forum I have no notifs and it makes me uncomfy, rp anyone?
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Kit, lot's of children ask 'dumb' questions that really aren't dumb. Stuff that seems obvious to adults can be things you might not understand, and it's their job to teach you, not make you feel dumb." Marin ran their fingers through Kit's hair, humming softly.


"I guess so…" Kit sighed softly and leaned into Marin's hand. "I don't wanna bother them or make them mad or anything, though. I'm sure they get annoyed answering a bunch of questions…"


Kit looked up at Marin curiously and nodded, fidgeting with his hands. "O-Okay… I don't wanna annoy you or anything, though."


"Are you sure?" Kit relaxed a bit into the touch, trilling softly. "I don't… don't wanna cause any problems."


"Mmm…" Kit closed his eyes and huddled closer, seeming to like the attention. "Alright… if… if you're sure…" He was quiet for a bit. "Are there a lot of kids where you're from?"


Kit nodded a bit. "Did you ever have any kids?" He asked curiously, tilting his head slightly to the side. "It seems like you're used to being around them."


"Oh, that's cool! How old are you?" Kit asked curiously, seeming to relax a bit with the distraction from his family and situation.


"Oh, that's cool! I'm…" Kit paused for a moment and looked down at his hands as though counting on his fingers, "…ten! You're younger than my parents are. They're pretty old. They don't look that old, though."


"Mhmm! I think they're somewhere in their hundreds…" Kit hummed thoughtfully, trying to remember exactly. "I've got a fair amount of older siblings, and fairies live a really long time. I think we stop physically aging somewhere in our twenties or thirties."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

That was… older than Marin had assumed Kit's parents were, to say the least.
"Oh, really? That's quite interesting," The mage said, smiling some. "Humans don't live for long at all compared to fairies."


"Oh, really? My parents said fairies are im.. immort… tortle…" Kit looked confused as he struggled to pronounce the word. "We can't die of old age or something."


"Yeah! That!" Kit nodded a bit, smiling. "Fairies are that. We can only die if somebody hurts us or something. How long do humans live?"


"Oh, that's cool! What if they don't have any magic, though?" Kit asked, confused. "My parents said a lot of humans don't."


"That's not very long… wouldn't they be sad a lot?" He asked. "Then the people around you aren't living very long…"