forum I have no notifs and it makes me uncomfy, rp anyone?
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"You're not being problematic. It might have been a bit easier, but it's not the same. I wouldn't ask for anyone else." Marin gently rested their head on Kit's, their cloak finding it's way around them both securely with the help of a now-awake Willow. The familiar sat on Marin's head, offering a small smile to Kit.


Kit looked up at Marin weakly, his eyes shining with tears. "B-But… why not? Wouldn't it be easier for you to navigate the area with a guide who isn't scared of storms? Or… or who cries about everything, even if the things happened years ago?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"No," Marin said, after a moment. "Because that guide wouldn't be you. I'm extremely glad you're my guide, because… well, we can help each other. I want to help you with this, just as much as you've wanted to be a guide and help me through this place."


Kit smiled weakly and rubbed at his eyes a bit, laughing half heartedly. "Humans are strange, huh? My family always told me you guys are very selfish and just use us to get through the realm safely, but… you actually want to help me. I'm not just some robot here to guide you, huh?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin blinked some, looking a bit shocked at the news.
"No, you're not," they assured. "If anything, I should be thanking you. You and your people don't technically have to help anyone, especially when you're treated like that, but you do anyway. Thank you." Marin let out a soft hum, hugging the small child close.


"Mm… we don't want the humans to die. A lot of people come into our realm and they aren't prepared. The animals and the plants and stuff here are all really different, from what I've heard. I've never left the fae realm, actually, so my knowledge of the human realm is limited…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Mm…" Marin let out a soft sigh. "They are different. Still, it isn't… safer. The dangers are just different, which is why most aren't prepared." Marin shook their head some.
"Less natural, and more, well… Human made."


"Interesting… so I probably wouldn't be of much use to you out there." Kit sighed softly. "I don't really have any combat skills, and I dunno anything about the human realm, so I couldn't help you navigate anything…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"No," Marin admitted, "But I could be your guide." The mage chuckled softly, pulling Kit into a gentle hug.
"If you ever wanted to visit the human realm, I would be more than happy to be the one to help you around. Though, I don't think I'll ever be as good as you."


Kit flushed a bit and buried his face in Marin's shoulder. "Y-Yeah, I guess you could… I wouldn't want to bother you or anything, though. Humans aren't required to keep their fae guides around after they leave the realm."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"If you wanted to come, I would love to show you around the human realm," Marin said softly. It might be better, from what they knew of Kit's home life.
"It wouldn't be a bother at all, I promise."


Kit nodded and huddled closer. "I-I've always wanted to see the human realm… I think it would be interesting, much in the same way that the fae realm is interesting to humans. Do you think I would like it there?" He asked curiously.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well, then, I say come with me to see it," Marin said softly. "I think you would like it, for sure." Marin would be careful about where they went, so things wouldn't be bad. The mage smiled slightly.


"Mmkay… what kinda things are in the human realm that I should watch out for?" He asked curiously. "Like… dangerous animals, different customs, et cetera et cetera." He fidgeted a bit with his hands, seeming a bit nervous.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well, the most dangerous animals you'd have to deal with are the wolves," Marin said. "There aren't very many magical animals in the human realm, so it's not as dangerous in that sense. There are a lot of different customs, and usually every person we'd end up meeting would have a different one."


"Interesting… is there anything I should avoid doing because it might be offensive or something?" He asked, keeping his eyes on Marin so he could listen to them closely.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well, it normally depends on the person," Marin admitted. "The best way to approach everyone would have to be careful. Not too many things said, and not too energetic. Though, I'm sure most wouldn't mind you being you, promise."


Kit nodded a bit. "Okay… I don't wanna annoy anybody. I guess I wouldn't have much to say anyway since I don't know anything about that realm." He sighed and huddled closer. "It would probably be fine."


"Mmkay… hopefully the humans like me. Are they all really like my family says?" He asked. "Greedy and selfish and mean? Or are they more like you?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well," Marin paused, thinking a moment. "There are some like me, and there are some who are greedy and selfish. We have to be careful, because sometimes the mean people pretend to be nice."


Kit nodded a bit. "Mmkay… I guess we'd be wandering, though, so it wouldn't be too big of a problem. Where are you planning on going?"


"I guess that makes sense. Don't you want to explore every once in a while, though? Instead of just walking in a line all the time?" He asked curiously. "I'm sure you'd see a lot if you paused to look around every once in a while."