forum I have no notifs and it makes me uncomfy, rp anyone?
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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"W-What if they were right, though? What if I'm not ready to do this? What if I can't protect us?" He sniffled weakly and hiccuped again, rubbing at his eyes with one fist.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"You already have. You've shared really important information, things I wouldn't have known if it weren't for you. Telling someone those things is just as much protecting them as actually fighting things trying to hurt someone."


Kit whimpered softly. "B-But I shouldn't have to force you to do all the fighting just because I'm too weak…"


Kit sighed and looked away. "But I'm… I'm weak. I-I won't be able to actually do anything for ages…"


"I'm so stupid. Stupid and weak." Kit bit down hard on his lip, hiccuping again. "J-Just… a dumb little kid trying to do something he's not ready for yet…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"No, you're not. You're not weak, and you sure aren't stupid. You're young, yes, but those two things are not the same." Marin held Kit's head in their hands, getting him to release his lip so he wouldn't hurt himself.


Kit looked up at Marin weakly, his eyes pooling with tears. "They were right about me…" He whispered weakly. "My family, they… t-they told me to wait… most fairies become guides in their mid to late teens or so, b-but I thought I was ready… I wanted to do it…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin ran their thumb over Kit's cheek.
"You can still do it, Kit," they said softly. "You're still my guide, and you've been doing so good. I've got you, I got you…" Marin moved to hug Kit close, rubbing his back.


Kit looked up at Marin weakly, hiccuping a bit and holding tightly to them. "Am I really, though…? I've been pretty terrible, I thought…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"You've been doing a wonderful job, Kit," Marin said softly. "I wouldn't how anything about this place without you, and you're the one who found the shelter and brought us to this in."


Kit looked away, fidgeting with his hands as he trembled. "I-I guess, but… all I can do is lead you around. I can't really do anything else…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin gently held Kit close, letting out a small breath.
"Where I'm from," they started, "That's what guides do. They show you where to go, and they warn you of what dangers there could be. You've done that, Kit, and I'm going to help you learn how to fight, too."


"B-But you shouldn't have to, right? I… I-I should already know how to fight…" He sighed shakily, not seeming to feel much better.


Kit fidgeted a bit more, seeming uneasy. "But.. why do you wanna help me?" He asked weakly. "You know you don't have to…"


"But I'm a fairy, and you're a human… you're under no obligation to treat me well. I'm not allowed to leave even if you do."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I don't want to help you just because it's something I think I need to do," Marin said softly. "It doesn't matter if you're fairy or human. I could never, ever not treat you well."


Kit sighed softly, trembling a bit with nerves. "That's… t-that's good…" He said softly. "It's not uncommon for fairies to be treated poorly and taken advantage of since we're bound to a human as soon as they come in until they leave the realm."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I'm never going to hurt you," Marin said. "I could never, ever treat you poorly. It's horrible, that anyone would try that…" The mage trailed off, tucking Kit's head under their chin.


Kit whimpered softly and huddled closer to Marin, relaxing a bit at their gentle touch. "Y-Yeah, but… that's not gonna stop people from doing it. My parents won't tell me everything that people do to us…"