forum I have no notifs and it makes me uncomfy, rp anyone?
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Kit nodded a bit and started moving away, planning on getting up so that Marin wouldn't have to carry him.


Kit seemed a bit taken aback when Marin continued carrying him, but he didn't complain. "Um… w-what kinda food do you like?" He asked.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well, I like most anything," Marin said softly. They smiled to Kit, moving to tuck the boy under their chin again in a semblance of the position Kit seemed to be so relaxed in before.


Kit closed his eyes and relaxed again as he was held close, curling his tail up so it wouldn't be in the way. "Mm… we should be able to find something in the market, then."


Kit nodded a bit, looking over his shoulder so he could see in case he needed to guide Marin. We'll have to take a right out of here, but it's pretty close."


"Well, they've got all sorts of things. Meat, vegetables, fish, bread… I'm sure we'll find something we like." Kit smiled softly as he looked around.


Kit trilled softly at the attention, obviously pretty content. "Mmm… if we tell them we're travelers, usually they're willing to spare a bit of extra, so we should be able to get some pretty easily."


Kit made conversation with the merchants while Marin looked around, managing to get some fruit, bread, and raw meat. "How does this look to you?" He asked Marin.


Kit grinned brightly as well, seeming pleased with himself at the praise. "Thanks! We can eat the bread and stuff now, and cook the meat on the way, maybe?"


"Sounds good!" Kit grinned, adjusting his grip on all the food. "How much do you wanna eat and how much do you wanna save?" He asked.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin adjusted their hold on Kit in turn, thinking as they began walking.
"Well," they said, looking down at the amount of food that Kit had managed to get, "We'll probably want to keep at least half of it for emergency rations."


Kit nodded a bit, looking down at the food as well. "Yeah, probably. I'm not sure we have a means to cook the meat back at our lodging, so we'll probably save it for the journey."


"Mhmm. We'll be hungrier when we're exerting ourselves." Kit adjusted his grip on the food again. "If you want to try and cook some, you're welcome to."


Kit nodded a bit and held the meat up to Marin. "Sounds good to me. You're free to do whatever you want to do with it."