forum writing club. (Open)
Started by @IcarusFightsTheSun book

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Kissing only needs to be super descriptive is you're being spicy with it methinks

or if it's an important plot point

when is kissing a plot point simply due to organic plot and not as an excuse to be spicy

@im-with-stoopid pets

Totally not forcing myself to write something because I forgot about NaNo-
In my defense, it was the end of a semester and the profs LOVE to pile on work at the ends of semesters

May or may not plop the finished product here, depends on how long it ends up being-

@im-with-stoopid pets

Totally not forcing myself to write something because I forgot about NaNo-
In my defense, it was the end of a semester and the profs LOVE to pile on work at the ends of semesters

May or may not plop the finished product here, depends on how long it ends up being-

200 words in 3 hours haha the train has stopped chugging

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Yay! Thanks! I hope you like it.

The Chronicles of Stormholm: Alaric’s Memoir
A Wizards Prelude

In the quiet hush of my study in Stormholm Manor, my home, where the air thrums with the subtle cadence of everyday magic, I, Alaric Stormweaver, am compelled to put quill to parchment and write out my story. My memories, both wonderful and somber, swirl in my mind like the spells I cast as easily as breathing these days. A chronicle of the magic that has been woven into the fabric of my life. As the embers of time smolder, one must stoke the flames of remembrance. So, for the sake of those who come after, let my tale unfold.

In the twilight of my youth, when the world was a tapestry yet unknown to me, I embarked on a journey that would etch its saga into the very fabric of my being. It began not with a thunderous clash of swords or a burst of arcane brilliance but with a simple decision that was made in the halls of Stormholm, a place that had always been my sanctuary and my lineage. A manor that was a testament to the convergence of arcane energies and familial ties, which stood proudly amid meadows and ancient woods that bore witness to a heritage steeped in magic and mystery.

My earliest recollection of the place is in the flickering glow of enchanted candles, illuminating the ornate library which was considered the heart of the manor, where the whispers of ancient tomes resonated with the present. I often found solace in the library under the watchful gaze of Isolde Nightshade, the venerable custodian of knowledge. It was there with her that the embers of my magical journey truly stirred. Every book on those shelves bore the weight of countless spells and the musings of generations past.

My parents were skilled in the arcane arts, and they had paved a path in the labyrinth of magic. They, like their ancestors, left a trail of sparks that eventually fed my own flame. In the quietude of Stormholm Manor, where the walls echoed with the incantations of the legendary Stormweavers from the past.

Their written words echoed within the pages of the sanctuary that was the library and blurred the boundary between the mundane and the mystical. Isolde, her Elvin eyes gleaming with the ages, guided me through those ancient tomes. She unveiled the secrets of incantations, the delicate dance of glyphs, and the profound resonance of words spoken into spells. In fact, her early teachings may have given me my headstart during my years of academia.

My parents, too, played their part in unraveling the tapestry of magic. Their tutelage molded the raw essence of my abilities into a refined craft. In the glow of enchanted candles, I began my journey into the realms of the arcane, a journey that would take me far beyond the sheltered halls of Stormholm.

The manor echoed with the laughter of my parents, their spells dancing in the air like spectral symphonies. It was a legacy steeped in magic and mystery, a heritage that beckoned me to explore the uncharted territories of my own potential.

So, with the echoes of familial spells as my guide, I embarked on a journey that would unfurl like the pages of a well-worn grimoire. A journey where each step resonated with the incantations of the past and the promises of the future.

As I reflect upon my youth, I see the outlines of destiny sketched by unseen hands. There was a call, a beckoning from the arcane tapestry that threads through Feyoria. It led me to the venerable halls of magicians and the chaotic dance of adventurers.

It is here that my narrative unfurls like the sails of an airship. A chronicle that begins not with the dust of time settling upon memories, but with the vibrancy of experiences yearning to be relived.

So, my dear reader, join me in the reminiscence of my youth, of arcane discoveries, and uncharted territories where destiny awaited. Together, let us embark on this odyssey through time, where the weave and tapestry of magic await us. And I hope that this will be the first of many adventures for you.

Alaric Stormweaver

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

All I can say is lots of practice. I’ve been trying to write for fun like this since high school, at least, and I never wanted to share anything before. This is a big step for me to ask for other people's opinions.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Oh see I’ve just entered high school and started writing for real like uhhh last year I think?
Nice to know it takes just as much practice as art does, it took a long ass time for me to be confident in art as well

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Yeah. I’m no artist but it does take a while. And it helps to read a lot too. Get a feel for your writing style by seeing how other people write. And even though it’s not really made for this kind of writing, I use Grammarly quite a bit and there is nothing wrong with using an AI website to proofread or offer suggestions…

@im-with-stoopid pets

Grammarly is fine for narratives imo! The whole premium errors thing ticks me off, but at the very least it highlights the error- rephrasing the sentence usually gets rid of it. Personal dictionary definitely helps if it keeps trying to correct your fantasy names and such.

I'm kinda up in the air about the Grammarly AI. Sometimes it reminds me of a better word that I just forgot existed, and other times it just rewrites what I have but worse.