forum I have no notifs and it makes me uncomfy, rp anyone?
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin looked around, drawing Kit closer to their chest as the child cried out. He patted Kit's back, hurrying to what they saw as the closest inn, able to identify it after so many years going from inn to inn.


Kit started hyperventilating, hiccuping and choking on his breaths as he clung to Marin. Tears rolled down his cheeks, and he was shaking violently, unable to speak at this point. Thank god they found the inn on their own… He jumped again when thunder rolled outside the inn, whimpering shakily.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin opened the door to the inn, closing it quickly behind them.
"I've got you," they said softly to the boy in their arms. "I've got you, we're inside now." Willow looked around, slowly coming out of Marin's hood to move down to Kit, trying to silently comfort him.


Kit was shaking violently, his heart racing as he hiccuped and whimpered. He buried his face further into Marin's shoulder as he cried softly, curling his tail up between his legs. He was incoherent from fear, and couldn't apologize to Marin the way he wanted to.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin tightened their arms around Kit, patting his back as they tried to think of a way to help the child calm down. Finally, they decided the best thing they could do was get a room, and comfort Kit there. So, Willow focusing on Kit and trying to help distract them, Marin moved to get them a room.


Kit looked up at Willow weakly while she tried to distract him, his eyes still shining with tears. He flinched when he heard the thunder again, burying his face back in Marin's shoulder. He tried to keep quiet so he wouldn't be bothersome, but he was obviously terrified.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Willow ran her hand over Kit's cheek, keeping close to him. With the room secured, Marin carried Kit to it, sitting down on the bed with the child in their arms.
"I've got you…" the mage said gently. "I've got you, you're safe with me. The storm will be over soon."


Kit wrapped his legs around Marin's waist as he clung to them, still hyperventilating. A few more minutes into the storm, he seemed to be trying to sing something to himself, although it wasn't in a language that Marin knew. His voice was shaky, and the song was very choppy from his tears, but it was clearly a tune of some sort.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Willow listened as Kit started to sing to himself, slowly picking up the tune before humming along to it, doing her best to comfort him. Marin stayed quiet, rubbing Kit's back and pulling their cloak around them both more.


The song seemed to soothe Kit somewhat, although he was still very jittery. He kept very close to Marin, only actually settling down when the storm and the rain went away. "Is it… is it over…?" He asked weakly.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"It's over," Marin said softly. The mage patted Kit's back, looking down at him. They wrapped the cloak more around all three of them, arms tucked securely around Kit's waist.
"It's all over, you're okay." Willow looked up at Kit, her hands gently resting against his cheek.


Kit huddled a bit closer to Marin and sighed shakily in relief. Thank god… it's over… He hiccuped weakly and closed his eyes, just allowing Marin to hold onto him for the time being. "I'm… I-I'm sorry…" He whispered.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"It's okay," Marin said when Kit apologized. "It's okay, Kit. You managed to get us to the inn even when you were so scared, and I'm so grateful for that." The mage hugged Kit, rubbing his back.
"I've got you…"


Kit sniffled a bit and rubbed at his eyes, still trembling in Marin's arms. "I h-hate storm season…" He whispered shakily. "W-We're right in the middle of it, too, so it's not gonna end for a while…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin lifted their hand up, setting it on Kit's head.
"Well, Willow and I will be with you through it," the traveling mage said, running their fingers through Kit's hair. "And we'll do everything we can to help, okay?" Willow nodded, moving to gently cup her hands against Kit's cheeks.


Kit nodded weakly and rested his head on Marin's shoulder, closing his eyes as he tried to relax. "T-Thanks… hopefully storm season will end sooner than usual… but it isn't likely." He sighed, curling up into a little ball. "It's… it's probably a stupid fear anyway… b-but storms can hurt people…" He whispered.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"That's right, then can," Marin said, holding Kit close. "It's perfectly okay for you to be scared of them. But you're going to be safe, I'm going to make sure of it." Marin fell silent, rubbing Kit's back even as the child curled up.


Kit nodded again, holding tightly to Marin as he trembled. "When… when I was really little, I-I got stuck in a storm with my older brother…" He mumbled. "Koantri. We just called him Koa…" He rubbed at his eyes a bit. "He protected me through the night as well as he could, and… and in the morning, he was just… gone. I don't know where he went. We haven't been able to find him anywhere… and it's been years."


Kit buried his face in Marin's shoulder and hiccuped again. "I-I guess that's probably why I'm so scared of storms… I'm… I'm afraid they'll take somebody else away from me, or even take me…" He rubbed at his eyes a bit and sniffled. "There's dangerous creatures that could have taken him in the night, I dunno, I just… don't like storms…"


Kit nuzzled against Marin weakly, huddling up against them for warmth and comfort. "I-I don't wanna lose anybody else… I… I was kinda scared to be a guide because I knew it would be storm season eventually, a-and I don't wanna let down the person I'm guiding, and I don't want them to get lost like my brother…"


Kit buried his face in Marin's chest, still trembling softly. "I-I just… really wanna do a good job…" He whispered. "I want them… to be proud of me… I want to live up to their expectations… I want to keep you safe…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

You've been doing a really good job," Marin said softly. "You've kept us really safe. They should be proud of you, Kit, you even managed to help us get here even while you were so scared by the storm."