forum I have no notifs and it makes me uncomfy, rp anyone?
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Kit nodded, moving the book more to where both of them could see it. "What does all of this mean?" He asked, pointing to a picture that appeared to be of someone drawing water out of the air to use.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin hummed as they thought, leaning a bit closer to examine the picture.
"It looks like the technique to summon water," they explained, pointing, "See the hand motion the image is highlighting?


"Ah… I think so?" Kit examined the picture more closely, still seeming confused. He tried to mimic the hand motion, but nothing happened. "Hm…"


"Okay…" Kit mimicked Marin as well as he could, although he still seemed very confused. "Am I doing it right?" He asked.


"Oh… okay." Kit held onto Marin's hand, looking up at them for further instruction. "How do I do that?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin shifted Kit in their lap, their chest to his back.
"We're going to take a deep breath," Marin instructed softly, "And try to clear our minds. That means no thinking about things, okay?"


"Okay…" Kit closed his eyes and fidgeted a bit with his hands, trying to do as he was told, but struggling to clear his mind. He couldn't keep himself from wondering if he was doing it right, or mentally yelling at himself to stop thinking.


Kit nodded a bit and obeyed, focusing his attention on his breathing. After a couple of minutes, he started fidgeting again, not really sure what to do. "How does this help with magic…?" He asked in a whisper.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"To learn magic like this," Marin explained, one eye opening to look down at the boy in their lap. "You need to be able to focus on one thing at a time, and put all your energy into it."


"Oh… okay…" Kit was quiet for another few seconds. "I-I don't really know what I'm supposed to be focusing on, though. We're not really… you know… doing anything…"


Kit sighed softly. "But I'm supposed to focus on not thinking, and that's really hard. Then I'm just thinking about thinking."


"Okay… is there anything I can do to make it a bit easier?" He asked, looking up at Marin tiredly.


Kit sighed dramatically, resting his head back against Marin's chest. "But that's haaaaard…" He whined. "I just wanna do magic!"


"Yeah…" Kit sighed softly and looked down at his small hands, obviously frustrated with them. Why couldn't they just make magic? He huffed, closing his hands into fists after a moment.


Kit glanced up at Marin again and paused before nodding. "I know, I know… I just… need to be more patient." He sighed. "That's what they always tell me…"