Alex chuckled, and turned his Pandora down. "Nah, it's fine." He replied. "Technically I'm invading your space because I couldn't handle seeing an ex again, so. You're good."
Alex chuckled, and turned his Pandora down. "Nah, it's fine." He replied. "Technically I'm invading your space because I couldn't handle seeing an ex again, so. You're good."
Danny plucked a few strings. “Nah, nah, man, you’re not invading. This place is open pretty much 24/7, people are coming in ‘n outta here all the time.”
Alex nodded, then shrugged a little. "Still." He replied. "I shouldn't have…reacted the way I did." Even though he knew that considering what Keats had done, his reaction had been perfectly reasonable.
“I don’t blame ya, brother. Fucked up guy did some fucked up shit to you, I think you were well within your rights to react like that.” Danny strummed a few chords absently, mostly relying on muscle memory so that he could still talk.
"It wasn't that bad. He never like…beat me or anything." Alex replied slowly, shrugging his shoulders slightly.
“”Not that bad” my ass, Alex. He got you hooked on drugs so bad you had to go to rehab, for fuck’s sake! Just ‘cause the damn bastard never punched you don’t mean that wasn’t a fucking rotting shell of a relationship, fool.” Danny stopped playing to look Alex dead in the eyes, a concerned yet stern look of his face.
Alex blinked slowly. "He's a succubus. He could have done worse." Could have turned me into a mindless shell. He shrugged a little bit, looking at Danny for a moment, then away again.
“Let’s think about it this way; if I, I dunno, poison your food, right? If you didn’t die, does that suddenly make it okay? Even if you were in the hospital?” Danny rested his guitar in his lap, gesturing with his hands as he spoke. “No, right?”
Alex frowned a little. "…no?" He replied slowly, running a hand through his hair and looking at Danny again. His eyebrows drew together, and he looked a little confused.
“Cool, so we agree on that. Just because it coulda been worse doesn’t mean that what happened is any less bad. You followin’?” Danny noticed the confused expression on Alex’s face, but he wasn’t sure how to break it down further than that.
"Yes, but…he's a succubus. That means that if he wanted to…he could have destroyed my mind and… basically turned me into a mindless, uhm…sex slave." Alex blushed a little bit, looking away. "And he didn't. Just…got me addicted and…" He shrugged. "I don't know."
“I know what he coulda done, Alex.” Danny snorted. “That doesn’t make him any much of a better dude, though. I don’t get a pat on the back for not murderin’ someone, he doesn’t get one for not being a total fucking perverted asshole.”
Alex sighed. "I'm not giving him a pat on the back! I'm just…I don't know." He shrugged helplessly. In all honesty, his mind was probably still at least a little bit affected by what Keats had done. Which was probably why he was making these excuses, saying "it wasn't that bad".
“Alright, alright. I’ll back off for now. Just take care of yourself, alright? This dude’s clearly still in your head. Just.. be gentle.” Danny bit the tip of his tongue, picking his guitar back up and plucking a few notes.
"Alright. Sorry." Alex said, looking down at his hands and trying to figure out what to say or do. Or…or anything.
“Don’t gotta be sorry.” Danny responded plainly, although his tone was gentle. He glanced at the neck of his guitar. “You like Nirvana?”
Alex looked up. "Oh. Uhm. I am ashamed to admit it, but I don't think I've ever actually…listened to them before."
“Don’t gotta be ashamed, man. Good music, though. I’d recommend it, yeah.” Danny quietly played a few chords, his fingers seemingly moving without thought. “This is.. The Man Who Sold the World. Originally Bowie, but I like Nirvana’s cover better, I think. Maybe ‘cause I heard it first.” He shrugged, still playing.
Alex nodded a little, and went quiet, listening to Danny playing. He ran a hand through his hair again, still surprised at its new shortness.
“I’m trying to think.. I don’t know what songs we’re playing tonight, ha- normally we just get up there and wing it, but for some reason I’m feeling a little nervous about this set..” Danny shook his head, unsure of why he was feeling this way and trying to ignore it. “It’ll probably be a lot of covers tonight.”
Alex nodded. "Are you nervous because the drummer's missing?" He asked, looking at Danny carefully.
“…Yeah, that’s probably it. Sucks, ‘cause he’s like.. half of my impulse control.” Danny laughed, still picking out the song.
Alex laughed a little bit. "Mm." He chuckled softly, running a hand through his hair.
Danny sang along softly as he played, trying to push his nerves away and focus on the song instead. His voice was quiet, and it was clear that he was trying to sing lower than his normal high-pitches singing. It wasn’t bad, but he gave up after a few seconds anyways.
Alex listened quietly. He cocked his head a little when Damian stopped, studying the other male a little bit.
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