forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

I'm using this site that makes you type and when you stop it plays annoying things in your ear until you keep typing again, but I stopped for too long and now it's playing peanut butter jelly time in my ear nonstop

Deleted user

I’ve also improved my diet, I’ve been eating more and drinking more liquid. Maybe I have food poising, I’m not sure. My body feels hot all the time, even when I’m outside in the Maryland cold. I’ve never felt this bad, well besides my vomit fits I had in 6th-8th grade.

Deleted user

Yes. It’s been happening for like a week, but it’s worse today.

I think you just have to start eating more for your heart.

Go to the nurse.

Deleted user

Also I already went to the nurse, they think it’s my body getting used to my new diet, it could be the case.

@Pickles group

I'm using this site that makes you type and when you stop it plays annoying things in your ear until you keep typing again, but I stopped for too long and now it's playing peanut butter jelly time in my ear nonstop


@Pickles group

Posted this in the Rudeness Chat but here ya go (again)
IM GONNA KILL A BITCH maybe not kill, but beat up.
So we were in sectionals today, and the last chair freshman (lets call him A. A for asshole-dickhead-bitchass-shitfaced-dumbshit-brat) is running his mouth off as usual, talking about how no one wants to be here and we don't need to work on this, this is a waste of time, etc, etc.
So I, the person leading sectionals, try to ignore him, also as usual. We're supposed to be working on a song that mostly deals with tone and playing the right notes. There are a lot of key signatures. So I tell everyone to write in the notes. This little punk continues saying that it's not important and we don't need to do this. I tell him to write in the notes. He doesn't. I circle around once everyone's practicing on their own and make sure they actually have stuff written in. I get to him. I write in EVERY SINGLE NOTE and I'm very close to starting to draw in the fingerings. We begin to work on stuff. He still misses notes and continues making rude comments towards all of us.
I tell everyone to play the right notes or I'll hit them. He says something about how I won't. I tell him I will. Another kid says, "She'll slap you down in one hit. She'll beat your ass. I know her." Which is not entirely true, I will beat him, but I can't hit that hard. A starts to laugh. I ask if he thinks it's funny. He says he doesn't doubt I'll hit him. I tell him it won't be funny.
We continue. He starts making quiet remarks. The girl next to him, let's call her S, the principle of their part kindly tells him to stop and to pay attention. I try to continue. All this time, he's screwing up everything, even the stuff I know he has written in because I'm the one that wrote it in. Every time we stop, I hear A arguing with S.
We get to the point where we have five minutes before we need to pack up. I say, "let's go over this section and then we'll leave."
I hear S say, "yes I know, but I've asked you to stop and you aren't so please stop." S is sooo patient. I can tell she's getting frustrated. This happens every time we have sectionals. He says, "well you don't have to be such a bitch." Plus he called me a bitch last week after I called him out. That doesn't bother me. (I said, "yeah I'm a bitch, but I can be more of a bitch so stfu and pay attention"). But this sweet, innocent bean is in no way a bitch. So I told him that not everyone that opposes him is a bitch and he needs to shut up.
We go through the thing one more time, which is not as much as I wanted, but we've wasted too much time.
All through sectionals, he was messing easy shit up and making rude comments and not paying attention. I didn't add it all in because there's not enough time in the world and I was trying to ignore it.

I went to my next class shaking and breathing heavily. And my vision was blurry. I'm still shaking and it's hard to swallow

Sorry for taking up so much space, but I really had to rant.
If you're going to respond, which you don't have to, just @ me instead of quoting the whole thing

Deleted user

Okay, so…..
turns out my best friend is pregnant.

Does she know the father? Is she a minor? Please say she isn’t… I’m so concerned and confused

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Okay, so…..
turns out my best friend is pregnant.

Does she know the father? Is she a minor? Please say she isn’t… I’m so concerned and confused

She knows the father, and she is a minor. It was all consensual, but she didn't think it was possible because of health issues. The baby probably won't live, but she's already preparing just in case. She's two months along.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

She just found out this weekend!! She missed a couple of periods but didn't really think anything of it because of her health condition and being told by doctors she had a slim chance of ever getting pregnant.

@Pickles group

So guard practice is probably 3-7 on Wednesdays and Mondays and 3- something on Fridays but I have a babysitting thing on Wednesdays that starts at 7 which I suppose I could say I can't do anymore and asl until 3 on Fridays but I guess I could leave early. I want to do all 3 but I can't. What do I do? I'm so dumbbb and I can't make decisions

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