forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"we would," he grinned at his husband, "no promises my love but I'll try. Besides, Logan at least deserves some of my teasing." Raz adored Logan to the death but his friend did have the capacity to go overboard sometimes. It was high time raz returned all the early morning coffee runs and late night rants.


"they can't be too mad at us just for teasing them a little." Raz reasoned with similar smile. He hummed softly as he ate, knowing he'd definately be coming back here in secret for more of the dessert.


Raz perked up at the mention of exploring and nodded, devouring the rest of the dessert and setting the empty plate aside with a satisfied sigh. "Any plans on where to go or just start walking?"


"that is true my love," he agreed, taking his hand. "I'm assuming you've paid already? Or is commiting a crime on your list of things to accomplish on our honeymoon?" He chuckled lightly and set the card down, nodding slightly to the waiter that came and picked it up.


"Shh, no one has to know." He chuckled with a wink. "Nah I'm kidding, I've got it all under control." He kissed Raz's cheek softly. "Do you really doubt me so?"


"no my sweet love, I'd never dout you." Raz leaned into his husband's affection with a content sigh. When the waitor came back with card in hand, Raz apologised for not realizing it had been paid for and instead gave him a $20 as tip.


Raz trailed close to Jay, giving the restaurant one last glance before following his husband around the boardwalks. It was dark enough outside that lights strung along the path were begining to turn on. Raz looked over at the stores and few people milling around, finding it very peaceful and serene


"Isn't it beautiful?" Jay nudged Raz gently. "It's times like these that I always enjoy, when you get to just see wherever I happen to be in all of its glory."


Raz looked up at Jay and nodded. "Yeah, it's nice just to relax without all the tourist attractions trying to draw you in." He agreed, lacing their hands together and pressing a kiss to the back of Jay's hand


"that is also true," Raz laughed and looked around. "Darn, and here I thought we'd escape being the typical tourist." He joked, gazing out onto the ocean


"Yeah no, we are the touriest." Jay laughed. "Now come on, I overheard the wait staff saying there's a bonfire going on at the end of the pier."


Raz arched his eyebrows in intrigued, "a bonfire?" Raz glanced over at the boardwalk, "that would explain the nearly empty streets then, let's get going." He said excitedly, following Jay down the pier.


Jay guided Raz down the pier to the main beach where a big bonfire was going. There was music and food and drinks, just a fun night for those who were there.


Raz looked around with a small smile. He had never been a huge party person but he did enjoy the small gatherings Logan had dragged him to years ago. He stuck close to Jay as they neared the bonfire, smiling politly at the people standing near them


The party was in full swing by the time the got there, just people hanging out, dancing, chatting. "This is nice. I haven't been to an actual party in a while."


"so our wedding reception didn't count as an actual party?" Raz teased, nudging his husband's arm and nodding along to the music. He settled down in the sand near the fire.


Raz tilted his head with a laugh "and that difference is?" He questioned, gently pulling Jay's arm so he'd sit beside him. "You should have seen some of the party's and clubs Logan had dragged me to, now those were wild." He laugh