"The way you looked while playing." he explained. "It was easy to see that you loved it." he smiled a little bit.
"The way you looked while playing." he explained. "It was easy to see that you loved it." he smiled a little bit.
“Oohh, yeah, that.. makes sense.” Danny nodded, setting his guitar onto the floor and leaning it on his knees. He checked the time again. 4:00. Danny fumbled for conversation in his mind, although he couldn’t think of any topics they hadn’t already exhausted by now.
He smiled a little bit. "Mhm." he stretched, and took another sip of water.
(gtg bye!)
(bye, gn!)
Danny yawned, fiddling around with the tuning knobs on his guitar. “You know? You ain’t too bad for a human.” He nodded as he spoke, watching a tiny spider scurry across the wall.
Alex laughed a little. "Uh, thanks?" he looked over at Danny, smiling a little.
“Yeah, no problem.” Danny stretched his arms, bringing them down behind his head. He fell back into the couch cushion, sinking into it ever so slightly.
Alex smiled a little bit. "But…the way you say that kinda makes me think you've got something against humans." He arched an eyebrow.
Danny paused, pursing his lips for a moment. He clicked his tongue quietly. “..Well, no, but I’m not gonna pretend I ain’t been beat to the ground a thousand times by you either. When you get compared to a dog every day of your life, starts to get a little tiring.” He shrugged.
Alex bit his lip, wincing a little at that. "…oh. I'm sorry. I… didn't know." He replied softly, glancing down at his hands for a moment, then back at Danny again.
“Wouldn’t expect you to.” Danny grimaced, although he laughed just a little bit. “You wouldn’t’a known, ‘cause you never experienced it.”
He nodded his head. "Yeah." His eyes flickered for a moment. I've been tossed out of places for being cursed, but that's not the same. He hadn't ever really thought about it. The divide between people like him and people like Danny.
“Ah, geez, I fucked up the whole vibe, huh? Damn, sorry.” Danny laughed again, rubbing his neck.
Alex let out a soft laugh. "Nah, don't worry about it." He replied, shaking his head. "I killed the mood earlier, now you did, doesn't matter all that much."
Danny nodded. “So we’re even.” He drummed his fingers on the guitar’s head. “Oh- geez, just a warnin’, my packmates should be in any time now. We can duck outta here if you don’t wanna meet em, ‘though.”
Alex blinked, then shrugged. "Depends on how pissed they'd be at finding me here, I guess." He replied with a soft laugh.
“Like I said, brother. People’re in ‘n outta here 24/7. Nobody’d care, but they’re a little more aggressive than me.” Danny gave him a cackling laugh, rubbing the dark circles under his eyes.
Alex wrinkled his nose. "Hm. Alright." he replied. He shrugged. "I'll stick around for a bit, I guess. Though I have to head home sooner or later."
Danny nodded, cracking his knuckles. He listened to the screech of police sirens whizz by, his lip curling in distaste just a bit.
Alex glanced up when he heard the sirens, swallowing and running a hand through his hair. He sighed softly.
“Yeah, those’ve ramped up since you been gone.” Danny shrugged. ”Fuckin’ pigs..” He grumbled quietly to himself, a small sneer creeping onto his lip.
He frowned a little. "Why?" he asked softly. He also wondered what or who Danny was referring to when he said "fuckin' pigs". But he wasn't going to ask about that.
Danny shrugged again. “Increase in ‘supernatural’ activity, I guess. That’s what I heard, anyways.”
"Oh." Alex replied softly. He ran a hand through his hair, sighing softly. "That sucks." he thought of his own curse, of the tattoo in the small of his back that was a constant reminder of the fact that, at any time, he could lose control of himself.
“I think it’s a steaming pile of bull, but..” Danny trailed off, pulling his knees up to his chest. “Think it’s just a stupid excuse to fuck up our way of life.”
Alex nodded a little bit. "I'm sorry, Danny." he said quietly, glancing over at Danny again. He realized again the divide between him and Danny. Because yeah, maybe Alex was cursed, but he didn't have to put it on his passport. He didn't face discrimination for it, and he hid it most of the time anyways.
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