forum I have no notifs and it makes me uncomfy, rp anyone?
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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"I think they have those up on that shelf…" He hummed softly, pointing up at a higher shelf. He didn't seem to have made the connection that it was for him yet.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Ah, thank you." Marin smiled slightly as they moved to the shelf Kit had pointed to. They found it cute, how Kit didn't think that a fire mage asking for a book of fire basics was. Willow lifted herself up, looking over the books with a small hum.


Kit straightened up so he could look up at the books as well, carefully pulling a book about water magic off of the shelf as well to examine it curiously. "Hmm… I might get a book as well."


"Oh!" Kit flushed a bit in embarrassment, seeming to finally make the connection. Of course they wouldn't need beginner books… they already know all of this stuff. "R-Right, um… that makes sense…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin held back their chuckle, gently hugging Kit close for a moment.
"I can help, of course, if you ever want to learn about fire or shadow magic." The mage chuckled then, gently patting Kit's back. They found it endearing, how Kit hadn't thought of himself.


Kit nodded a bit, burying his face in Marin's shoulder for a few seconds before he turned his attention to the book again. "Right, y-yeah… do you think they have ones on water magic too?" He asked.


Kit nodded again and hesitated before floating up to the higher shelves to find books, passing one down to Marin once he found one he liked. "Do you want to get any for yourself?" He asked.


"Oh… well, they have regular books, too. Do you like to read?" He asked curiously, returning to Marin's arms. "I think it's nice…"


Kit nodded a bit, holding a book close to his chest as he huddled up against Marin. "Mhmm… should we check out now?" He asked softly.


Kit looked up at Willow curiously, holding one finger up to her as he clutched the book to his chest with the other hand. He carefully set the book on the counter when they reached it and pulled some coins out of a little pouch in his pocket.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Willow looked at Kit's finger a moment, touching the tip of it with her hand. She smiled, moving to pull the child's finger close into a hug.
Marin watched as Kit and Willow interacted, and as the boy put the coins down.
"This book is going to help a lot," the mage noted, smiling some.


Kit smiled gently up at Willow, giggling a bit. He seemed to be in pretty good spirits. When Marin addressed him, he looked back up at them and nodded. "Yeah, it should… the books here are usually pretty good." He thanked the shopkeeper and picked up the book to hold onto again.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin thanked the shopkeeper as well, moving to walk out of the shop again. Willow smiled back at Kit, settling down into his hair with a small trill. The mage watched, tucking Kit close to their chest.


Kit trilled softly as well, curling his tail around Marin's arm. "Where do you wanna go now?" He asked. "We could return to the inn for now if you're wanting to resume traveling tomorrow."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I think back to the inn is a good idea for now. We'll start out in the morning." Marin smiled some, walking back to the building with Kit in their arms. They hummed some, holding Kit close.


Kit yawned a bit and looked down at the book in his small hands, examining it curiously, running his fingers over its cover. It obviously fascinated him. This one big book held information that might help him learn magic.


Kit nodded a bit and paused for a moment before opening the book. It was written in the fae language primarily, but the translations in English were below each paragraph. He hummed softly as he read through a page, trying to figure it out.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin looked over the book with Kit, humming softly. They were glad for the English translations, looking over it. They weren't very familiar with water magic, but they could make it work.
"How are you doing with this?" Marin asked, hugging Kit close.


"Ah… I'm not sure I quite understand it." Kit flushed a bit and smiled sheepishly, tousling the hair on the back of his head with one hand. "Some of it makes sense, but a lot of it's pretty confusing…"