Danny shrugged, letting his hands fall out of his hair and onto his lap. “I dunno, I’m not picky, just… huh. Yeah, I dunno. Maybe I just dye my hair and leave my nails, ‘cause I like ‘em like this.”
Danny shrugged, letting his hands fall out of his hair and onto his lap. “I dunno, I’m not picky, just… huh. Yeah, I dunno. Maybe I just dye my hair and leave my nails, ‘cause I like ‘em like this.”
"If you like them, then why should you change them?" He replied. "Just do what makes you more comfortable."
“Uhh- I don’t know, actually. Damn, Alex, you’re like a fuckin’ uh.. I don’t know. Smart guy.” Danny laughed a bit, pressing the tip of his thumb against his teeth.
Alex laughed a little bit. "Nah, I'm just saying what I do. I try not to do things I don't want to, anymore. My life's too short already for wasting time."
“Already? Man, you ain’t even dead yet. Can’t act like you’re gonna die if you don’t know when you will.” Danny scratched above his eyebrow. “You feel me? Like.. if I spend forever actin’ like I’m ‘boutta die, then I’ll never get jack shit done.”
Alex shrugged. "I uhm…" Have a curse sapping away at my life-force. I won't live to be very old. "Yeah, I guess." he rubbed the back of his neck, eyes flicking away. It was rather obvious that he was holding something back, something rather important.
“Yo? Man, if you got somethin’ to say, say it. Won’t hurt my feelings.” Danny tilted his head, leaning in slightly.
"Nah, it's not…" Alex shook his head. "Nothing. Sorry. Just thinking." he ran a hand through his hair, looking away for a moment.
“Looked like it was important, but okay.” Danny gnawed on his knuckle, leaning back on the couch cushions.
Alex shook his head. "No, don't worry." he replied, biting his lip a little as he looked over at Danny.
Danny rolled his eyes. “Maybe I’m gettin’ all worked up over a hunch, but you aren’t all that convincing.”
He chuckled softly. "It's nothing you need to worry about right now, okay?" he replied, looking at Danny again.
“That means I can worry about it later, I assume?” Danny pressed his finger to his lips, pulling the lower one down a tiny bit. “‘Cause I will, ‘cause you’re acting cryptic as fuck, dude.”
Alex groaned a little. "You can worry about it if I tell you. Otherwise, there's no need for you to be unnecessarily worried. Okay?" he replied, slouching in his seat.
“..Fine.” Danny bit his tongue, checking the clock on his phone. “God, what time is it..? Too early to be drinking, alright.” He mumbled to himself, setting his phone down on his thigh.
Alex laughed. "Too early to be drinking." he echoed in agreement.
“It’s still only.. 3:30-ish, wow.” Danny laughed slightly. “I got a short set tonight at.. 9:00. It’s really just me and my bassist, so that should be fun. Drummer’s out sick as a dog, poor guy.” He tugged on his earlobe, picking at a small scar, presumably from where an earring once was.
Alex nodded. "Ah. Poor guy. Where's the set?" He asked curiously, raising his eyebrows. He was very much tempted to come along and listen.
“Right? Fucking flu. It’s uhh.. that one bar on Cherry Boulevard, the real small one. Busy. You know which bar I’m talkin’ about, right? I don’t remember the name right now, but I can get it for you.” Danny gestured vaguely, trying to get his point across.
Alex nodded. "Yeah, I know it." He replied, running a hand through his hair and letting out a breath.
“You should come, it’s free.” Danny looked over at his guitar case. “But like, we accept tips ‘n shit.” He laughed a sharp laugh, shaking his head and trying to push his hair out of his eyes.
Alex chuckled. "Alright, alright." he replied, looking at Danny. "I'll be there, then."
“That’s sick, dude, thanks! I don’t know how big the audience is gonna be, ‘cause there’s an actual like.. big famous band playing at a real venue tonight too, but who knows?” Danny shrugged, picking at his lip.
(hey just a heads up, I'm not going to be super active tonight. Sorry!)
Alex shrugged. "You're welcome. And yeah, I guess we'll see." He replied with a quick smile.
(it’s all good, thanks for the notice!)
Danny got up, finally tired of only eyeing his guitar. He brought the case over, pulling out the guitar and beginning to tune. “Sorry if this is kinda annoying, dude, I just need somethin’ to do with my hands, y’know?”
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