forum I have no notifs and it makes me uncomfy, rp anyone?
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin sat Kit down, taking the meat in their hands.
"Mm," They said with a nod, moving to sit down. They pulled a knife out of their bag, cutting off a stripe of it before setting the main portion aside. They pulled their gloves off, taking the strip of meat in both hands. They concentrated, a low glow coming from their palms as they heated up. Soon enough, the meat was sizzling away, being cooked.


Kit watched Marin curiously, obviously intrigued by how the magic worked. He didn't have much magic himself, after all. The smell of the meat was nice as well, and it made his stomach growl as he edged closer to Marin.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin looked up, smiling some.
"I keep the flame just under my skin," they explained, showing how their skin was glowing some, "So it's easier to keep the meat from burning. Here, it should be almost done." Marin hummed some, letting their magic drop as they tore the meat in half. They waited for a moment, offering Kit's piece to him.
"Careful, it's still hot," they said with a small smile.


"How does it not burn your skin if it's under it?" He asked curiously, still watching as the meat cooked. He accepted the food when it was offered to him, blowing on it for a few seconds to cool it down before taking a bite. He seemed pleased enough with it, sitting cross-legged beside Marin.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"A lot of practice," Marin admitted with a small chuckle. "I also asked one of my friends to use her healing to give the inside of my skin the same fire resistance the outside does." Marin showed Kit their hands, the old healed burns.


"Ooh, that's cool!" Kit gently touched Marin's hand, looking at it for a few seconds. "I don't think I've got any real resistance to anything yet, but I'm sure I will at some point." He kept eating, humming softly to himself.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin offered a small smile as Kit touched their hand, taking a bite of their meat with a nod.
"At some point," they agreed. "Just make sure to be careful, magic can be a dangerous thing."


Kit nodded a bit and finished his food, stretching and yawning where he sat. "Mm… we've still got a while longer in the day, so is there anything you want to do?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin slowly finished their food as well, taking their time to enjoy the meat. They didn't get it often, not without doing some hunting, so it was nice to have.
"Well, do you know anything that would be nice to do in town while we're still here?" Marin asked.


"Well, they're mostly a market town." Kit shrugged a bit. "They've got horses, um… restaurants, various clothing and other stores. "Nothing incredibly exciting, but we can look around and see if there's anything you're interested in."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"That sounds like fun," Marin said, thinking a moment. "It'll be nice to just relax for the rest of the day and enjoy this." The mage smiled at Kit, putting the rest of their food away for later before offering their arms to Kit.


Kit smiled brightly as well and happily accepted Marin's offer, hugging them tightly. "Mhmm! I'm sure we can find something to do. There's some nice stuff in the stores."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin patted Kit's back as the boy hugged them, picking him up to hold in their arms.
"I'm sure as well," they said, letting their cape fall partially around Kit. Willow giggled some, moving to sit in Kit's hair again.


Kit wrapped his legs around Marin's waist as well as he could and his arms around their neck, trilling happily at the attention. "Where do you wanna go first?" He asked.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin thought a moment as they began walking out of the inn once more, head tilted.
"Well," they said, looking around, "it might be nice to see if they have anything for spell work." They wouldn't say it out loud, but it would be good to help Kit practice more to see if Marin could teach them anything.


"Yeah, they might have some spellbooks in the bookshop. I think they have a shop just for magic stuff, too." Kit hummed softly to himself, huddling a bit closer to Marin.


Kit seemed to enjoy being carried, trilling occasionally whenever he spotted something interesting. He pointed out the shop and glanced around curiously as they entered. "Yeah, they've probably got some good magic stuff here."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It was a good thing Marin seemed to enjoy carrying Kit, it seemed. They looked to the items in the shop as they entered, nodding.
"Yes, it does seem that way." The mage let out a small hum, looking over the spellbook first.


Kit looked around at all of the things curiously. He was familiar with magical items, of course, considering he came from a very magic oriented family, but there was stuff in here that he hadn't seen before. "What exactly are you looking for?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Right now, I'm looking for a spellbook," Marin said softly. Kit had said he wanted to learn more about fire magic, right? It had been a long time since Marin had learned, and it would be good to get him a spellbook of the basics to help. They wanted to try to see if there was one of water as well. It would do Kit good to be able to control it- perhaps even keep storms away when they got old enough.


Kit nodded a bit and glanced around the store. "Hm… I think they're in… this aisle over here." He pointed to a nearby aisle of books with a sign above it in the fae language. "There might be some in the next aisle as well, though."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Okay, then, thank you," Marin said. They started to walk to the first aisle Kit had pointed to, humming softly as they looked around. They looked down at Kit a moment, offering a smile.


Kit smiled softly back at them before glancing around at all of the spellbooks. "Are you looking for a particular type of spellbook?" He asked curiously.