"Yeah." Alex laughed a little. "I don't remember the specifics right now. I believe the next thing I'm writing is…a research paper about curses? I don't know. I'll be organizing some guy's research notes, and putting them into an organized paper. Should be interesting."
“Curses, huh? Crazy. My cousin got cursed by our.. uh.. downstairs neighbors? Yeah. Crazy bitches, who, for some reason, forgot that they live under a pack of werewolves.” Danny let out a cackling, hyena-esque laugh, slamming back the last of his drink and keeping his hand on the glass.
Alex let out a rather weak chuckle, thinking of his own…issues. He took another sip of his drink, which was now nearly empty.
“Yeaaah, had to shell out a metric fuck-ton of dough to get it removed.” Danny shrugged. “Oh, fuck! Hey man, can I get your number? Just to keep in touch, y’know.”
Alex blinked, then nodded. "Yeah, sure." he wrote his number down on a napkin, handing it to Danny.
“Aye, thanks!” Danny pulled out his phone, which was practically shattered, picking at the corners of his screen. He added Alex as a contact. “You want me to shoot you a quick text so you know the number’s me?”
Alex nodded. "Ah…yes please."
Danny texted Alex just a few random letters, setting his phone facedown on the bar. He glanced around the room, looking at all of the bubbles of people. “Ah, shit. Meant to check the time.”
Alex raised an eyebrow slightly. "Why, is something wrong?" His phone buzzed with the incoming text, and he picked it up, logging Danny's number, then putting the phone back down again.
“Nah- well, I guess- no, not wrong. I just gotta be home by midnight tops, I have to take over looking after the younger pack members.” Danny picked up his phone, checking the clock. “And it’s.. 11:30, and I walk everywhere, but at least this place is close to the apartment.. I should probably go. I’ll see you soon, yeah? Don’t be a stranger.” Danny stood up, digging in his wallet to tip the bartender. He grabbed his case, leaning on the bar slightly.
Alex nodded a little bit. "Ah, right. See you, I guess." he replied, finishing up his drink and examining it for a moment. He sighed softly.
“Bye!” Danny grinned, giving Alex a wave as he walked out of the bar. He stepped out into the cool desert night, the street and headlights washing over him. His lip curled slightly at the bright lights as he walked down the sidewalk to his apartment building.
Alex waved back with a faint smile. He took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. He paid for his drink, and then made his own way out of the building and down the street.
Danny walked into his apartment, immediately bombarded with a handful of small children roughhousing and dive-bombing his legs. He shut the door behind him and set down his guitar, scooping up two of the kids and finally making his way further into the space. “Hey! Hugo, you home?” Danny called out, sitting on the couch with the kids.
“Yeah! It took you long enough, you know!” Hugo barked back, walking up to meet Danny, a toothy grin on his face.
“Did it? I’m fu- I’m early!” Danny laughed, remembering to limit his cursing around the younger pack members.
(should we ts to the next time they meet up?)
(yeah sure! When are you thinking?)
(honestly? i kind of wanted them to run into each other at the grocery store. super mundane, but i want alex to meet one or two of danny’s “siblings”)
(Ooh sounds fun!! I have scene planned for like…way way fricking later, involving Alex's ex and stuff. Just warning you lmao)
(alright, thanks for the heads up! should i take the ts?)
(ok!! also, grocery stores are like.. my favorite way of just adding the weirdest most unnerving shit to a world. hopefully i can weasel that in here)
Danny held one child’s hand, the other one perched on his shoulders. They had just arrived to the grocery store, a short sticky-note list in a child’s hand. “What’s the first thing on there, Bela?” He looked down at the child whose hand he was holding as he picked up a small hand basket.
“Uhh- apples! Green!” Bela yipped, tugging the tiny group into the produce section.
(lmaooo alright!)
Alex was at the store to pick up some food. He was staying in his old apartment, which his parents actually owned. So he needed groceries, since he didn't know how long he'd be staying in town.
A light overheard flickered and buzzed, a small mass scuttling under and over the yellowing plastic shell that surrounded it.
“I don’t get why they keep sending us for all these fruits ‘n veggies ‘n shi- stuff. Nothin’ here’s ever any good.” Danny huffed, turning over a browning apple in his fingers. “Whaddya think, Kit, are any’a these worth getting?” He tilted his head upwards, tapping the young werewolf on his shoulders.
Alex turned a corner, and spotted Danny. He raised his eyebrows a little bit at the sight of the werewolf surrounded by a bunch of children. He smiled a little bit.
The young werewolf on Danny’s shoulder shook his head.
“No? Well, alrighty then. Bela, just remind me ‘fore we get home that I have to tell Abe the apples were.. gone.” Danny paused, laughing. “Actually, maybe we just tell him that they weren’t worth the money, as per usual.. whaddya see next on the list?”
“Meat!” Bela yapped, punching her small fists into the air.
“Jesus, you’re bloodthirsty. Does it say what kind?” Danny peered down at the list, head cocked.
“No!” Bela wiggled a bit as she spoke, nearly bumping into a passerby.
Alex kept going, enveloped in his own head again. I need to finish these next few articles, and then I'm freed up for that short story competition I was going to enter… He took a deep breath.