The doctor's nervousness rubbed off on him. "What procedure?", he asked quietly.
The doctor's nervousness rubbed off on him. "What procedure?", he asked quietly.
She pressed her lips together and looked at him. "The procedure we used for the other girl. Don't worry, it isn't harmful in anyway, I promise."
"What will you do to her? I have a say in what goes, right?" August was very protective of her.
"Of course. I'll run everything by you first," the doctor said honestly. "First, I'll need to know some things about her medically, then personally, if you don't mind providing that information. If we start with the basics, say… her favorite color, then it should be easier when it comes time to introduce her to you, her friends, and family."
"Okay. Her favorite color is teal." Will this work?
She scribbled it down. "Actually, if you could fill this out…" She searched for a paper in her folder and pulled it out to hand to him, "that would be very helpful."
August scanned the paper. He knew everything on here. "No problem. Can I borrow a pencil?", he asked.
She turned to get one and handed it to him. "Here. You can stay here or go out into the waiting room if you like."
"Alright.", he said. Name, age, relation to patient. He flew though the paper, realizing how much he knew about her.
Dr. Vegran absently paged through a thick looking file. Her eyes were glossed over, and she looked very tired.
"So how are you?", he asked the doctor, trying to start up a conversation. She seemed… sad? Exhausted?
She looked up at him, startled by his question. "Oh, I'm well, thank you." Her tone suggested blatantly otherwise.
"You sure?", he asked out of concern.
She looked away and brushed her hair behind her ear. "The other girl…" She paused for a minute in an attempt to collect herself. "The other girl that was diagnosed with this condition is my daughter."
The was silence for a minute. What was he supposed to say to her? The shock to him was apparent. "I-I'm sorry. I know how it feels. It's terrible.", he finally stuttered quietly, sadly. There was more to this than meets the eye.
She nodded. "That's how I got so… into this field of study."
"Does she remember you now?", he asked. His head was down and he was breathing hard.
She walked over and gently touched his shoulder. "Are you alright?" she asked softly.
"No. Does she remember you now?", he asked again. He didn't look up.
Dr. Vegran pressed her lips together. "Sometimes," she whispered airily.
"Will she remember me like she used to? I can't lose her." A tear dripped off his cheek. If he killed himself she wouldn't care now. Is it all over?
"I'm sure she will. I… I wasn't as close with my daughter as I would've liked," she admitted painfully.
"I know how that is. My parents don't care wether I'm home by midnight or not. They don't care if I were to do drugs or smoke or party. They don't need to be brainwashed to forget me." His voice was almost a whisper.
She closed her eyes. "I… I'm sorry."
Neither of them noticed Kate's eyes flicker open.
He sobbed with his head resting on his hands. I've lost everything.
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