(ooh that sounds like it would work, yeah!)
(ooh that sounds like it would work, yeah!)
(alright, sweet! i don’t mind starting, unless you want to!)
(yeah can you please? Thanks!)
The smokey dive bar was bustling with life, noise, and more noise. It had been hot that day, like normal, but the evening harkened in a new sense of cool. There was a band playing in the back— punk, by the sound of it. It was hard to tell if the singer was a boy or a girl, but their sharp voice and guitar split the air like nothing else.
Alex took a sip from his drink, though he had more come here to get away than to drink. Damn it. He didn't know why he had come back to this city. Why he had ever, ever thought it was a good idea, because it wasn't. It definitely fucking wasn't. He glanced over at the band for a moment, then away again.
The song ended with a bang. Danny laughed raucously, taking a sip from his water bottle and leaning into the mic.
“We’re gonna be takin’ a break for a few minutes, but we’ll be right back. Takin’ requests soon, but we’ve got a little more original shit to go!” He set his guitar down, taking another swig from his bottle. Danny said a few things to his bandmates, walking up to the bar and ordering a couple different drinks.
(would Alex recognize Danny? Or Danny recognize him?)
Alex watched the singer as he came over to the bar, but didn't speak. He took a sip of his own drink, though he knew better than to get totally drunk. If he did…he didn't know what would happen. And he didn't want to find out the hard way. He sighed softly, shaking his head.
(can we have Alex recognize Danny? knowing Danny, he probably wouldn’t remember most people from school)
Danny slid the money over to the bartender, now chatting with them. His voice was a little shot from a previous song where he had screamed and snarled, but he was trying his best to soldier through it.
(yeah sure. What should he say tho?)
Alex frowned a little bit. Oh. He recognized the singer now. Daniel Vasquez. From high school. The one that was constantly in trouble. He snorted softly, shaking his head.
(I’m not sure.. maybe somebody can bring it up, or Alex is jus lt like “hey didn’t we go to school together” or however he would phrase it)
Danny took a sip of his beer, leaning on the bar with his elbows. He rubbed his eyes- they were puffy and red, from lack of sleep no doubt, but he still looked full of a rabid energy and life. He took a seat, still talking and joking to the bartender and the people around him.
Alex squinted a little. That was the right guy, right? "Hey, didn't we go to high school together?" He said slowly, studying Danny carefully.
“Wha-? Uhh.. maybe. Lemme get a good look at ya- oh! Yeah, dude! Alec, right? No, Alex.” Danny took another swig, giving Alex a wolfish grin. “How’s time treated ya, brother?”
"Alex." Alex replied. He gave a tight smile. "Fine, I suppose." His shoulders were tucked in a little bit, and he was slouching to look smaller in his seat. There were faint circles beneath his eyes, marks of sleeplessness.
“Just fine? Sucks, man. Sucks.” Danny shook his head, perking up at the sound of his bandmates calling him back. He grabbed the drinks, turning around for a moment before looking back at Alex. “I got a little longer on the set, but hey- stick around, dude! I’ll catch up with you when I’m done?”
Alex blinked, then nodded slowly. "Uh, alright." He replied. A little stupidly, he realized afterwards. He sighed, taking another drink. His dark hair was loose today, hanging down around his shoulders in loose, gentle curls. He was going to get it cut soon. Probably. Maybe.
“We’re back!” Danny yapped, picking his guitar back up and slinging the strap over his shoulder. They fell straight back into their set, Danny’s relatively high and sharp voice filling the dive bar. His fingers flew across the neck of his guitar as he moved with the music, head slamming forward on the low notes and back on the high ones.
Alex watched quietly, his drink held in his hand as he watched Danny. He had to admit that the taller male had a halfway decent voice, and definitely a good stage presence. His mouth twitched in a faint smile.
(Btw, is this like…a world where supernatural stuff is kept well hidden, or is it more of a known thing, that supernatural creatures/magic exist?)
(it’s very well known! danny definitely doesn’t make it much of a secret that he’s a werewolf)
“Aw, shit, guys. Looks like we’re out of time for this set, but catch us a after th’ show to find out our next couple shows.” Danny stretched, taking off his guitar and placing it into its case. “We’re Mutts ‘n Gutts, and it’s been a pleasure, Dog City.” He grinned, pushing his bleached hair out of his face.
(ooh okay! Makes sense lmao)
Alex shifted in his seat, biting his lip a little bit. He took another sip of his drink, eyes flashing around the room, at the group of humans and nonhumans.
Danny walked back up to Alex, flashing his jagged, wolfish teeth in a grin. “Hey! Said I’d come back to bug ya, didn’t I?” His voice sounded somewhat shot, for sure, but that didn’t seem to stop him from talking. “Whatcha been doin’ since high school?”
Alex chuckled a little. "You sure you should be talking?" He replied. He smiled slightly. "As for that…not much. I do a lot of freelance writing, that sort of thing. Pays the bills, gives me a flexible schedule." He shrugged.
“Eehh, I’ll be fine.” Danny shrugged, taking a seat next to Alex. “Oh damn, you freelance? That’s fucken’ dope, man. Real cool. Flexible days ‘n allat, that’s sick.” He rolled his head on his neck, feeling his neck and shoulders audibly crack and pop. “Where ya been? I mean, Dog City’s big, but it ain’t big. Think I woulda seen ya before, right?”
(I gtg to bed soon)
Alex shrugged. "I've been traveling. Wanted to get out of the city for a while. Had to come back, though." Mom got sick. He took a deep breath, taking a sip of his drink. "I'd assume you've stayed here, then?"
(alright, gn!)
“Nice, nice. Betcha didn’t miss this dumpster fire, eh? Musta been nice to be somewhere where your GPS doesn’t go haywire ‘n dead animals don’t just.. show up on your doorstep.” Danny laughed, stopping quickly once he heard Alex began to talk again. “Me? Yeah, yeah- the boys and I started the band a year or two after graduation, ‘n my pack dictates I can’t exactly up and run on ‘em whenever I want to. Got commitments or somethin’, y’know how it is.”
(good night!)
Alex nodded a little bit. "Ah. Yeah, I…I guess I understand that." He replied. As a human, he wasn't part of a pack, never would be, but he still thought maybe he understood. Sort of. Maybe. He took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. "How's the band been going?" He asked.
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