“Oh, dude, nasty.” Danny wrinkled his nose, taking a sip of his water. “Try not to do that this time, I’d feel hella fuckin’ guilty.”
“Oh, dude, nasty.” Danny wrinkled his nose, taking a sip of his water. “Try not to do that this time, I’d feel hella fuckin’ guilty.”
"Yeah." Alex agreed, taking a sip of his tea. "It was the grossest thing I had ever had. And I never ever want to repeat that experience. It was worse than drugs and rehab. Combined."
“Ugh. Man, that’s gross. Thank god you specifically asked for human-safe shit, dude.” Danny rolled the bottom edge of his cup on the table, shaking his head. “We gotta get off this topic, uhh- whaddya like to do, dude? Every time we meet up we really only talk about our work ‘n shit, but what’re you into? Like, interests-wise?”
Alex chuckled. "Mhm." he blinked. "Oh. Well, considering my work is my interests…" he shrugged slightly. "But I listen to music a lot, too. Sometimes I sing along, but…my voice is better for like…pop ballads and shit like that, or musical theater."
“Yeah? That’s cool, dude. You like pop, then?” Danny tilted his head, finally setting his glass straight once more (he had almost spilled it, and was now just a tad more careful). “Makes me wonder what you were doin’ in that trashy punk bar.” He laughed, voice sharp and hyena-like.
"I mean…I listen to a bit of everything. I'm just saying that me, personally, I don't have a voice for the type of singing you do. I think my vocal cords would die." Alex explained. "And no, I don't listen to a lot of pop."
“Yeah, I don’t either, but I make it work.” Danny shrugged, a small laugh escaping his throat. “Really? Whaddya listen to then?”
Alex laughed softly. "I don't know, you sound pretty good." He replied. "And…like I said, I listen to a bit of everything. Except country. I can't stand country."
Danny grinned a bit, pulling at the collar of his t-shirt. “Jesus, dude, I’m bad at taking compliments. Thanks, though.” He gave a nod when Alex finished speaking. “Yeah, dude, country fucken’ sucks.. it’s all ‘bout, like.. fuckin’ chicks ‘n drinkin beers on your tractor. Not sure why people think that’s any good.”
Alex laughed softly. "That about sums it up." He agreed. "Although sometimes it's drinking beers in your truck. And sometimes it's all three at once." He shook his head.
“Ooh, the holy trinity- drinkin’, fuckin’, and drivin’.” Danny laughed again, taking a sip of his water. “The epitome of country music.”
Alex took a sip of his tea. "I mean…on their own, the three definitely aren't terrible. But you should really only ever combine the first two. If you do either of the first two while driving, you're gonna have an accident. And not a pleasant one."
Danny rolled his eyes jokingly. “ Oh come on, if you’re trying to tell me that some hick somewhere hasn’t tried to do all three, and succeeded, I’m callin’ bullshit.”
Alex laughed. "I mean, I know it has happened, I'm just saying that in general you shouldn't fuck, drink, and drive at the same time." He replied, looking at Danny.
“Okay- maybe you have a point. But I’m just playin’ devil’s advocate and sayin’ that not everyone is A: as smart as you, and B: has the same survival instinct. I’m pulling this outta my ass here, but I’m willing to bet that livin’ in the sticks does some shit to your brain, dude.” Danny shrugged, raising his palms a bit.
"Point taken. My point, though, isn't whether it has happened, but whether it's safe." He chuckled softly. "Which it definitely is not."
Danny let out a dramatic, drawn-out sigh, trying not to break out grinning. “Uuugh, fine, you win. It’s not somethin’ people should be doin’ on the reg. You happy now?” His tone sounded exasperated, but judging by the badly concealed smile on his face, he was far from serious.
"Yes." Alex replied in a mock prim tone, laughing softly. He smiled over at Danny, taking another sip of his tea.
Danny rolled his eyes, flicking some of the condensation from his glass at Alex. It was clear that he was already incredibly comfortable with Alex, treating him like he would any other close friend.
Alex blinked at the splash, chuckling. He didn't have anything to retaliate with, as his tea obviously didn't condensate.
“So, you said you like musicals or somethin’, right?” Danny tilted his head, mind bouncing to another topic.
Alex blinked. "Huh? Oh. Yeah. Musicals are amazing." He replied with a grin, taking a sip of his tea again.
“Cool, cool. There’s a theater here that does some pretty affordable shows. My sister was talking bout auditioning for their next one, I think it’s Sweeney Todd or somethin’ like that?” Danny shrugged, not even sure if that was the musical- they all started to run together at this point, if he was being honest. He took another sip of his water, practically draining it.
Alex lit up. "Ooh! I've been wanting to see that one!" He exclaimed, grinning. "That sounds fun!"
Danny smiled at Alex’s sudden energy, seemingly getting a little more excited as well. “It’ll be pretty good, yeah. It’s in… May? I don’t know, I’d have to ask, I just know they’re holding auditions soon.” He picked at a small shred of the table.
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