Alex shrugged a little bit. "Yeah. Thanks." He replied with a slight smile. He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. "And yeah, I'm 21 now."
Alex shrugged a little bit. "Yeah. Thanks." He replied with a slight smile. He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. "And yeah, I'm 21 now."
“‘t’s what I thought.” Danny watched Mrs Rodriguez come back up to the table, notepa don hand.
“Can I get you boys started with something to drink?“ The woman clicked her pen, ready to write.
“Uh, I’ll take-“ Danny started, though he was cut off.
“Water? Sure.” Mrs Rodriguez clicked his tongue, writing it down. “You need to drink more water, dear. Especially with all this singing you do.” She scolded lightly, before looking over at Alex. “And you?”
Alex blinked. "Uhm. Do you serve tea here?" He asked, then checked the menu. "Uhm. Peppermint?" He asked.
Mrs Rodriguez nodded, writing down Alex’s order. “Do you two need more time to decide on food, or are you ready now?”
“Uhh- oh, shit, yeah, I forgot about that. Uhh, I’m not.. what about you?” Danny looked at Alex, head cocked.
Alex blinked. "I uhm…" He hesitated. "I don't think I'm ready to order yet, sorry." He replied with a smile.
The older woman walked off, placing her notepad in her apron.
“You said you were writing an article, right? How’s that?” Danny drummed his fingers on the
laminated menu, looking down at the options.
"Oh! That's nearly done, and with any luck, I'll be able to get a break and work on a project of my own, which I think is finally ready to actually be written!" Alex replied happily.
“Really? Dude, that’s dope! What’s the thing about?” Danny seemed to be feeding off of Alex’s happiness, given that his own eyes lit up at hearing Alex’s tone.
"It's this like…story I've been working on since I was maybe 16? Yeah, around 16. So…Junior year, I guess. And it's like…science fiction and stuff? And the characters and story have just kinda been stewing around in my head for a long time, and I think I'm finally ready to start writing it." Alex described, gesturing vaguely with his hands.
“Sci-fi.. that’s cool, dude. I don’t even remember what I was doing at 16. Not plannin’ a damn story, that’s for sure!” Danny grinned. His voice sounded slightly worn out, like it had the night that they met back up. “That’s so cool, man.”
Alex nodded a little bit. "Thanks! What have you been up to?" he asked, cocking his head a little bit and looking at Danny with a smile.
“Nothin’, nothin’. Had a gig last night, so my voice is shot- did a 10 second death growl on a dare and also I’m a little hungover, so it’s been a productive week.” Danny shrugged nonchalantly, shutting his menu. “You decide what you want yet?”
"Ah. I'm not sure whether I should congratulate you on that or not." Alex replied with a laugh. "But…congratulations, I suppose." he took a deep breath, looking at the menu again. "Oh. Uh…not yet."
“Mm, please don’t. Not my proudest moment.” Danny laughed, his sharp teeth glinting under the fluorescent lights. “The food here’s good, you just gotta specify how you want it cooked, ‘cause they do werewolf and human food here. Others too, but.. y’know what I mean.”
Alex nodded a little bit. "Alright. And…yeah, I learned that lesson the hard way while traveling." he chuckled quietly, shaking his head slightly. "Once, I ordered food, and apparently it was like…some strange, traditional dish, I think intended for vampires? Because I didn't specify that I was human?" he laughed again.
“Oh, god, that sounds terrible!” Danny laughed, shaking his head. “You gotta be careful, man! ‘Specially here in Dog City, if you remember.”
Alex nodded. "It was like…raw something or other with blood and other stuff? And not at all what I thought it would be." he laughed. "And yeah, I was careful forever after that."
Danny nodded, leaning back a bit. His arms were crossed and his head was tilted, overall looking incredibly relaxed. “You don’t gotta worry ‘bout all that here, man. Just gotta tell ‘em you can’t eat raw shit.”
Alex nodded. "Yeah." He let out a breath, and examined the menu carefully.
Danny looked around the near-empty restaurant. The only other people in there (discounting the staff) was a small group of teenagers, who were talking and laughing loudly. Mrs Rodriguez made her rounds, dropping off Alex and Danny’s drinks.
“Are you ready, or do you need more time?” Mrs Rodriguez pulled out her notepad, pen at the ready.
"I'm ready." Alex replied with a smile. "I think." He chuckled a little, running a hand through his hair, still unused to how short it seemed in comparison to how it had been.
(I gtg in maybe fifteen minutes)
(thanks for the heads up, gn!)
Mrs Rodriguez nodded. “We’ll start with you, then.” She pointed her pen at Alex, waiting for him to answer.
Alex ordered just a simple, rather plain cheeseburger, making sure to specify that it needed to be cooked all the way; he was human, and needed human food.
Mrs Rodriguez looked at Danny expectantly. He shrugged, ordering a hamburger (rare, please no condiments). He would’ve ordered raw, but.. even werewolf-friendly restaurants had to comply with some sort of safety regulations.
(gtg now. Good night!)
Alex rolled his eyes. "I am very careful, since last time I didn't specify, I had to choke down a vampire dish of raw blood and meat. I spent the next four days throwing it up. So."
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