August was so done. He picked her up and carried her to the woman.
August was so done. He picked her up and carried her to the woman.
She screamed and thrashed in his grip.
The woman looked very alarmed. "Is… Is now a bad time?"
"Yes!" Kate replied loudly.
"No! I'll bring her in and explain!", August said through clenched teeth.
The woman nodded hesitantly. "Follow me."
Kate made August's job as hard as she could, grabbing onto door handles, walls, and even other people who passed by.
"Really Kate? I'm trying to help you!", he said, adjusting his grip on her.
"I'm fine!" she screamed.
The woman quickened her pace and motioned for them to enter a room.
August entered the room and set her down after closing the door. He took a deep breath and said, "My girlfriend was kidnapped two days ago. We were leaving Still Waters, my apartment and they took her, threw her in their van, and drove off. Then today I see her at the bus stop and she can't remember me. I think the kidnappers did something to her."
Kate pounded her fist loudly on the door. "Let me OUT!"
The woman jumped. "Do you mind if we give her a sedation drug until we can figure out what's wrong?" she whispered to August.
"Yes, please. But don't hurt her. She's still in there. I know it.", he whispered back.
The woman nodded and opened a drawer slowly.
August looked curiously at what was inside. He saw many sharp objects and he backed away a little.
The woman smiled kindly at him. "I'm not going to hurt her, I promise. I am going to need her still, though, for the injection."
Kate whipped around. "No!"
August scooped her up again and set her on the chair. "She's going to help you. You're going to feel better.", he said softly.
Kate tried to leave. "No! White! No!"
August put his arms around her to keep her arms still. He nodded to the doctor.
The woman stuck a syringe in Kate's arm and pressed down on the plunger. The result was almost instant. Kate went limp in August's arms within seconds.
August set her down carefully. Would she ever be the same again? Hope was all he could do. He explained to the doctor. "That's my girlfriend. She was kidnapped two days ago outside of my apartment. They tossed her in a van and drove off. The police still haven't caught the kidnappers so who know what they did to her? Well I see her standing at the bus stop today and run over to see her. I thought I'd never see her again! But she didn't remember me or her best friend. They must have done something to her that has made her forget us."
"Hmm…" The doctor thought. "Well, first of all, my name is Dr. Vegran. I'll try to figure out what happened to your girlfriend, I promise. But for safety reasons, can you please prove that you did know her? Just for protocol."
He pulled out his phone to show her some of the photos of him and Kate. "I could tell you anything about her! Ask anyone who goes to our school!"
"Alright, I believe you. I just wanted to make sure. It's protocol." Dr. Vegran nodded and looked down at her tablet that laid on the counter. "So, do you mind if we run some brief tests on her?"
"That's what I was hoping for. Just tell me what needs to be done." August was glad she believed him.
The doctor nodded. "Her full name?" She had a pen in her hand – prepared to write. "I'll need it to access any past medical records."
"Katherine Mae Harrold.", he told her.
She jotted the name down. "M-a-y?" she asked, spelling the middle name aloud.
"M-a-e", he corrected.
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