He nodded. "Yeah." He agreed softly, running a hand through his hair.
He nodded. "Yeah." He agreed softly, running a hand through his hair.
Danny stood back up, stretching his legs and back out. He picked up his guitar, setting it back down in its sticker-plastered case.
Alex watched him for a moment, then checked the time on his phone. He tugged on a strand of hair, twirling it around his finger as he thought.
“Hey, what’s the time?” Danny turned his head to look back at Alex as he picked up the guitar case, carrying it base to its normal spot.
"Oh, uhm…" He checked his phone. "About 4:30." He replied, looking over at Danny and putting the phone back in his pocket.
“4:30.” Danny echoed, nodding his head. “Yeah, alright.” He shifted from foot to foot for a moment, waking back to the couch and sitting on the arm.
After a few minutes, Alex's phone began to ring. "It's my mom." He told Danny, answering it. "Hey Mom. No, I'm not at the apartment now, why?" He frowned a little bit. "What?" He stood up, face paling. "Oh. Oh God. I'll be there soon." He hung up, taking a deep breath. "I gotta go. My dad…I have to go." He said to Danny. "I'm sorry. I'll see you later?" He went over and started putting his shoes on.
“Oh- uh- shit, yeah, sure. Text me if ya need anything, okay?” Danny gave him a small wave, head tilted curiously. His tone read as concerned, although definitely confused.
He nodded quickly. "Yeah, alright. Sorry to just bail on you like this, but I…you remember that I said my dad is sick? It's…he…" He sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "It's hard to explain, but I…it got worse, and…"
“No, dude, family always comes first, man. Don’t sweat it. You don’t gotta explain jack shit to me, I get it.” Danny stood up, leaning on the arm on the couch now. “Really though, hit me up if you need anything.”
Alex nodded, opening the door. "Alright. Thanks. I'll see you later." He headed out, half running as he headed towards the hospital.
Danny waved, standing up fully. He picked up his phone, pacing a bit as he scrolled through his apps. He gnawed on his knuckle, head tilted.
Alex made it to the hospital, checked in, and half ran through the hallways, heading for his father's room.
Danny hopped back up onto the counter, digging through his unread messages and emails. He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it away from his forehead. Ambulances and police sirens screamed through the streets again, but tat had become a sort of background music in his eyes.
"What happened?" He asked, even though he already knew. The marking had spread again. Was getting closer to his father's heart. His father suffered from the same curse he did; all the males in their family line had it. But his father was dying from it, as Alex would be someday.
Hugo came back into their small kitchen, leaning on the counter. “Your friend leave?”
“Yeah. Somethin’ happened with his dad, I think? Sounded bad.” Danny shrugged, picking at his nail polish. “I dunno, I didn’t ask questions. Should I dye my hair again? It’s getting to be that nasty grayish color again.”
The nurses told him, and Alex sat by his father's bedside, watching the older man breathe. His father had passed out, and Alex gently peeled back the shirt to see the marking where it curled over his father's shoulders. He knew that eventually, his own would look like that too. It would be him lying on this bed, waiting to die. He swallowed hard.
Hugo shrugged, pulling a beer from the fridge. “Dunno. If you are, lemme help. Last time you did it it was patchy as all fuck.” He cracked open the bottle on the edge of the counter, taking a sip.
“Yeah, yeah. Sure. Today? I got a gig in a few hours, but it’s not like I’m bleaching my hair or anything.” Danny pulled his feet onto the counter, now crouching.
Alex let go of the collar of his father's shirt, taking a deep, shaky breath. He closed his eyes. He knew this was how he would die. That he only had until his 40's, and then the curse would swallow up his life.
“..Fuck it. Let’s just do it now, I’m bored as hell and got no impulse control.” Danny hopped off the counter, walking to the bathroom.
Hugo followed after, trying to remember where all of the hair dye was.
(God these are two VERY different scenes all playing out at once)
His mother came in. "How are you doing?" she asked Alex. His father was still out cold. "Any new flare-ups?"
He shook his head. "Not recently…I'm sort of worried that when it does…" he trailed off, shaking his head. "I don't know."
(yeah lmao)
Danny crouched down, pulling the supplies out from underneath the sink. “Fuck, my man, it’s been too long since I last did this, damn. What, four? Five months?” He laughed, shaking his head. “Long overdue.”
She nodded, pulling him into a hug. "I'll be here to help if you need me." she said softly.
"I know." he hugged her back, holding her as she held him. "I love you, mom."
Hugo shrugged. “Yeah. It looks shit, dude. Are you doing your nails too?” He looked down at Danny’s callused and scarred hands. “They’re pretty jacked.”
Danny grabbed a towel. “Actually, I dunno. I was gonna, but.. I’m kinda feeling the shitty nails, y’know?”
"I love you too."
Alex knew how hard this was on his mom. The fact that her husband was slowly dying, and that her son was too? It was hard for her to watch.
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