forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"nah, let them sleep a bit, they'll wake up eventually, especially now that the smell of coffee is in the air." Raz reassured, "we'll wake them in a bit if they're not up soon."


"If you say so. I'm more than happy to spend a quiet morning with you." Jay smiled sweetly and kissed Raz's forehead.
(May I propose a time skip to the wedding? I is bored and want to get on with the plot)


(yes of course! I had a small idea, maybe one of them find the other before the ceremony?)
"As am I my king." Raz leaned into the kiss slightly and laced their hands together, happily enjoying the breakfast.
"Raz!" Logan gripped his friend's shoulder and shook him slightly "you're going to be fine, just calm down!"
Raz took in a few deep breath and nodded slowly. "I'm ok," he whispered fidgeting with his tie.
Logan swatted his hand away with a sigh, offering Raz a smile. "There, you look fantastic, though this," he waved to Raz "won't last long."
Raz blushed but couldn't keep a small smile from spreading on his features. "I have you to mostly thank for that."
Logan shrugged "your welcome." He winked and hugged Raz tight, pressing a kiss to his head. "I'm proud of you Raz."


(Ooo, yes!)
"You are surprisingly calm about all this." Jackson raised an eyebrow at Jay in the mirror as he fixed his suit and hair. Jay rolled his eyes with a grin. "Weren't you the one telling me to calm down all this time?" "Well yeah but this is unnerving!" Jackson pouted, standing up and rearranging the flower behind his ear.
What Jackson didn't realize was that Jay was gripping his suit so hard his knuckles were going white just so he wouldn't see how hard they were shaking. Jay was nervous. Incredibly so. He just didn't let it show on his face.


After a few more encouraging words and happy tears, Logan left Raz in his room to go help set up for the ceremony. Raz stood there in front of the mirror and took another deep breath. He truly was impressed with what Logan had done to him. Raz wore a lacy, semi-sheer black shirt and a black vest to match, along with black dress pants and simple black dress shoes. He had very little makeup on save for a bit of blush and eyeliner. After he had made sure everything was finalized and ready, Raz flopped into the chair closest to the window. He glanced over at the door, lightly tapping his fingers against the arm of the chair. Did he honestly think he could go another hour with seeing Jay? Logan would probably be mad, it technically was bad luck. But that only applied to brides and neither of them were technically brides.


Jackson stepped out a few minutes later seeing as he had agreed to be a greeter for the guests. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, opening them again to make eye contact with the man in the mirror. Jay had nearly slapped the wedding planner when she asked if Jay was wearing white since Raz planned to be in black. No, white wasn't his color. So he had gone with red. But not a bright, primary red. A deep, wine colored red. He thought it suited him better. And Logan had agreed, considering he was the one who made it. And while Logan had stepped up with the suits, Jackson had nearly begged to make the rings. And Jay had obviously let him.
Jay paced around the room, squeezing his hands together to avoid digging them into his hair. If he didn't see Raz, he was going to lose his mind. His nerves were starting to get the better of him.


Raz couldn't take it any more, to hell with traditions and proper wedding etiquette, they didn't need to follow all the rules. He stood from his chair and threw on a nearby jacket, not wanting to ruin the surprise just yet. He silently slipped out of his room, making sure Logan or Jackson weren't around before sneaking around the hotel. They had booked the closest hotel to the venue, two rooms for the four of them. Jay and Raz had stayed in one room while Logan and Jackson stayed in the room above them on the next floor. Raz decided to take the stairs, not wanting to risk being caught. Once on the next floor, Raz slowly counted the rooms, making sure he was on the right one before knocking softly


Jay jumped when he heard the knock, trying to calm himself before opening it just enough to see who was outside. His face broke into a smile when he saw who was on the other side. "Well well well, look at who's breaking rules. Give me a second, I'll open the door." He closed the door and grabbed one of the robes in the room to cover his suit before opening the door fully. "Don't ask, I know it looks weird. But I'm not about to ruin this surprise."


"most of the rules apply to straight couple's. Call this a loophole." He nodded and glanced around the hallways, smiling and waving akwardly to a cleaning lady who happened to have walked by. He laughed softly and walked into their room, shutting the door behind him. "Don't worry, way ahead of you." He looked down at the jacket he had grabbed, having not really given it much thought until now. Neon pink with stars, one Logan's many sweatshirts. "Maybe not the best choice to sneak around in." He wrapped his arms around Jay and rested his head on his shoulder, breathing him in and relaxing in his hold. He honestly didn't know why he was so nervous before, he was going to marry the love of his life, even if he was a demon.


Jay held him tight, kissing the top of his head. "I'm glad you're here." He whispered. "I was about to lose my mind without you. Although we'll both probably get a talking to from Logan and Jackson for seeing each other before the wedding."


"not if they don't find out." Raz replied, peeking up at Jay with a grin. "I'm glad I found you, too. It's horrible, having you so close yet not being able to reach." He pressed a kiss to Jay's lips, lightly caressing his cheek, careful not to smudge their makeup. "And here I thought you couldn't look more handsome." He murmured, shaking his head in defeat.


"Speak for yourself, darling. I can't wait to see what Logan did to you. If it's anything like what he did for me, I'm not sure I'll make it though the reception before I have you." He licked his lips with a playful smile.


"careful my love, your seductive side is showing." He pressed one last kiss to Jay's lips before gently pulling away towards the door. "I gotta go, Logan's probably back by now. Don't think he'll buy the bathroom excuse if I'm wearing his sweatshirt." He smiled at Jay before peeking out into the hallway. Finding no there, he tiptoed out of the room


Jay chuckled and watched him go, sitting back on the couch with a sigh. He felt a lot better after seeing Raz, barely remembering to take off he robe before someone came to get him to head off.


When Raz entered the room he found Logan already inside sitting on the edge of the bed, carefully plucking baby's breath from it's stem. He glanced up and arched an eyebrow "somehow I don't think pink will match the rest of yout." He said, tilting his head, waiting for an answer.
Raz sighed and settled beside Logan on the endge if the bed. "You really expect me to stay here while Jay is just a floor above me?"
Logan shook his head with a smile "no, no I don't. But I thought you'd have a bit more self control."
Raz shook his head "Nope not really."
"You didn't see him in the suit did you?"
"no, he put on a robe before he let me in, he didn't see me either, I had this on."
Logan sighed in relief "good, we still want the 'bug reveal' to be a surprise. Now come here, we're not done yet." Raz scooted closer, turning so that his back was facing Logan. "Whatcha gonna do?"
"Just a little finishing touch before we leave, close your eyes." Logan instructed, waiting for Raz before spraying a but of hairspray in Raz' hair and sprinkling the baby's breath. He added a bit of glitter then andither spray of hairspray so everything stayed in place. "There, all done!"


Jay was already on his way down to the venue. He had nearly begged for them not to go with a church, they gave him the creeps and, ya know, demons. So they went with a music hall nearby instead. When Jay stepped inside, it took his breath away. It wasn't the flashiest thing in the world but it didn't need to be, it was perfect the way it was.


Raz and Logan arrived 30 minutes before the ceremony to let everyone get situated and settled. He gazed around the halls, stopping in front of the doors, listening to the chatter inside. He took a deep breath and adjusted his tie.
"Hey, you're okay." Logan reassured, looping his arm with Raz'.
Raz looked at his friend and smiled with a shake of his head. Up until now he hadn't seen Logan's outfit. He wore a light blue crop top with a charcoal grey suit blazer and slacks. What really stood out was the blue eyeliner rimming his eyes, making them stand out. "Poor Jackson." He muttered with a laugh, wonder how his friends weren't married yet. He gently squeezed his hand, lightly skimming the similar marking on his hand. To anyone else, it looked like they got matching tattoos with their respected differences. To them it was the bond they had with their partners.
"You ready to get married?" Logan asked with a smile.


Jackson tugged on Jay's arm to get his attention. "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you! Come on, the ceremony's about to start and so help me God if it starts late because of you, I'm going to break something." Jay couldn't help but laugh. "You got stuck with my siblings, didn't you?" "How did you put up with them for so long?" "I lived with them, I had to."


"you have your vows right?" Logan whispered as they walked towards the door." Raz nodded and tapped his head "yep, don't worry, I think you're more nervous than I am now."
Logan sighed softly "sorry, it's probably not helping. I just want everything to perfect. You two deserve it."
Raz hugged Logan tight "thank you Lo. You seriously couldn't make this more perfect."
Logan shook his head and gently pulled away, looping his arm together. "You're gonna make me cry." He managed out,inhaling deeply and fanning himself. "Alright, tears are for later." He smiled and pushed open the door, leading them into the main music Hall, orchestra music filling the ornately decorated room


Jackson had managed to push Jay to the alter before Raz came in, situating himself behind Jay with a huff as Jay rolled his eyes. Jackson could be such a stickler for details sometimes.
When the music rose, Jay looked up watching the doors open. His hands immediately went over his mouth, tears filling his eyes as he looked at his fiance like it was the first time he's ever truly seen him. "Wow. Logan outdid himself." Jackson chuckled to himself, watching his best friend fall in love all over again as Raz came forward.


The moment Raz looked up, his eyes immediately snapped to meet Jay's. He took him in slowly, shaking his head slightly and smiling. "You dare put him in something like that and not tell me?"
Logan chuckled beside him "I'm glad you like the outfit choice." Logan replied softly.
Raz sighed softly and reluctantly flicked his gaze around the room, meeting the eyes of their guests. His mother had managed to fly up from Florida last minute and was now beside his brother, both smiling as they watched Raz walk down the isle.


Jackson patted his shoulder, trying not to laugh. "Get it together, Jay. Can't be all choked up during your vows, now can you?" Jay wiped his eyes, clearing his throat and pulling himself together as Jackson shook his head. "You're a mess." "It's my wedding day, I'm allowed to be."


Raz laughed softly when he saw Jay was trying to hold it together for the sake of the wedding. They finally reached the alter after an agonizingly long walk down the isle. He hugged Logan tight and watched as he shook Jay's hand. He stepped up to the alter and gently took Jay's hands in his, the room around him fading away as he held Jay's gaze. He reached up and brushed a hand along his cheek, wiping away stray tears, trying his best not to cry as well. "Looks like Jackson owes Logan 50 bucks huh?"


"Shut up, you'd cry too if you were in my position." He teased with a laugh. He squeezed Raz's hands tightly. "I'm about to marry you. I can hardly believe it."