forum I have no notifs and it makes me uncomfy, rp anyone?
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I see," Marin said. They smiled as the child in their arms seemed to enjoy the new position, rubbing small circles into his back.
"I'm sure we'll make it tomorrow. For now? Rest sounds really good…"


"Mhmm…" It had been years since anyone Kit knew had actually held him like this. It was obviously comforting to him. He was warm and safe and secure, and he felt like nothing could hurt him as long as he stayed here in Marin's arms. "And we should hopefully be able to find food on the way, or we could purchase some here in the town before we go."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It wasn't hard for Marin to see how much this was helping Kit. They wouldn't be letting go any time soon, then.
"If we don't manage to find any, I believe I have some rations in my bag," the mage assured.


"We should be able to. Usually they're willing to spare some rations for travelers without payment, but I've got a bit of money just in case." Kit kept his eyes closed, seeming much more relaxed than he'd been since meeting Marin.


"Yeah… you shouldn't have to, hopefully." Kit trilled softly at the attention, relaxing a bit more. "The work wouldn't be too strenuous or anything, but we gotta keep moving."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Hopefully," Marin agreed, "I'd like to let you see the human world soon. Normally I don't rush too much, but it might be nice to spend some time in the human world with you too." The mage smiled as Willow moved to settle in their hair, humming and curling up like it was a nest.


"Mm… we don't have to rush for my sake. We can do as slowly as you need to." Kit explained softly. "I don't mind how long it takes to get through the realm. You should be able to experience it."


"Mmmm… I guess that's fine." Kit huddled a bit closer, getting himself more comfortable. "What are kids like in the human realm?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well, they're a lot like you," Marin said. They smiled as Kit got himself comfortable, nodding. Willow shifted on Marin's head, slipping over to curl up in Kit's hair now with a content sigh.


"Mm… how so?" Kit asked softly, turning his eyes up to try and see Willow. "Are they guides for the human realm?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Willow giggled with a sleepy voice moving her head down to look at Kit in turn. She let her head hang over the side of his hair, smiling some.
"No, not guides," Marin explained, "But… chipper. Very energetic at times." Marin chuckled softly.


"Hmm." Kit hummed thoughtfully and smiled up at Willow, still trying to see her better. "Interesting. Do you think I'd get along with them? Maybe I could make friends!"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I think you would," Marin agreed. "I'm sure you'll make lots of friends." Willow giggled some, moving to slide down and land between Kit and Marin. She smiled at him, settling down between them both. Marin smiled some, hand moving to gently rub Willow's back.


"Yeah, that would be nice…" Kit's smile softened a bit and he rested his head on Marin's shoulder. "What do you do with friends?" He asked curiously. "I've never had one before."


"Hm… I guess I would figure it out." Kit shifted again and wrapped his arms around Marin. "How hard could it be?"


"Yeah… what time is it?" Kit asked. "I can't see from here." He glanced around, trying to find some way to tell the time.


Kit nodded a bit. "Do you want to go and get lunch from the town? We should be able to find something that fits your taste."