forum writing club. (Open)
Started by @IcarusFightsTheSun book

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@im-with-stoopid pets

Writing a jerk protagonist?
Just realized that my man is a bastard for the entire first series up until Book Four's Falling Action/Resolution, if not, until the second series.
He develops and stuff through the first series, yeah, but the jerk-ness doesn't go away until he has to start dealing with the consequences of Book Four's Climax.
Maybe I should re-plot some stuff?

@im-with-stoopid pets

If it helps, the protag in question (you know him, ame) is sort of a mixed bag. He's trying to improve himself in the first series, but he can't improve because he's stuck on his past grudges. (War and all that stuff, y'know?)
Book Four happens, and big realization happens, builds up to actual improvement in the second series. And an existential crisis, too.

Deleted user

personally I really like bastard protagonists if other people acknowledge, are frustrated by, and/or react to the fact that he's a bastard, so long as the narration doesn't excuse his bastarding as being "misunderstood" or smth

@im-with-stoopid pets

Yeah, he's definitely not getting praised for being a menace. People are genuinely frustrated with him, and he does have his moments of reflection. It's just that his whole mindset is way off because he's been a misanthrope for a long while. Survival of the fittest, and let the weak die, that kind of thing.

I'll try not to have the narration support him too much. It is from his POV, but I wouldn't want to overdo it- ^^;

Deleted user

What are some of yalls favorite things/topics to write about?

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

okay so I have decided that I'm going to write a oneshot for my fic that takes place literally YEARS after where I'm currently writing because what the hell, new content just dropped, giving me a setting for the idea I already had so why not, right?

anyway, time to write a reunion scene!

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

hey guys, i need y'all to tell me if you love it or hate it.
so, i was thinking about the theory that if magic has a system, it's actually a science. sooo i thought, 'well, does my magic system really have to be so defined?' so my system kinda boils down to this:

  • no one really knows where magic came from
  • magic is in virtually all things but isn't actually a part of them and can usually be separated
  • things (and people) generally gather magic, then release it to cast spells 'n stuff
  • and in true fairytale style, things can just kind of… happen, ig. Sometimes if you wish hard enough, yeah, it may happen. or maybe if you're just a really big jerk, who knows? you could just become a snake or somethin', idk.

@Serenity88 group

hey guys, i need y'all to tell me if you love it or hate it.
so, i was thinking about the theory that if magic has a system, it's actually a science. sooo i thought, 'well, does my magic system really have to be so defined?' so my system kinda boils down to this:

  • no one really knows where magic came from
  • magic is in virtually all things but isn't actually a part of them and can usually be separated
  • things (and people) generally gather magic, then release it to cast spells 'n stuff
  • and in true fairytale style, things can just kind of… happen, ig. Sometimes if you wish hard enough, yeah, it may happen. or maybe if you're just a really big jerk, who knows? you could just become a snake or somethin', idk.

I actually really like this idea. 👍

Deleted user

hey guys, i need y'all to tell me if you love it or hate it.
so, i was thinking about the theory that if magic has a system, it's actually a science. sooo i thought, 'well, does my magic system really have to be so defined?' so my system kinda boils down to this:

  • no one really knows where magic came from
  • magic is in virtually all things but isn't actually a part of them and can usually be separated
  • things (and people) generally gather magic, then release it to cast spells 'n stuff
  • and in true fairytale style, things can just kind of… happen, ig. Sometimes if you wish hard enough, yeah, it may happen. or maybe if you're just a really big jerk, who knows? you could just become a snake or somethin', idk.

I like it a lot a lot :D

@im-with-stoopid pets

Not me working on lore for, like, three separate things at the same time-
Totally not freaking out because I may or may not have misplaced someone, and I won't know until I find them

@im-with-stoopid pets

May or may not have picked up the habit of referring to mothers and fathers as "materns" and "paters" in my writing because Latin is neat, but now I have no idea what to call other family relations because they don't translate as well-

Sister - Soror
Brother - Frater
Aunt - Matertera
Uncle - Avunculus
Grandmother - Avia
Grandfather - Avus
(Note: Translations from Google Translate, so take what's here with a grain of salt.)

True, "matern" is a slight deviation from the actual translation "mater," but it's close enough to words like "maternal" that it's not too hard to guess. Making a new word for "uncle" is the big sticking point because two of the protags have uncles that are important.
Long story short, the words are not wording.

Ugh, I've been thinking about this for a while, and I may have come up with a solution?
SO ramble time.

Paters and materns will stay as replacements for fathers and mothers, respectively.
Siblings are called kindreds.
Nephews/nieces are both called kinskids (as in, kindred's kids).
Uncles and Aunts are called Patons and Matas.
Grandfathers and Grandmothers are called Granpats and Grams.

And, uh, everything unmentioned, I either didn't think about it, or it's not important-
Can't wait to forget my own reference sheet, like, 3 pages in-

Deleted user

ok ok
but an immersive writing session on YouTube and hot chocolate is an excellent way to write.

I love those fantasy sort of playlists for writing:)

when and where do yall do your best writing? most of mine is at night right before bed or in the car.


ok ok
but an immersive writing session on YouTube and hot chocolate is an excellent way to write.

I love those fantasy sort of playlists for writing:)

when and where do yall do your best writing? most of mine is at night right before bed or in the car.

It really depends for me

Most of the time i stare at a blank Word doc for like an hour, no matter when or where i'm trying to write haha

@Serenity88 group

ahhhhh im writing and the girl is losing her freaking mind cause she got bit by a plant she's allergic too Aaaand yeh imma put it here so you can read it im so glad I got to writing today😎

ive put this document here multiple times, so just skip to the third installment 😅