forum I have no notifs and it makes me uncomfy, rp anyone?
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Kit looked up at Marin curiously and nodded. "Alright… I don't know very much right now, though." He glanced over to Willow, humming softly to himself.


Kit smiled softly in return and huddled closer to Marin, looking down at his small hands. Once they were outside, he made a few sparkles dance in his palms, seeming pretty pleased.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin watched, smiling some. They moved to set Kit down, holding their hands out. They weren't able to do the same thing, but they did make a few flames appear. Willow came down as well, watching and giggling.


Kit floated in the air while he made little colorful balls of light for himself to toy with. It wasn't much, but it seemed to amuse him, and he was in better spirits now that he was actively doing something.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin was glad to see Kit in better spirits. The mage hummed some, letting their wisps of flame travel up and down their arms. It had been a while since they had done this. Simply enjoyed the wonder of magic.


Kit watched Marin closely, his eyes wide with curiosity. After a few seconds, he looked down at his own arms and tried to mimic them, managing to get tiny wisps of flame to flick around his forearms. He grinned brightly, clearly proud of himself.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin watched, smiling.
"Great job!" They praised. They had to admit, they were proud of Kit too. It might be easier for the boy to learn fire magic, since that was what Marin knew. If they could study up on water magic themself, though, they'd be able to help Kit with that later down the road.


Kit tried to make the flames bigger, but doing so put pressure on his head and he got a bit dizzy, which made the flames fade entirely. He put one hand to his head and closed his eyes, swaying for a few seconds.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin stopped what they were doing, their own flames disappearing as they moved over to Kit's side.
"You did really good," they assured, arms going around Kit to hold him close. "We just gotta be careful, okay?"


Kit nodded once the dizziness faded, taking a few deep breaths. "Y-Yeah, right. Sorry… got a little too caught up." He laughed weakly, hugging Marin back after a moment.


Kit nodded again, resting his head on Marin's shoulder. "Yeah… maybe you could show me how to do it without making my head hurt."


Kit looked up at Willow curiously, holding one finger up to her. "Mm. I guess magic just drains my energy a lot right now."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Willow looked at the finger offered to her, letting the small bundle of hair she had been messing with drop to put her hands to it. She hummed some, some of the first noises she had actually made, smiling.
"Mhm. It'll get easier with practice, though."


Kit smiled softly at Willow's humming, letting her hold onto his finger for now. "Yeah, that makes sense… practice is so annoying, though." He whined. "Why can't I just be good at stuff?"


"Yeah, I guess so… it's just really frustrating when I can't do the things I wanna do." Kit sighed softly, huddling a bit closer to Marin.


Kit nodded a bit, nibbling nervously on one knuckle. "Yeah… and the book should help me learn better, right?"


"If you say so… it feels like I'm going super slow." Kit sighed softly. "Everybody else in my family is real good at magic already…"


Kit smiled weakly, but it didn't last long as he huddled closer to Marin. It was really frustrating to him that he couldn't do the kind of magic that his siblings did yet, or he couldn't make things happen when he wanted to. His magic was very simple at the moment, and sometimes difficult for him to control anyway.