forum writing club. (Open)
Started by @IcarusFightsTheSun book

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@im-with-stoopid pets

How did you guys come up with a series-wide title for your writing? I realize I just been calling my project the "Everchill shenanigans" and while endearing, it doesn't really match the gritty, angsty, main-character meltdown I had in mind

I've been thinking of calling it Red Snow, but that's already been used, and I think I could come up with something better-
Lost in Blood and Bone was another idea, but I don't like it much- very fitting, but I think it's a bit too edgy
I also thought of Sharpened Stones- huge maybe, but I think it's alright, if a little long

Ultimately I know the most about my writing, so I know it's best for me to figure it out myself- I've just been blanking a lot lately. Hopefully the holiday break helps with that.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Realistically? I went on a fantasy book title generator and compiled a list, and then mixed a couple of them together to get “Beneath the Heavens.” Funny enough I was also thinking about “Thorns and Roses” but I didn’t know at the time that “A Court of Thorns and Roses” was already a book. Imagine my surprise when I saw it at the local Walmart book section.

I will say though it took a lot of time and thinking about titles beforehand, and I’m still not sure if it fits the story as much as I’d like it to.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

I had some help when coming up with the series name but I think it works since the name is “Steam and Sorcery” and the world that my series takes place in is, admittedly, heavily based on a steampunk version of D&D… but if I find out that name is taken then 🤷‍♀️ I’ll figure something else out.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Okay, so I’m currently reading a new series, and I'm in love
The first book is called Convergence, it’s by Craig Alanson, and it’s an adult fiction/fantasy ✨without any spicy themes!!✨
Lots of cursing, though, and only one mention of nudity as far as I know
It’s comedic, but it’s not a comedy, so that’s great

Basic synopsis: the main character, Kazimir Wolfe, is a wizard living in modern-day America. The secondary main character is a talking dog named Duke, who can talk because he’s possessed by the spirit of a 3,000 year old wizard from Babylon named Marduk. The world currently has little to no magical energy, but the world starts to converge with the Nether, and therefore magic is coming back. Since this would destroy the world, Kaz has to stop it. Uh yeah

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

Crackling creek

running through the trees, jumping over logs. nothing could stop her, not anymore. she only slowed down as the tarein became familiar, that mossy rock, the tree she carved a long, long time ago. was it really so long already? when she would dance with her friends and beloved, among the brambles and bushes?

there. she could hear babbling brook, the singing stream that changed her. never. never would she be the same after her love hopped over the line, crossed into the other side.

there. she saw it. she heard it. that dazzling smile, such charming laughter. Every time she came to the creek she fell in love all over. her love on the other side of the water, beckoning, taunting her to just take a few more steps. there were the river steps, there was her love, but neither of them would ever cross the stepping stones again.

like always she smiled back, back at the one she loved on the other side, asked them to come back. her heart broke, just like every time before. she knew her love would never come back and she could never join, on the other side. so she left. her feet, dragging in the underbrush, her tears left at the creek.

@im-with-stoopid pets

How did you guys come up with a series-wide title for your writing? I realize I just been calling my project the "Everchill shenanigans" and while endearing, it doesn't really match the gritty, angsty, main-character meltdown I had in mind

Urk, I've got a few more ideas I'm debating on.

  • Blade's End
  • A Storm of Cinders
  • Tattered Legacy
  • Winterflames

Also, if I'm being honest, Lost in Blood and Bone is starting to grow on me- little edgy, but so is the protag

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

How did you guys come up with a series-wide title for your writing? I realize I just been calling my project the "Everchill shenanigans" and while endearing, it doesn't really match the gritty, angsty, main-character meltdown I had in mind

Urk, I've got a few more ideas I'm debating on.

  • Blade's End
  • A Storm of Cinders
  • Tattered Legacy
  • Winterflames

Also, if I'm being honest, Lost in Blood and Bone is starting to grow on me- little edgy, but so is the protag

I love Winterflames. Also i think "Blood and Bone" is a thing already, though that doesn't have to matter, I suppose

@im-with-stoopid pets

Urk- For whatever reason, I can't decide on literally ANYTHING about this spin-off excerpt whatever-it-is, so here's a bit of the draft before I decide to delete it- I'll probably rewrite it someplace else in the timeline because I'm out of ideas of how to extend what's here.

Also, content warning, near-death situation and grieving(?). I know not everyone's in the mood for that, so I'll spoiler it-

Alternatively, I'll write some fluff and come back to this later- I'll think on it

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Urk- For whatever reason, I can't decide on literally ANYTHING about this spin-off excerpt whatever-it-is, so here's a bit of the draft before I decide to delete it- I'll probably rewrite it someplace else in the timeline because I'm out of ideas of how to extend what's here.

Also, content warning, near-death situation and grieving(?). I know not everyone's in the mood for that, so I'll spoiler it-

Alternatively, I'll write some fluff and come back to this later- I'll think on it

Why does the last part sort of remind me of The Terror? (in a very good way!)
Very eerie, I like it

@im-with-stoopid pets

I've been back to making a fantasy creatures again, and if I'm being honest, I feel like my species names are too Monster Hunter-y

Example, I have this otter/crocodile/seal and I've decided on calling it a Drehadlago.
It comes from "comadreja," which is Spanish for "weasel" (close enough to otter) and "lago," which is Spanish for "lake." I swapped the j for an h to keep the pronunciation, and the first half kinda looks like "dread," which is fitting because they are aggressive ambush predators.

But is it too much? Like, if you saw that word on a page, would you get caught up on trying to sound it out? I feel like that's my main issue with fantasy names- it's too fantastical. I've been looking into Monster Hunter etymology lately, and I feel like it's starting to leak into my original stuff, for better or for worse.

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question for ya'll: How do you describe a characters appearance in story? I feel like anytime I try to describe extensively what a character looks like and is wearing, it feels clunky and breaks flow in the writing

@spacebluelily language

i write little hints of how they look
smth like "they pushed back a strand of black hair from their face" or have a character comment on their clothing.

@Serenity88 group

I do the same thing;
The wind ruffed her raven hair
His green eyes roved over her face
they pursed their pale lips

idk, random lil bits. hope this helps!

@Serenity88 group

rIIIIIIght so ik Ive put this doc up on this chat a LOT, but I need you guys to see the last bit!! some of you may have seen the fourth (I think? not counting lol) installment, but I finished it so ye

pls rate 1/10 + feedback! how'd I do?? I've been thinking of this scene a lot so I finally wrote and yayyy it turned out better than the original draft!

@Serenity88 group

rIIIIIIght so ik Ive put this doc up on this chat a LOT, but I need you guys to see the last bit!! some of you may have seen the fourth (I think? not counting lol) installment, but I finished it so ye

pls rate 1/10 + feedback! how'd I do?? I've been thinking of this scene a lot so I finally wrote and yayyy it turned out better than the original draft!

poke poke
Yo I wanna know how I did, pls someone critique or compliment it or something😭

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

rIIIIIIght so ik Ive put this doc up on this chat a LOT, but I need you guys to see the last bit!! some of you may have seen the fourth (I think? not counting lol) installment, but I finished it so ye

pls rate 1/10 + feedback! how'd I do?? I've been thinking of this scene a lot so I finally wrote and yayyy it turned out better than the original draft!

poke poke
Yo I wanna know how I did, pls someone critique or compliment it or something😭

IM ON IT… in the morning, it's past midnight =w=

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Would anyone want to read/evaluate my idea/backstory document?

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This is essentially just a writing dump for my backstory for a dnd character