "So when I first saw you at that bar and felt my sleepy heart stir for the first time in years, I almost didn't listen to it. But something pushed me to talk to you. Call it fate, destiny, whatever you want. Whatever it was, I can't thank it enough because it brought me to you. The love of my life. My other half, my beloved. Someone I never thought I'd ever find. And now? Now, I don't know what I'd do without you." He wiped his eyes on his sleeve, trying to keep it together. Just another little bit. "I'd sell my soul to the devil if it meant forever with you, my prince."
"I'd do the same in a hearbeat, my king." He whispered, shaking his head and blinking rapidly trying to hold back here a tears. "Damn it, Logan give Jackson back the bet." He laughed softly and blotted away his tears.
The officiator smiled softly and nodded his head "then, with the gay power vested in me, I happily pronounce you partners, husbands and soul mates, for life, death and anytime in between and afterwards."
(Hold on, quick question, when's Raz's birthday? Yes, this is important)
(uh let's go with June 27th.)
"Wait wait wait, you're forgetting something!" Jackson scrambled forward, digging in his pocket and pulled out a box, opening it to reveal two simply silver bands with stones embedded in them. One holding a deep red garnet and the other a milky white pearl. "I tried to find alexandrite but it's pretty rare and I'm not that great." Jay laughed and took the pearl ring, slipping it onto Raz's finger.
The officiator nodded "of course of course." He laughed and motioned forwards "the rings."
Raz gaped in awe at the simple rings, just as, if not more beautiful than the engagement ring which still rested on his finger. He carefully took the garnet ring and slipped it onto Jay's finger.
Logan smiled proudly when the rings were placed on Jay's and Raz' fingers, gently squeezing his partners hand.
The officiator glanced around "if there are no things we forgot or any objections, the I pronounce you both married. You may now kiss."
Jay broke into a wide smile before drawing his now husband forward and dipping him in a searing kiss.
Jackson started the applause and the rest of the room followed, happy that he had gotten to watch his best friend on the best day of his missed life.
Raz yelped out in Surprise when he was suddenly dipped but quickly reciprocated the kiss, gripping the lapels of Jay's suit and drawing him in closer. The claps and congratulations drowning out the slight moan that escaped his lips. He gently pulled away to breath and laughed lightly.
Jay laughed, resting their foreheads together with a smile he couldn't wipe off. "I love you, my husband." It was barely audible above the crowd but had a feeling that Raz would hear him regardless.
His husband, how beautiful those words sounded, especially coming from Jay. "I love you too, Jay. My husband." He murmured against his lips. He pressed another kiss to his lips before straightening.
Jackson nearly tackled Jay in a hug, squeezing him so tight he started to cough. "Can't breathe, can't breathe!" "Oh, sorry! Just got a bit excited." Jackson stepped back to let him breathe, bouncing on his toes. "Was that so bad?" "I will slap you."
Raz laughed as he hugged Logan and started . "I can't wait until you two get married," Raz said, as they all started walking back down the isle. "Youre gonna be a nervous wreck."
Logan shook his head "that's what coffees for sweetheart."
Jay fixed his hair from when it had gotten messed up when he dipped Raz and Jackson laid his head on his shoulder. "So, when are you proposing?" Jackson flushed bright red. "Oh shut up. It's not today, I'll tell you that much."
"I mean we do have everything set up, hypothetically you could do it," Raz added, his smile widening when he saw Logan bury his face in his hands to try and hide his blush. Raz snickered lightly and pressed a kiss to his hair.
"Jay has definately rubbed of on you." Logan whined, opening the door and leading the four of them towards the room they'd use for the after party.
Even though they had kept the wedding small, that doesn't mean they held back. Well, Raz did limit Jay's spending but Jay still made the most out of what he was allowed. And it looked beautiful. Jay pushed Jackson off his shoulder and sidled up to Raz. "Hey, mind if I steal away my husband for a quick second?"
Logan nodded and switched to looping his arm with Jackson. "Go ahead, we've still got time before the party starts. But hey," he looked between the two of them "no getting frisky, those suits were a lot of work." He winked before gently pulling Jackson the rest of the way to the doors where the party would be held.
Raz rested a hand on Jay's arm, brows turned up in concern "is everything okay?"
Jay took Raz's hand, kissing his knuckles with a smile. "Yes of course. Everything's fine. I just wanted some time alone with you before the party started, that's all." He chuckled, pulling Raz closer. "So. We've done it. We're married now. How does it feel?"
He breathed a sigh of relief and rested his head against Jay's shoulder, pressing small kisses to his neck. His hands tangling into Jay's hair. "Fulfilling in a way." He replied after a few moments of silence "I never thought that I'd be married, even if I grew close to someone." He shrugged and smiled "it feels right. Not only to be married but to be married to you."
"Well, I'm happy to hear that." He wrapped his arms snuggly around Raz, keeping him close to his chest. "Because I couldn't imagine being married to anyone but you. It's not that often demons find love, I'm sure I've told you. It's nearly impossible. Especially for those who die with partners."
Raz nestled into Jay's hold. "Nearly impossible is not completely impossible. You and Jackson have proven that." Raz replied, brushing aside stay hairs from Jay's brow. "I'm yours forever my king, even after death." He promised, pressing a kiss to his lips.
"Good because even without the ring, you still have the mark meaning that we basically would've been married regardless. Ya can't exactly get rid of me. You gave up that option a long time ago." He laughed, pecking his forehead. "Come on, let's get in there. Everyone's waiting for us."
Raz shook his head with a smile "ah so this was your plan all along? Well played my love." He murmured, "but as I told you before, I would never want to get rid of you. You're mine, just as much as I am yours." He cupped Jay's cheek and nodded "lead the way my king."
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