forum writing club. (Open)
Started by @IcarusFightsTheSun book

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@Serenity88 group


is its in my wings universe, so everybody has wings. the protagonist has two siblings; she is the middle.
her ability is that she doesnt dream, but can 'Dreamgaze' into others' dreams. she can only see into the dreams of:
}someone she is close to
}someone who she is looking for (that never happens though)
}or someone who is having a more kind of dream. yk, the ones that are more vivid, more memorable, more emotionally significant. those dreams basically leap into her mind, clamoring with intensity.

her siblings are the only ones who know. they learned to lucid dream, that way they can talk and fool around in their dreams together. she has a strong moral code, so she doesnt get close to anyone because she sees accidentally 'Dreamgazing' them as a biiiigggg violation of privacy.

what do you guys think? this is all I have rn, but does it sound cool? pending name is "Dreamscapes".

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

fantasy swearing, any ideas?

"Why, you little mewling quim, why would you ask that? You know you're gonna get nothing but a load of troll dung in these comments, right? What an absolute Village Idiot thing to ask!
I mean really, maggots-for-brains, what in Helheim were you thinking?"

that's awesome, honestly i'd use those irl too

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

fantasy swearing, any ideas?

"Why, you little mewling quim, why would you ask that? You know you're gonna get nothing but a load of troll dung in these comments, right? What an absolute Village Idiot thing to ask!
I mean really, maggots-for-brains, what in Helheim were you thinking?"

I hate that I saw “mewling quim” and just remembered Loki saying that in the Avengers