forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I’ll just copy them here

“ I got your letter. I’m not scared. It’s common. Let me think about it overnight. Dad and I are going out after church to talk Christmas. I have some initial thoughts but would love to plan a day this week for the two of us. Maybe grandma can take the other for a couple of hours. I’m glad you reached out to me. Depression is tough. I’ve dealt with it. Dad’s had trouble and then there’s Anna. I’m afraid it must run in the family. Hang in there! I’m not ignoring you. Just not going to panic, freak out, and make everyone crazy with worry. It isn’t a life sentence. Lots we can do and we’ll make a plan and stick with it until we see some positive changes. I’d like to try stuff at home before seeing a doctor. Doctors give me the creeps. I don’t want the Department of Family Services breathing down our necks. I promise we’ll talk soon!! Within a few days. In the meantime, pray. It should always be our first treatment plan! Google saints for depression. Read about them. Pray and ask for their help. There is power in prayer!! Love you, girl! I thought you were off. Just didn’t know you were struggling this much.”
“ I meant to add, that after trying numerous things, if we don’t notice a difference, we can absolutely see the doctor. Okay?”

Deleted user

yo tomorrow is the last night for musical practice , WHAT WHAT!

Deleted user

yo tomorrow is the last night for musical practice , WHAT WHAT!

Jake we got lectured to death basically by peeps for using this as a chat, but luckily my quick thinking thought up an idea. we have a chat. I'll @ you.

@saor_illust school

hey, it's me again. i'm feeling kind of stressed and i don't even know why. not anymore. the more i think about it, the more confused i become.
it's like there's aknot in mt stomach and it won't go away. i'm trying to get some sleep right now, but i can't. it's 20 minutes past midnight, and even though i feel tired, i can't seem tosettle down and relax.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

You possibly have subconscious anxiety about something, or you gotta poop. OR you need to eat something.

Have you had any stressful situations in the past few weeks? That sometimes gives me that feeling.


Hi <33 I'm just really really stressed right now, tbh. My family's just a hot mess at the moment. From the outside, it probably looks fine, but it feels like shit. I hate my sister and everything about her, my mom acts like my sister and is treating my dad poorly, my brother is low-key trying to control parts of my life, and my dad's doing just about everything without ever getting thanked and mostly getting constantly criticized by my mother. A while back, my brother and father had a private conversation, and he said that if he could go back, he wouldn't have married my mother. Which means the kids are pretty much the only the kids are the only thing keeping them together, really. And since I'm the youngest, that makes me scared to leave when I'm eighteen because I think they'll split up. While that would probably be better for my father, I'm still really stressed about it, and there's not really anything I can do. I honestly don't blame my dad for not really loving my mother anymore. She's a bitch, after all, and I'm not sure why I'm so scared of them getting a divorce
Also, my therapist had me write a vent letter sort of at my family (since they're not supposed to read it or know the contents) to get some feelings out, which is all fine and good, but then my mother was trying to get me to tell her what I wrote about her in the letter. So I first said "It's kind of a personal letter", and she's like "if it's about me, then it's not personal" or some shit like that, so I eventually just said "I'd rather not talk about it". This was in a car ride, and we were silent the rest of the way, which makes me think she's mad at me for it, which makes me hella anxious
Also I sort of broke down in front of my boyfriend at school about the whole 'divorce' thing and cried for like ten minutes. So that's great..

Sorry for the wall I'm just stressed oof

@Pickles group

Wow. I would tell your therapist about your mom wanting to know and that you're uncomfortable with her pushing you and maybe they know some way to help? I don't know how therapists work oof

Also, it's not your fault if they get divorced when you leave. I get how it seems like it, though. And your boyfriend shouldn't judge you for having a breakdown about it, and if he does, lemme at him he's not worth it


Nah he didn't judge me or anything he's got family problems too. He tried his best to help but we are both very awkward people so he was just like "It'll be okay" but without touching me because I don't like being touched and he doesn't want to make me uncomfortable lol.
The problem is with my therapist. He's a great therapist, but I don't get to see him very often. It'll probably be two or three weeks until I get to talk to him about this

@Pickles group

I don't think so. But it was the main part, and a lot of it, so they have to rebuild all of it and it has pretty much everything the cabins had and more stuff, so it's gonna be really expensive. We might be going down there to help rebuild instead of having the retreat, but that's fine. Hopefully not too many groups back out :/

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