forum I have no notifs and it makes me uncomfy, rp anyone?
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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"Well, I'm… I-I'm glad you're not…" Kit held tightly to Marin, not wanting to let them go. "You're nice… and… a-and you wanna help me…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin held Kit close to their chest, rubbing their back.
"I glad I am too. I'm glad that I get to be the first person you guide, that you won't get hurt." Marin wanted to protect Kit. They wanted to… change this, change how easy it was to hurt Kit or any other fairy for that matter.


Kit nodded weakly and yawned, sighing a bit. "My parents said people might be a little nicer with me since I'm little and they 'couldn't really use me for what they usually do' or something."


Kit buried his face in Marin's shoulder and sighed shakily. "Yeah… b-but they won't tell me what they usually do. I'm just glad that, whatever it is, you probably aren't doing it."


"Okay… if you say so." Kit huddled a bit closer, curling his tail up. "My parents said that humans find fairies interesting and… lesser, since we're not human. They hurt us because they don't understand us."


"Mm… apparently so." He sighed again and buried his face in Marin's chest. "B-But we'll be fine. I doubt we'll even run into anybody."


Kit nodded a bit. "Mmkay… it's not common to run into other fairies or humans here out in the open anyway. Sometimes we'll see them in towns and stuff, though."


"Mhmm. They probably wouldn't do anything in the middle of the town, honestly, so we should theoretically be alright…"


Kit nodded again, yawning as he huddled closer. "Mm… mhmm… thanks." He murmured softly. "Is it any better in the human realm? Or is it like it is here?"


"Mm… so I guess all humans are different, just like fairies. My parents said that they're all mean, though…"


"No! No, you're not mean at all!" Kit insisted, sitting back to look up at Marin. "You're really nice! I-I was honestly surprised since my parents only ever told me bad things… I didn't expect you to be nice. I-I'm really glad you are though, obviously."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I was worried for a moment you didn't think I was nice because of what your parents told you," Marin admitted. "I don't want you to feel scared of it. I'm really glad for it, too."


"No, I know I can't believe everything they say." Kit laughed nervously. "They've only had bad experiences with humans, so they're not gonna speak highly of them, even if some are nice."


"Yeah…" Kit sighed softly. "I'm sure you're right. It's hard, though. They always make me feel really stupid. I-I guess it's warranted, though… I mean, they probably know how to raise kids better than I do. They've had a bunch, after all."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"They shouldn't make you feel stupid," Marin said. "They should help you understand things without doing that to you." The mage ran their fingers through Kit's hair, humming some.


Kit shrugged a bit and sighed. "I-I dunno… maybe I ask stupid questions and don't realize it. They've probably had to teach it a bunch. I don't wanna bother them."