forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Echo_6 group

I would find something that is red. It doesn't have to be big, it could be a red bandanna. But red is a subtle reminder to "Remember Everyone Deployed."


Hi <33 I'm just really really stressed right now, tbh. My family's just a hot mess at the moment. From the outside, it probably looks fine, but it feels like shit. I hate my sister and everything about her, my mom acts like my sister and is treating my dad poorly, my brother is low-key trying to control parts of my life, and my dad's doing just about everything without ever getting thanked and mostly getting constantly criticized by my mother. A while back, my brother and father had a private conversation, and he said that if he could go back, he wouldn't have married my mother. Which means the kids are pretty much the only the kids are the only thing keeping them together, really. And since I'm the youngest, that makes me scared to leave when I'm eighteen because I think they'll split up. While that would probably be better for my father, I'm still really stressed about it, and there's not really anything I can do. I honestly don't blame my dad for not really loving my mother anymore. She's a bitch, after all, and I'm not sure why I'm so scared of them getting a divorce
Also, my therapist had me write a vent letter sort of at my family (since they're not supposed to read it or know the contents) to get some feelings out, which is all fine and good, but then my mother was trying to get me to tell her what I wrote about her in the letter. So I first said "It's kind of a personal letter", and she's like "if it's about me, then it's not personal" or some shit like that, so I eventually just said "I'd rather not talk about it". This was in a car ride, and we were silent the rest of the way, which makes me think she's mad at me for it, which makes me hella anxious
Also I sort of broke down in front of my boyfriend at school about the whole 'divorce' thing and cried for like ten minutes. So that's great..

Sorry for the wall I'm just stressed oof

Okay. Yikes.
Just remember that it's not your fault. The adults should be acting better than they are. If they split up, it's their fault. Not yours. At all.
I know the feeling of having a mom who wants to know everything. I feel your pain. I don't have any decent advice though unfortunately.
Be glad you have a supportive bf to be there for you when things get rough. That's what it's all about.

Thanks <33 I'm just kinda trying to force myself to chill out until I can see my therapist but apparently internalizing things is bad oof

@TeamMezzo group


god, i hate this. so much. i'm going through a semi-messy breakup right now, and i feel like such an asshole for breaking it off. it was the right choice for my mental health, but still. it was long-distance, and i did it via text. they don't want me to end it, and i ended it, and now i feel even worse. FUUUUUCK.

@TeamMezzo group

Well, you have to do what's best for you. you can't let your mental health suffer to make someone else happy.

but they're, like, head-over-heels for me, so i can't help but feel like a terrible person

@Althalosian-is-the-father book


god, i hate this. so much. i'm going through a semi-messy breakup right now, and i feel like such an asshole for breaking it off. it was the right choice for my mental health, but still. it was long-distance, and i did it via text. they don't want me to end it, and i ended it, and now i feel even worse. FUUUUUCK.

So what prompted you to break it off?

Deleted user

So, I bought a skirt for the veteran's day thing
It's black because goth
But still

Deleted user

Hey, I was thinking of starting a medical vent chat to move some of the health related vents out of this one. Like you could get advice on what to do, and things like that. What do y'all think?

@saor_illust school

I mean, none of us are in any way qualified to give anyone medical advice, especially if we're searching stuff up, but, anyone is certainly qualified enough, even if they've just been born, to tell someone to go to the hospital if they are really worried or just, in general don't know why [insert whatever medical thing they need help with]

Deleted user

I have a natural knack for taking care of people from my own numerous injuries and health issues…

Deleted user

I would want to steer it more towards, like, remedies for headaches, or things to help with a stomach bug, or what to do with a painful joint. You know?

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I would want to steer it more towards, like, remedies for headaches, or things to help with a stomach bug, or what to do with a painful joint. You know?

I was figuring that was more the point, and also ranting about the inconveniences of those types of things.

Deleted user

I mean, we'd have to draw a line. Like, there are certain instances where we wouldn't be able to help. But if someone had an earache or something and wanted to know what to do, we could share our helpful hacks lol.

Deleted user

Okay, I'm doing it!
What should I put in the first post? Like, this chat cannot provide help with…

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