forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Jay dropped onto the sand next to him, shaking his wet hair out of his face. "Well, I got some sand dollars and this really interesting sea glass. Look, it looks black just staring at it but when you hold it to the light…" He lifted it to the sun. "It shows its true colors. Isn't that cool?"


Raz laughed softly and shook off the water that had gotten on him. "Just when I was drying off." He laughed and rested his head against Jay's shoulder. "Thats really cool. Reminds me of your eyes." He smiled softly "so you've definately won." He chuckled "so where are we going dinner my love?"


Raz nodded and stood, brushing off the sand that stuck to him. "That's sounds great, I'm always down for some good grilled food." He replied, looking out onto the horizon


"hey, beef tips are good" Raz defended with a smile, taking Jay's hand and following to the boardwalk. "Can I choose desert for coming second place?" He pouted, looking up at his beloved husband with the best puppy eyes he could muster."


Raz smiled and pressed a kiss to his husband's lip. "Yay! I wonder what options they have?" He mused, looking around as they reached the restaurant. He kept close to Jay as they made their way to the front desk, the place already crowded with people waiting for their seats. "Want to sit I side or outside on the deck?" He asked, looking around at restaurant, warmly lit and cozy looking.


"People are probably waiting to sit outside, let's stay inside. That and I don't need you getting a sunburn on our honeymoon. That would just suck."


"yeah, probably best. I don't need to be in pain for the rest of our honeymoon." Raz latched onto Jay's arm to stay close as they shuffled through patrons that were leaving.


Jay ruffled Raz's hair with his free hand as they waited for their table. Eventually, they were seated and Jay started looking through the menu.


Raz sat across from him, taking in the restaurant and the delicious smells wafting around before taking a look at the menu. "I don't think there's anything that I wouldn't eat here." He murmured with a smile.


"if I did that, our bank account combined would be flat lining." He joked, "alright, I'm getting the orange glanced ribs with a side of giant onion rings and a salad." Raz decided, setting the menu aside and watching the waitors bustle around the area, near ghosts in the warm ambiance of the place


"Ooo, that sounds good. I'll go with the barbecue burger with the steak fries." Jay placed his menu on top of Raz's and took his hand, just holding it on top of the table.


Raz looked down at their hands and smiled softly, gently stroking the back of his husband's hands. "I've said this before but you've outdone yourself my love. Truly outdone yourself, not just with today but this whole trip and wedding." He shook his head with smile "it's been amazing."


"as much as I appreciate it you know all I need is you to be happy." He smiled softly and pressed a kiss to his hand. "But the trip is a nice added bonus."


"you spoil me enough, this is over the top." He teased, Lacing their hands together. "You're enough to spoil me with."


Raz laughed and nodded "I know, I know my love and life. And I'm very grateful. This is absolutely amazing." He smiled and pressed Jay's hand to his cheek, pressing a kiss to his hand. "I may have to change a few plans around now for your birthday (when is Jay's birthday?..,) if this is the highest of expectations."


(Let's say January 26)
"Oh? I wasn't aware you had something planned. So sorry to have to make you rework everything." He laughed as their food finally arrived. "About time, I'm starving."


"of course, I've missed seven years of your birthday's. The first one I her to spend with you in person you bet I'm going to make special." He reassured, pressing one last kiss to Jay's hand before letting go. "This looks amazing." He thanked the waitor and dug into the wonderful smelling food