forum I’m really craving something supernatural huh // OxO // CLOSED!
Started by @GoblinKing

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“Oh, we’ve been doin’ pretty great recently! Got us a few gigs, that’s cool.. I’m startin’ to see some of the same faces at shows, and lemme tell ya, it’s a fucken’ cool feeling when you recognize people from gig to gig.” Danny took a sip of his drink. “Lemme tell you man, took me a hot moment to recognize your face when ya talked to me. Time hasn’t treated ya too badly. Me? I look the exact fucken’ same ‘s I did three years ago, just with white hair.”


(ooh so uhm…I had an idea for Alex and I'm only gonna do it if it's alright with you, but I was thinking…what if he had like…struggled with addiction in the past? Because it might make an interesting plot point)

Alex nodded a little. He ran a hand through his hair, then sighed, and just tied it back in a neat bun. "Yeah. I think I only recognized you because of that class we had together Senior year, though." he remarked. "What class was it, again? It was with Mr…ah, Wilkins, right?"


(he’s your character, do whatever you want! but yeah, i’m ok with it!)

“Yo, Mr Wilkins, I love that guy! Still visit him from time to time, dude came to my very first show.” Danny grinned, picking at the shoddy black nail polish on his hands. “Flipped the fuck out in there a few times, but Wilkins is the reason I didn’t drop out.”


(Alright! Just wanted to double-check)

Alex nodded. "He wasn't my favorite teacher, but…" he shrugged slightly. "I can see why you liked him." he smiled lightly.


“Yeah. If it makes you feel better, the school’s gone to shit since we graduated.” Danny polishes off his drink, flagging down the bartender to order a new one. “No doubt that we were the fun class, ‘cause all those freshmen are seniors now and they suck ass.


Alex grimaced a little. "Yikes. Not that our entire class was all that amazing anyways." he replied. "Hell, i sorta had a stick up my ass for the majority of high school." he laughed a little, taking another sip of his drink.


“Well, duh- I never talked to ya in school, I only know ya were like.. choir boy typa dude, right?” Danny cocked his head, tapping his glass. “Or am I just pullin’ shit outta my ass?”


"Choir, theater, and English were my preferred classes." Alex replied with a nod. He looked over at Danny. "Tenor one, no matter how deep I tried to make my voice go."


“Oh, wow. Artsy. Yeah, no offense or nothin’, but I definitely woulda given you some kinda shit for that in school.” Danny tilted his head. “I’m not sure what I am. Somewhere in between bitch boy and girl with a hella low voice, I guess. I think my voice has gotten kinda higher since then, so, uh, fuck.”


Alex squinted at him a little, thinking. "Probably a Tenor two, or Baritone. Possibly Bass one, though I doubt it." he replied after a moment. He chuckled softly, taking a sip of his drink.


“Ha, yeah, I don’t know what the fuck that means.” Danny laughed, pushing his slightly bleach-damaged hair out of his face. “I like my scale more, sounds less formal.”


Alex chuckled. "It means you have a deeper voice than I do." he replied, shaking his head. "Besides, on your scale, I would have the same voice as a deep-voiced girl."


“Jesus, that’s nuts. Oh, shit- gimme a second, I just remembered I have to get my guitar real quick. I’ll be right back, yeah?” Danny stood up, pushing through the small crowd. He came back a few minutes later holding a solid guitar case that was covered in stickers. “Sorry about that.”


Alex looked up when Danny came back, mouth twitching in a faint smile. "It's fine." He replied, taking a sip of his drink. He still had the same one he had started out with.


“Lemme tell ya, this thing’s my baby. Almost bashed a guy’s head in the other day ‘cause he tried to fuck with it.” Danny set the case vertically in front of his barstool. “Call me crazy, but I saved up money for damn near two years in school to afford this puppy.” He shrugged, a toothy, lopsided grin plastered onto his face.


Alex nodded a little. "I understand that." He replied with a quick smile. "And it's a good instrument." He added, looking at Danny with a soft smile.


“It’s fucken’ great!” Danny yapped. He really acted like a puppy, energetic, bright-eyed, and bushy-tailed. “If you look on the G string, you can see it’s weird and discolored, that’s cause I used to have super fucken’ long nails- ‘cause then I didn’t need a pick- but my nail cracked and started bleeding and then I never replaced the thing ‘cause I don’t want to shell out the money.” Danny shrugged, laughing.


Alex took a small sip of his drink again. "Well, congratulations for that." He replied with a laugh, looking at Danny. He couldn't tell if they had both changed since high school, or if just he himself had.


“Thank you, thank you.” Danny hadn’t really changed since graduation, per say, although he had come out of his shell somewhat. It was fair to say that he was even angrier, although that didn’t really bubble up until he was on stage performing. He had learned how to be more affectionate, that was for sure. “‘Nuff about me ‘n all that. You said you’re a writer? How’s that going, like- what’s it like?”