forum writing club. (Open)
Started by @IcarusFightsTheSun book

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@im-with-stoopid pets

Considering a mild to major overhaul of my worldbuilding because I'm beginning to realize how many plot holes the original plot had

Like a block of Swiss chess that's been used as a substitute for ballistic gel

@Serenity88 group

(yessss firefly is great. the movie Serenity is slightly less great, everyone is tired and less silly, but its great if you love high-stakes action with lots of ass-kickery)

@the-void-phantasmic language

When I have a character I primarily write with they/them pronouns, so it would make more sense to call them a little sibling, but they ✨technically✨ don’t mind being referred to as a male, so I’m allowed to call them a little brother and it sounds better imo

I’m the Sovereign Supreme Overlord of my universes and I can do whatever the fuck I want <3

@im-with-stoopid pets

Quotes from Stubs' 3am Rough Draft!

  • "The undergrowth was alive with life."

  • "He always smelled like beef. The rotten kind, too."

  • "Tommahud ate like a dog, which made sense." (No elaboration on why it makes sense.)

  • "[Placeholder Name] suffered an acute lactose intolerance, which was funny because her matern was a baker. It had become a game of sorts to guess whether her'd be regular or green with illness."

  • "It's sort of like an egg, but it's a rock. And it's pointy. So, it's not like an egg at all."

@the-void-phantasmic language

Yo I have a question.
So I’m writing a character in a Hunger Games AU with sensory issues, and while I have sensory issues myself they’re mostly auditory and that’s not what I’m going for here.
So when the tributes get all dressed up for the tribute parade and stuff, I don’t imagine that the Capitol stylists would normally use products (hair, makeup, etc) that are friendly to those with sensitive skin or sensory issues, and I was wondering how exactly to write about that, if that makes sense at all.

Deleted user

Yo I have a question.
So I’m writing a character in a Hunger Games AU with sensory issues, and while I have sensory issues myself they’re mostly auditory and that’s not what I’m going for here.
So when the tributes get all dressed up for the tribute parade and stuff, I don’t imagine that the Capitol stylists would normally use products (hair, makeup, etc) that are friendly to those with sensitive skin or sensory issues, and I was wondering how exactly to write about that, if that makes sense at all.

for makeup:

it feels like there's something caked on your face that you need to get off, like dust. it's hard to resist the urge to lick lips with lipstick on, which feels like sticky paint. eyeliner and eyeshadow makes the eyes itch and water, and I find myself constantly rubbing/pressing my eyes to relieve the discomfort.

for clothes:

leather can feel stiff, like its syffocating the skin, when its not loose enough. sequins feel terrible. I personally can't wear them because I feel as though I need to walk with my arms out to keep them from rubbing against the plastic, which feels like a thousand fingernails digging into your skin. itchy tags is a stabbing pain. belts/corsets/bodices that are too tight cause stomach ache after a while. there are some fabrics that can become staticky and cling to skin, which is hell. jewelry can feel cold on a bare neck, or just generally annoying if it's too close to it (doesn't have to be a choker), or slides down the back if it's long, or gets under the shirt, etc… bracelets that are too loose and slide down the wrist when the forearm is positioned vertically are annoying as well. trying to get a zip-up dress/shirt off when the zipper is small or hard to zip is one of the most stressful things ever, especially when the dress is tight. shoes that aren't tight enough will rub against the skin and feel hard to walk quickly in, but shoes that are so tight they crush your toes are worse.

hope this helps

@im-with-stoopid pets

Came up a with reasonable birth-to-death story for Hartka and weaved her into the main plot in a day, meanwhile this Tommad one-shot has been taking me two weeks of on-and-off writing and I have a single paragraph that I might get rid of-

How's everyone else's writing doing?

@the-void-phantasmic language

Came up a with reasonable birth-to-death story for Hartka and weaved her into the main plot in a day, meanwhile this Tommad one-shot has been taking me two weeks of on-and-off writing and I have a single paragraph that I might get rid of-

How's everyone else's writing doing?

Oof, that’s a mood.
Currently, I’m working on the timeline for my multifandom Hunger Games AU while procrastinating the timelines of my Outcast project and Fallen Light, and on the side I’m working on assets for one of my visual novels
(This sounds like a lot more than I’m actually doing lmao)

Deleted user

Came up a with reasonable birth-to-death story for Hartka and weaved her into the main plot in a day, meanwhile this Tommad one-shot has been taking me two weeks of on-and-off writing and I have a single paragraph that I might get rid of-

How's everyone else's writing doing?

woah congrats! character lore is so hard imo

my writings doing OK I guess? I feel likei have concepts. I have ideas. I just cannot put them into writing

also unrelated am I the only one who hates writing sad stuff for my characters??? like while I used to be crazy angsty now I feel like I'm always like "and she loves her family :) and he has a wife and kids:) and they're best friends :) and he runs in the woods and swims in the sea :) and anything bad that happens to them is for comedic effect :) or its in stark contrast to everything else also he lives in a lighthouse and calmly watches the water"

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Came up a with reasonable birth-to-death story for Hartka and weaved her into the main plot in a day, meanwhile this Tommad one-shot has been taking me two weeks of on-and-off writing and I have a single paragraph that I might get rid of-

How's everyone else's writing doing?

At a Complete standstill, one that i cant seem to get out of.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

How's everyone else's writing doing?

Umm… not too bad I think. I've made progress on a fanfiction story I've been wanting to write for a while. And I think I have two "original" ideas for different stories… one of them is for a series ☺️