"I don't even remember. And whenever it was, it won't be nearly as fun as it will be with you."
"I don't even remember. And whenever it was, it won't be nearly as fun as it will be with you."
"that is if I don't drown first." Raz joked, slipping onto the bathroom to change into the swim trunks he had found and a loose button down shirt
"Hey, even if you do drown, it's not like you'll go anywhere. You're stuck with my love, your soul ain't going nowhere."
"while I'd be be happy to start our eternity together, I also want to enjoy this life we have together to the fullest." He replied, emerging from the bathroom clothed and ready for the beach. "I'd also rather not die on our honeymoon."
"Yes, that would be unfortunate." Jay laughed before he snapped, changed into more reasonable beach clothes. "So let's try to avoid that, shall we?"
Raz smiled with a nod and pressed a kiss to Jay's cheek. "The water can't be that deep, we should be fine." He reassured, taking his husband's hand andgently tugging him up from the bed
Jay let Raz pull him, looking out over the balcony before leading Raz out of the room towards the beach.
"i know we saw this yesterday but it's still breathtaking Everytime." He murmured softly as they reached the beach. He stood by the shore, not completely in the water but not entirely on the dry sand either.
"Well come on, we don't have all day!" Jay laughed as he pulled Raz further into the water.
Raz laughed and splashed into the water, glad that at least it wasn't that deep. Raz looked up at his husband, his smile and pure joy of just being in the water infectious
Jay splashed around a little bit, stepping out a little further into the water.
Raz hung back a little as Jay went off into the deeper ends of the shore. It wasn't that he couldn't swim, he just wanted that to be a last resort. Not feeling ground beneath him had always set him on edge. He crouched down, letting the water lap over his shoulder and calm him.
Jay walked out until the water was waist high, just watching the waves come in and out with a pleasant half smile on his face.
Raz bobbed around in the shallower end before stand and venturing out towards Jay, the water reaching up around his lower abdomen, slightly higher than where it reached Jay. "It's stunning." He murmured softly, the gentle lap of the water and it tugged and relaxed easing Raz's nerves from earlier
Jay took his hand, pulling Raz close and wrapping his arm around his shoulders. "Not as stunning as you."
Raz leaned into his husband and shook his head with a smile. "That's very debatable my love, If anything you're more stunning than anything we could possibly find here." He pressed a kiss to Jay's cheek looked into the water, seeing small fish and the pearly whites sands beneath
"Oh come on, don't flatter me." He rolled his eyes with a smile. "It's beautiful out here, isn't it?"
"and why not? I only speak the absolute truth." He smiled up at his husband and nodded "it really is. Something straight out of a dream."
"Well I am delighted to inform you that this is not a dream. You're here with me on our honeymoon."
"that's absolutely amazing." He murmured softly, lacing their hands together and watching the water tug at them.
Jay kept him close, letting the water tug at him.
"you know, they're is one thing I do want to try." He mused, pulling away from Jay and hesitantly lowering into the water and trying to go onto his back to float
Jay couldn't help but laugh, moving in the water to help Raz out. "What, trying to become a human seastar?"
"no I just want to float, I've always tried but for some reason i just sink and I freak out." He explained, taking a few deep breaths before leaning back and trying to balance himself out
"Well, you need to relax, when you're all stiff you're heavy." He placed his hands on Raz's back, tilting him to even him out. "I'll be right here to catch you if you do actually sink."
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