forum I have no notifs and it makes me uncomfy, rp anyone?
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Kit smiled softly in return and huddled closer. "I bet there's all sorts of cool things in the human realm. Do you have any pretty flowers that are different than the ones here?"


"Ooh, yeah!" Kit smiled a bit brighter, seeming to be in better spirits. "I like gardens! Where could we find one?" He asked.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well, they usually aren't hard to find if we go to a town," Marin said, "And we might even come across someone who'd let us go to their own private garden." Marin would probably have to pay for it, but that was okay.


"Cool!" Kit sat back a bit and stretched, yawning. "What other cool stuff do you have in the human realm?" He asked curiously, his eyes wide and bright as he looked up at Marin.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well," Marin said, thinking. "There are massive libraries, and lots of towns with really interesting people. There are shops that have goods from the other side of the world, even!" They hummed a bit as they thought of what Kit might like.


Kit grinned, nodding along as Marin spoke. "That sounds awesome! I don't really have much money, but I do like to read. I wonder if they have any books in the fae tongue…?" He hummed thoughtfully to himself.


"Mmm… how do you get money in the human realm?" He asked curiously. "My parents said it's really important there."


Kit nodded a bit. "I don't think I get any money for being a guide… what kinda jobs do you have to do?" He asked, shifting a bit closer.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well," Marin said, thinking, "It really depends on who is paying me. Sometimes I help on farms, or I help out with building a home. Sometimes I get a job at a smith's, where I help with the fire."


"That doesn't sound too hard…" Kit hummed thoughtfully to himself. "I dunno how good I'd be at building homes, though. I can't lift a ton."


Kit nodded as well and huddled closer to Marin. "Mhmm… I could do farmwork and stuff, though. That doesn't sound too bad. Just like, planting seeds and stuff, right?"


"Oh… what else would you have to do?" He asked curiously, getting himself a bit more settled where he sat.


Kit nodded again, leaning into Marin's hand a bit. "Maybe we could do that to get some money once we're out, then!"


Kit huddled a bit closer to Marin, yawning again. "Well… we can head out whenever, if you'd like. It might be a bit until we find shelter again, though."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Mm…" Marin hummed some, patting Kit's back. "I think we could handle staying here until morning tomorrow, don't you? This bed is really comfortable." The mage chuckled some, tucking his head over Kit's.


"Mm… yeah. It'll probably take nearly a day to get to the next town, although it depends on our pace." Kit trilled softly and closed his eyes, seeming to like being held like this.