forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"Correction, I brought a flower. Singular. And we were never supposed to meet. Because if Jay had manned up and just proposed, I would've never had a reason to come up here."


"ah so it seems we have Jay to thank for our relationship." Logan giggled. "Either way, I'm still glad we met. I would have been a very lonely coffee addicted person without you."


Logan shook his head "nope!" He pressed a kiss to Jackson's cheek. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He murmured, stifling a yawn


"it will, I love you too, dear." He pressed a kiss to Jackson's hair. "Adorable creature." He murmured, combing through his hair to get the tangles out.


"it is never too late to discuss our marriage or how cute you are." He replied, pressing soft kisses to Jackson's lips. "But yes my love, we can sleep. Sweet dreams my flower." He murmured, tugging the covers over then and settling comfortably to sleep


Logan curled around Jackson, hands slipping beneath his shirt to lightly rest against his back. He slept peacefully with Jackson in his arms.
By late morning, Logan woke up to the smell warm coffee and chocolate at his bedside table. He groggily looked over and say two cups as well as two plates piled high with pancakes, courtesy of one of Raz's early morning impulses to suddenly cook. He smiled softly and slowly sat up, careful not to wake Jackaon up as he took a sip of his morning brew


Jackson remained dead asleep, completely conked out on Logan's chest. Unless Logan woke him up himself, he'd probably remain that way until he finally felt like waking up. Whenever that would be.


He glanced down at his beloved and lightly ran a hand through his hair, watching as strands of hair caught the sunlight. "Beautiful flower." He murmured, gently nudging Jackson. "Sorry hon but you need to eat too." He chuckled lightly and set his coffee aside to budge Jackson awake


Jackson groaned sleepily in protest as his face scrunched up. He slowly blinked himself awake, although it was rather begrudgingly. "Let me sleep, why am I awake?" He whined.


"because the food Raz made will get cold." He murmured, lightly brushing aside Jackson's hair. "We can go back to cuddling and sleeping once we're done, I promise." He added pressing a kiss to Jackson's brow.


Logan gently tilted Jackson's chin up and pressed a tender kiss to his lips. "Yes, my flower, I promise." He murmured, brushing another kiss to his lips before handing him the cup of hot chocolate


"thank Raz for that one, poor thing can't be more than half awake." He shook his head and sipped at his coffee as he combed through Jackson's hair. "Sleep well?"


"I'm always comfortable sleep with you my flower." He gently nuzzled his brow and handed him a plate of waffles. "I couldn't ask for better sleep other than with you."


"Well that's good to hear. Thank you bean." Jackson hummed, taking the plate and instantly digging into his waffles. He was always hungry when he woke up, what could he do.


Logan replied with a muffled "welcome" and popped a bite of waffle into his mouth. He glanced out the window momentarily and smiled, seeing that it was raining heavily. "Great day for photos." He mused, detangling himself both from Jackson and the heavy covers, setting the plate aside onthenight stand and stretching


"In this weather? You're kidding. Today's a good day to stay inside bundled up in cozy sweaters and fuzzy socks and watch Hallmark movies all day." Jackson raided an incredulous eyebrow at Logan.


"but think of all the beautiful photo's I could take with all those droplets of water reflecting the darkness of the clouds. Perfect rainy day to serve as a background that doesn't come all too often instead uch a perfect natural setting." Logan pouted, pushing aside the curtains and staring out the window with a small smile on his lips. He glanced back at Jackson, eyes softening. "But you make doing nothing all day sound so perfect." He breathed a laugh and strolled back to bed, pulling Jackson into his lap and pressing his face into the crook of his neck


"Well if you need a model for your photo shoot, I'd be willing to do it. I love the rain." Jackson offered softly, shy and quiet. "I'd hate for you to miss out on an opportunity like this because I'm too lazy." He chuckled, nuzzling Logan's hair.