Alex laughed. "Yeah, no. That sounds gross. Personally. As a human. I don't think I could eat that." He said, shaking his head. He shrugged a little at the apology. "Nah, don't worry about it."
Alex laughed. "Yeah, no. That sounds gross. Personally. As a human. I don't think I could eat that." He said, shaking his head. He shrugged a little at the apology. "Nah, don't worry about it."
“Figured you’d think that.” Danny set down a restless Annabel, keeping a hold on her hand. “Hey, let me know how the writin’ stuff goes, okay? It’s a cool job.” Danny’s eyes trailed off for a second, tracking as thin spider as it skittered across the yellowing floor.
Alex nodded a bit. "Yeah, I will. Thanks. I'll track that band of yours as much as I can, and you can text me about it if you want." He smiled lightly.
“Oh, dude, really? That’s so cool of you! Yeah, I can send you our next few gigs.” Danny grinned, nodding and rocking from heel to foot.
Alex nodded, and grabbed something off the shelf, having spotted it and wanting to get it. "Yeah, cool!" He replied, eyes flashing over Danny for a moment, smiling.
“Hey, uh- we should probably get going, these little beasts are getting antsy. I’ll see you, yeah?” Danny gave Alex a toothy smile, his jagged and sharp teeth flashing.
Alex nodded, and waved a little. "Yeah, see you." He replied with a smile. He almost asked if Danny wanted to grab coffee sometime, but…did Danny even drink coffee? Could he?
Danny waved back, beginning to walk off, siblings in tow. They stuck to his sides like glue, only breaking away when they were truly interested in something. Danny thought to himself for a bit- maybe he’d ask Alex if he wanted to hang out sometime. He couldn’t really drink coffee, so that was off the table somewhat, but he was willing to go anyway.
Alex took a deep breath, watching Danny go for a while. Then he turned to grab some more food for himself. He grabbed food under the assumption he would be in town for a few months. Because really? He had no idea how long he would be staying.
Danny quickly finished gathering the rest of his list, now standing in the checkout line. He was in there for longer than he would’ve liked, watching as the cashier tried to avoid eye contact with him as he placed all of their groceries on the belt.
Alex headed for the checkout to get his own food, making a list in his mind of where he was going to need to go next. He took a deep breath.
Danny’s few attempts at cordial smalltalk were shot down and ignored, leaving him quiet and stone-faced. As he grabbed his groceries, he stopped, taking a moment to place Kit back on his shoulders and Bela onto his hip once more before they exited the store.
Alex checked out rather quickly, and, holding the bags in his hands, he made his way from the store. He paused for a moment, then started walking towards his next destination.
Danny walked the short distance back to his apartment, dodging the subtle changes in the sidewalk height and the more extreme cracks and holes. He chatted quietly with his siblings, although he kept an ear out for any danger.
(I.. have been searching, and I finally found a voiceclaim for Danny, lmao)
Alex headed to the next store, which was quicker, then headed for his own apartment, humming softly as he walked.
(lmao who?)
Danny entered his apartment, setting down his siblings first before putting away the groceries. His eyes scanned the fridge, observing the different magnets, lists, and photos stuck onto it. His eyes wandered out the window and he leapt up onto the counter, leaning on the wall as he watched the streets outside.
(It’s mostly for his singing voice, although I wouldn’t imagine his talking isn’t much different- anyway his VC is Alexia Roditis from Destroy Boys.. if you’re looking for a specific reference song, I’d say either American River, Vixen, or Duck Eat Duck World)
Alex kept walking. Once he arrived at his apartment building, he went in and started putting things away. He shot a text to Danny. "Hey, you wanna grab like….lunch or something sometime? id say coffee but idk if you can drink coffee? so lunch is fine, if you want to."
Danny jumped slightly at the sudden chime from his phone. He tilted his head as he read, deciding to answer immediately instead of waiting like he normally would’ve.
”oh hell yeah dude!! ur right lmao i cant drink coffee,,,do you have a place in mind or do u want to just google smthn n see if its good”
Alex smiled a little bit as he read it. "lmao alright. and no, not really. you know any good places? I only just got back so idk any good places"
Danny walked in circles in the kitchen as he responded. ”uhhhhhhhhhhh yeah lmao i just have to remember what places are human friendly haha oh shit i know of like?? it’s basically a little diner or smthn ig but its good food lmk what you think tho”
(gtg to bed in about twenty minutes. just a heads-up)
Alex sighed softly, running a hand through his hair. "uh yeah, sounds fine ig. send me the address? and what day do u wanna meet up?"
(alright, thanks!)
Danny paused, trying to mentally flip through his schedule. ”im free most days but nights im pretty much always busy??? if u wanna meet up this week-ish then my weekends are majorly FUCKED UP but its gonna be best on like,, thursday”
"kk. just let me know, im free most days since I work from home and all that." Alex replied, powering on his laptop and sitting down.
”yeah dude np!! here’s the address lmao” Danny sent Alex the address, sitting back on the counter. He leaned his head against the cabinets, shutting his eyes and trying to relax. There were a few other pack members in the apartment at the time, and thankfully they were occupying both themselves and the younger ones.
"thanks." Alex looked up the place, finding its website.
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